a and b
returning |a-b|
- AbstractChartData<N extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
An interface for chart data with a numerical data type.
- AbstractChartDataTable<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart data table with data values from type
- AbstractChartDataTable() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
- AbstractNumericalChartCanvas<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A general Chart environment with defined gaps between the canvas border and the actual chart.
- AbstractNumericalChartCanvas(String, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Create a canvas.
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A Chart with a numerical scale (only) on the y-axis.
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas(String, int, int, AbstractChartData<N>) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas
Create a canvas.
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasDouble - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart to represent
data on the y-axis of a coordinate system.
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasDouble(String, int, int, AbstractChartData<Double>) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasDouble
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasLong - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart to represent
data on the y-axis of a coordinate system.
- AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasLong(String, int, int, AbstractChartData<Long>) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvasLong
- AbstractTableFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A basic implementation of the TableFormatter interface realizing common
properties of table formatters.
- AbstractTableFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
- accept(File) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XMLFilter
Accepts all directories and xml files.
- accept(File) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XSLFilter
Accepts all directories and xsl files.
- accept(File) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CmdsFileFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.IconDirFilter
- accept(File) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SnapShotDirFilter
- AccessPoint - Interface in desmoj.core.util
An access point provides a generic interface to get attribute values from
- AccessPointTableModel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Adapter to show a map of access points in a swing table.
- AccessPointTableModel(Map) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
Creates a new table model for the given table of access points
- AccessUtil - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
Utility class for working with access points.
- AccessUtil() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
- Accumulate - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
one value.
- Accumulate(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Constructor for a Accumulate object that will be connected to a
, from which the values will be fetched.
- Accumulate(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Constructor for a Accumulate object that will not be connected to a
- Accumulate(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Constructor for a Accumulate object that will not be connected to a
- AccumulateAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of Accumulate
Double values will be collected
TypeData: Statistic.DATA_TimeSeries
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Mean_StdDev
- AccumulateAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AccumulateAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Accumulate
- AccumulateReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Accumulate.
- AccumulateReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.AccumulateReporter
Constructor for a new AccumulateReporter.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Event handler for this class.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Event handler for the items in the context menu.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
Called by popup menu items to show statistics in InfoPane.
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.Click
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.HelpDialogTemplate
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
set its by click invisible, when its empty
Listener is set in Constructor of TabContent
- activate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules the SimProcess to be activated at the current simulation time.
- activate(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules the SimProcess to be activated at the given point in
simulation time.
- activate(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules the SimProcess to be activated after a given span of
simulation time.
- activateAfter(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules this SimProcess to be activated directly after the given
Schedulable, which itself is already scheduled.
- activateBefore(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules this SimProcess to be activated directly before the given
Schedulable, which itself is already scheduled.
- activateInterArrivalTimeTally(Class<? extends Reporter>, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Activates the inter-arrival-time Tally to observe the timespans between
calls of the update-Method.
- activateInterArrivalTimeTally(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Activates the inter-arrival-time Tally to observe the timespans between
calls of the update-Method.
- activateInterArrivalTimeTally() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Activates the inter-arrival-time Tally to observe the timespans between
calls of the update-Method.
- activatePreempt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules the SimProcess to be activated immediately at the given point in
simulation time, implicitly stalling the current process until the activated process withdraws
program control, referred to as process preemption.
- add(E, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Adds an entity (type E) to the range of this distribution, unless it is
already present.
- add(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Adds an entity (type E) to the range of this distribution, unless it is
already present.
- add(O) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Adds a new sample entry at the end of the entry list.
- add(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the sum of the given TimeSpan
- add(TimeSpan, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new Time Instant determined from the instant passed to this
method plus the time span passed to method.
- add(TimeInstant, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new Time Instant determined from the instant passed to this
method plus the time span passed to method.
- add(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Adds an Element to the end of the DataList.
- add(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should add a graphical observer to the context.
- add(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Adds a new graphical observer to the desktop
- add(EntityScheduleEntry) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
fuegt dem Schedule ein EntityScheduleEntry hinzu
- add(Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Adds 2 length objects.
- add(EntryAnimation<Proc, Res>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
- add(E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- addAll(Collection<O>) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Adds all elements of a given Collection to the entry list.
- addBlock(Block) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for producers to make the Yard add a block.
- addCell(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Row
Adds a cell with the given value to this row
- addComponent(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Adds a SimProcess as a component to this ComplexSimProcess.
- addControlEventListener(ControlEventListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Adds a ControlEventListener for receiving the ControlEvents from
the VisualModules
- addCrane(Crane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
This method is used to add a crane to the cranes queue of this
- addDebugReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Adds a messagereceiver for debugnotes to the experiment.
- addElement(Document, Element, String, String, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
adds an Element with one attribut to a DOM-tree.
- addElement(Document, Element, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
adds an Element with two attributs to a DOM-tree.
- addEntity(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
fuegt neues Entity Objekt in content Liste am Anfang eingefuegt.
- addEntry(double, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Adds a new entry of an empirical value and its associated cumulative
- addEntry(N, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Adds a new entry of an empirical value and its associated frequency.
- addEntry(String[], String[], long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
adds set of process- and resource-entities to process.
- addEntry(String[], int, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
adds set of process- and no. of resources to process.
- addEntryPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- addEntryPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Adds an entry point to this SpatialObject.
- addEntryPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- addEntryPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- addEntryPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- addErrorReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Adds a messagereceiver for error messages to the experiment.
- addExitPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- addExitPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Adds an exit point to this SpatialObject.
- addExitPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- addExitPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- addExitPoint(String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- addExperimentListener(ExperimentListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Adds a listener to the contained experiment's running status
- addHeadingCell(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Row
Adds a heading cell with the given value to this row
- addJob(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
This method is used to add the job to the transport control to get
assigned to a transporter.
- addJob(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
This method is used to add the job to the jobs queue of this
- addLast(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
Adds a report to the very end of the vector hanlded by this
- addLegend(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Adds a new legend item at the bottom of the panel in a new color.
- addModule(VisualModule) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Registers a VisualModule to the VisualizationController.
- addObserver(Observer<T, X>) - Method in interface desmoj.core.observer.Subject
This method adds an observer to the subject
- addObserver(Observer<T, X>) - Method in class desmoj.core.observer.SubjectAdministration
Adds an observer to the observer list
- addObserver(Observer<QueueBased, QueueBased.QueueAction>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
- addPart(Class, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Adds a pair of [kind of part, quantity of that kind of part] to the
- addPossibleAttribut(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
add an attribute-key as possible
- addPossibleAttribute(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
Defines possible Attributes
Unvalid signs ;,:| are changed to _
- addPossibleState(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
Defines the possible states and with which icon this state will be animated.
- addProcess(E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The addPropertyChangeListener method was generated to support the
propertyChange field.
- addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The addPropertyChangeListener method was generated to support the
propertyChange field.
- addReceiver(MessageReceiver, Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Adds a messagereceiver for the given subtype of message to the
- addRoot(Component) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
Hinzufuegen einer Komponente zur Liste der Parrent Komponenten
- addSimClockListener(SimClockListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Adds a listener to the contained experiment's sim clock
- addSimRunListener(SimRunListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
adds a new SimRunListener.
- addSpatialObject(String, SpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Register a new SpatialObject.
- addStatistic(String, String, int, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
fuegt neues Statistic Objekt in content Liste am Anfang eingefuegt.
- addSumDistanceEmptyDrives(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the whole distance of the empty drives of all the transporters to
a new value.
- addSumDistanceLoadedDrives(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the whole distance of the loaded drives of all the transporters to
a new value.
- addSumLoadTime(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Change the whole time that all the cranes needed to load the transporters
to a new value.
- addSumNumEmptyDrives(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the number of the empty drives of all the transporters to a new
- addSumNumLoadedDrives(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the number of the loaded drives of all the transporters to a new
- addSumNumLoadedUnits(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Change the number of the loaded units of all the cranes to a new value.
- addSumNumUnloadedUnits(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Change the number of the unloaded units of all the cranes to a new value.
- addSumTimeEmptyDrives(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the whole time of the empty drives of all the transporters to a
new value.
- addSumTimeLoadedDrives(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Change the whole time of the loaded drives of all the transporters to a
new value.
- addSumUnloadTime(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Change the whole time that all the cranes needed to unload the
transporters to a new value.
- addTimeSeries(ChartDataTimeSeries) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Add a chart data of a TimeSeries to this canvas.
- addTimeSeries(TimeSeries) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Adds another TimeSeries statistic object which will be displayed in the chart, using a default legend entry.
- addTimeSeries(TimeSeries, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Adds another TimeSeries statistic object which will be displayed in the chart.
- addToContainer(String, E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
add an entity value with id entityId in to container
- addToContainer(String, int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
add entity to container
- addToContainer(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
add entityId at sourceId on route
- addToContainerAfter(String, int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
Add entity after a given entity
- addToContainerBefore(String, int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
Add entity before a given entity
- addTraceReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Adds a messagereceiver for tracenotes to the experiment.
- addTrack(Track) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Register a new track.
- addTransporter(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
This method is used to add a transporter (external/internal) to the
transporter queue of this CranesSystem.
- addTransporter(InternalTransporter) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
This method is used by an internal transporter to inform his transporter
control that he is idle now (without a job).
- addTransporter(InternalTransporter) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
This method is used to add an internal transporter to the transporter
queue of this TransporterSystem.
- addValue(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
add a value to a parameter
- addValueCat(String[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
add a value with value-component to a parameter
- addVisualEventListener(VisualEventListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventTransmitter
Registers a new VisualEventListener to the SpatialMovementManager.
- Aggregate - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is simply counting (aggregating) a continuous (i.e. double)
value during an experiment.
- Aggregate(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Constructor for a Aggregate object.
- Aggregate(Model, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Constructor for a Aggregate object.
- AggregateAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of Aggregate
Double values will be aggregated
TypeData: Statistic.DATA_Observations
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Min_Max
- AggregateAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AggregateAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Aggregate
- AggregateReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Aggregate.
- AggregateReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.AggregateReporter
Constructor for a new AggregateReporter.
- allDays - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- allPartsAvailable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Checks if all parts listed in the parts list are available at the moment.
- ANIMATION_Histogram - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- ANIMATION_LastValue - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- ANIMATION_TimeValueDiagram - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- animationIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
- animationIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
gives showInAnimation switch
- applyXSL(File, File, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Transforms an xml-file (xmlFilename) using an xsl-file (xslFilename) and
writes the output into file (outputFilename).
- ArrivalProcess<S extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
is some kind of source for
- ArrivalProcess(Model, String, NumericalDist<Double>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ArrivalProcess
Constructor for an ArrivalProcess to make a certain kind of SimProcess
arrive automatically in the system at a given rate.
- ASCIIDebugOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create ASCII formatted Simulation Debug Output.
- ASCIIDebugOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIDebugOutput
Create a new ASCIIDebugOutput class *
- ASCIIDebugOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIDebugOutput
Create a new ASCIIDebugOutput class
- ASCIIErrorOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create ASCII formatted Simulation Error Output.
- ASCIIErrorOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIErrorOutput
Create a new ASCIIDErrorOutput class *
- ASCIIErrorOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIErrorOutput
Create a new ASCIIDErrorOutput class
- ASCIIReportOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create ASCII formatted Simulation Report Output.
- ASCIIReportOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIReportOutput
Create a new ASCIIDReportOutput class *
- ASCIIReportOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIReportOutput
Create a new ASCIIDReportOutput class
- ASCIITableFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A table formatter class for writing simulation output to tab delimited ASCII
(e.g. for import into statistics tools or spreadsheet software).
- ASCIITableFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
- ASCIITraceOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create ASCII formatted Simulation Trace Output.
- ASCIITraceOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITraceOutput
Create a new ASCIIDTraceOutput class *
- ASCIITraceOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITraceOutput
Create a new ASCIIDTraceOutput class
- assignExperimentParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ExperimentParameterManager
Method assign a value to an experiment-parameter declared
previously by calling the model's parameter-manager method
to declare an experiment-parameter
- assignExperimentParameter(String, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method assign a value to an experiment-parameter declared
previously by calling the model's parameter-manager method
to declare an experiment-parameter
- assignModelParameter(String, Object) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Method to assign a value to a model-parameter declared previously.
- assignModelParameter(String, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method to assign a value to a model-parameter declared previously.
- assignReporter(Class<? extends Reporter>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Allows to allocate a
to this Schedulable
- attach(MovableSpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- attach(MovableSpatialObject) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Snaps to another MovableSpatialObject.
- attach(MovableSpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- AttachEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
The AttachEvent indicates that a MovableSpatialObject is attached to an other.
- AttachEvent(Object, String, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.AttachEvent
Constructs an AttachEvent.
- Attribute - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
An attribute has a key, a value and a date since its valid
- Attribute(String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Attribute
- Attribute(String, String, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Attribute
- AttributeTableEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A generic editor for elements in Swing tables.
- AttributeTableEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor
Creates a new AttributeTableEditor and registers the known cell editors.
- AttributeTableEditor.AttribEditor - Interface in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A generic table cell editor interface.
- AttributeTableEditor.BooleanAttribEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A combo box editor component for boolean attributes
- AttributeTableEditor.FilenameAttribEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
An editor component for filename attributes of type desmoj.util.Filename
- AttributeTableEditor.FloatingPointNumberEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Editor for all floating point types (Float, Double)
- AttributeTableEditor.IntegerNumberEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Editor for all integer based types (Byte, Short, Integer, Long)
- AttributeTableEditor.StringEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Editor for a string component
- AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A default text editor consisting of a single TextField.
- AttributeTableEditor.TimeUnitAttribEditor - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A combo box editor component for TimeUnits
- avail(Condition<S>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the slave process waiting in the slave queue and complying to the
given condition.
- availableSet(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Returns an array of available slave SimProcesses which comply to a given
condition at this moment.
- availableSet(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
Returns an array of available slave SimProcesses which comply to a given
condition at this moment.
- availMaster(Condition<M>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the master process waiting in the master queue and complying to
the given condition.
- availMaster(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the master process waiting in the master queue and complying to
the given condition.
- availPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the avail property descriptor.
- availSlaves(Class, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns an array containing the slave processes of the given kind waiting
in their queue and complying to the given condition.
- availTransporter(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Returns a transporter process waiting in the transporter (master) queue
complying to the given condition.
- availTransporter(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
Returns a transporter process waiting in the transporter (master) queue
complying to the given condition.
- averageLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the average length of the underlying queue since the last reset.
- averageWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the average waiting time of all objects who have exited the queue.
- avgAvail() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returning the average number of products available in the bin over the
time since the last reset of the bin.
- avgAvail() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returning the average number of units available in the Stock over the
time since the last reset of the Stock.
- avgAvail() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the average number of products available in the Entrepot over the
time since the last reset of the Entrepot.
- avgAvailMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the avgAvail() method descriptor.
- avgCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Returning the average number of TEUs available in the Block over the time
since the last reset of the Block.
- avgServTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the average berthing time of the ships that have used this Berth.
- avgUsage() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the average usage of the Res.
- avgUsage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the average usage of the Berth.
- avgUsage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the average utilization of a crane of this cranes system.
- avgUsage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the average utilization of a transporter of this transporter
- BackgroundElement - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
The class describe background elements to give a structure of animation.
- BackgroundElement(Model, String, String, int, int, double, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Background element to paint a string
- BackgroundElement(Model, String, String, int, int, int, double, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Background element with all features
- BackgroundElementAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Background elements are rectangles.
- BackgroundElementAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, String, String, int, int, int, Position, Position, double, Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Build background element with fixed corners
- BackgroundElementAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, String, String, int, int, int, double, Position, Form, Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
BackgroundElement with fixed middle point
- BackgroundElementGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
The Constructor is called by BackgroundElement.createGrafic
- BackgroundElementGrafic(BackgroundElement, String, Point, Dimension, Color) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Constructor for fixed size rectangle without text
When in backgroundElement a name is set, then a border with the name is displayed.
- BackgroundElementGrafic(BackgroundElement, String, Point, Point, Color) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Constructor for dynamic size rectangle without text
When in backgroundElement a name is set, then a border with the name is displayed.
- BackgroundElementGrafic(BackgroundElement, String, Point, Color) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Constructor for fixed size rectangle with text and transparent background
When in backgroundElement a name is set, then a border with the name is displayed.
- BackgroundElementGrafic(BackgroundElement, String, Point, Point, Point, Dimension, Color, Color) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Constructor with all features
There a 2 possible cases:
(topLeft and bottomRight are both null) xor (middle and size are null)
When in backgroundElement a name is set, then a border with the name is displayed.
- BackgroundLine - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
The class describe background elements to give a structure of animation.
- BackgroundLine(Model, String, int, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
Background element to paint a line
- BackgroundLineAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Background elements are rectangles.
- BackgroundLineAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, Position, Point[], double, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundLineAnimation
paint a line in background
- BackgroundLineGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
The Constructor is called by BackgroundElement.createGrafic
- BackgroundLineGrafic(BackgroundLine, String, Point[], Color) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
Constructor with all features
There a 2 possible cases:
(topLeft and bottomRight are both null) xor (middle and size are null)
When in backgroundElement a name is set, then a border with the name is displayed.
- Basic - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Basic model-interface for every class, that have a name and a
graficical representation for animation
- BatchRunner - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
A class to run a batch of simulation experiments from the console.
- BatchRunner(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.BatchRunner
Creates a new BatchRunner that loads the given batch file.
- Berth - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Berth is the place where ships are berthing until they will be unloaded
and/or loaded.
- Berth(Model, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Constructor for a Berth with a certain length.
- Berth(Model, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Constructor for a Berth with a certain length.
- BerthReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Captures all relevant information about the Berth.
- BerthReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.BerthReporter
Constructor for a new BerthReporter.
- Bin - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Bin is the place where producers can store their products for consumers to
come and use them up.
- Bin(Model, String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Constructor for a
with a number of initial units of a product in it.
- Bin(Model, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Constructor for a
with a number of initial units of a product in it.
- Bin - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
describes a unbounded stock
- Bin(Model, String, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- BinAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animation of an Bin
- BinAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.BinAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Bin
- BinAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.BinAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Bin
- BinGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of Resource
- BinGrafic(Bin, String, Point, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- BinReporter - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Captures all relevant information about the Bin.
- BinReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.BinReporter
Constructor for a new BinReporter.
- Block - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Block is the place where containers (or other kind of goods) can be stored by
transpoters or cranes and retrieved by transporters or cranes.
- Block(Model, String, int, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Constructor for a Block of a certain typ with a certain capacity.
- Block(Model, String, int, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Constructor for a Block with an initial number of TEUs and a certain
- Block(Model, String, int, long, long, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Constructor for a Block with an initial number of TEUs, a certain
capacity and a certain container typ.
- BlockReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Captures all relevant information about the Block.
- BlockReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.BlockReporter
Constructor for a new BlockReporter.
- BoolDist - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Superclass for all distributions returning boolean samples.
- BoolDist(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDist
Constructs a distribution returning boolean samples.
- BoolDistBernoulli - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Boolean Bernoulli distribution returning
values with the
given probability.
- BoolDistBernoulli(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistBernoulli
Constructs a boolean Bernoulli distribution with the given probability to
return a "true" value.
- BoolDistBernoulliReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a BoolDistBernoulli distribution.
- BoolDistBernoulliReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.BoolDistBernoulliReporter
Creates a new BoolDistBernoulliReporter.
- BoolDistConstant - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Boolean constant "pseudo"-distribution returns a single constant predefined
boolean value.
- BoolDistConstant(Model, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistConstant
Creates a constant boolean "pseudo" distribution with the constant value
given as parameter.
- BoolDistConstantReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a BoolDistConstant distribution.
- BoolDistConstantReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.BoolDistConstantReporter
Creates a new BoolDistConstantReporter.
- BooleanAttribEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.BooleanAttribEditor
- BoolStatistic - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
a boolean value.
- BoolStatistic(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Constructor for a BoolStatistic object.
- BoolStatisticReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the BoolStatistic.
- BoolStatisticReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.BoolStatisticReporter
Constructor for a new BoolStatisticReporter.
- Border_Default - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- BOUNDARY_WIDTH - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- BrowserPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A simple HTML Browser for displaying experiment reports, traces, error- and
- BrowserPanel() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.BrowserPanel
Creates a new Browser panel
- BrowserPanel(boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.BrowserPanel
Creates a new Browser panel
- build() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
Use this method to create TimeSpan objects with the builder pattern.
- build() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder
Builds a FlexReporter from all the rows and cells that have been added to
this builder
- Builder() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- buildTimeString(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeInstant.
- buildTimeString(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeSpan.
- buildTimeString(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeInstant.
- buildTimeString(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeSpan.
- buildTimeString(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SingleUnitTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeInstant
- buildTimeString(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SingleUnitTimeFormatter
Returns the String-Representation of the given TimeSpan
- buildTimeString(TimeInstant) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.TimeFormatter
Returns the String representation of the given instant of time.
- buildTimeString(TimeSpan) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.TimeFormatter
Returns the String representation of the given span of time.
- BUNDLE_NAME - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
Resource Bundle in package_path
- ButtonTabComponent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Component to be used as tabComponent;
Contains a JLabel to show the text and
a JButton to close the tab it belongs to
used in InfoPane
- ButtonTabComponent(JTabbedPane) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ButtonTabComponent
- C_Control - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A C_Control represents the control component for the cranes.
- C_Control(Model, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
Constructor for a crane control C_Control for the cranes.
- calculateXPosition(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Calculates the x coordinate in pixels for the given x data value.
- calculateYPosition(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Calculates the y coordinate in pixels for the given y data value.
- cancel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Removes all events scheduled for this entity from the event-list.
- cancelCoop(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Removes the given process from its queue and activates it.
- cancelInterruptDelayed() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Clears the currently scheduled delayed interrupt so that it wont be
- cancelMovement() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- cancelMovement() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Cancel the movement if there is a movement performing.
- cancelMovement() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- cancelRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- cancelRotation() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Cancel the rotation if there is a rotation performing.
- cancelRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- canCooperate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
if this process can cooperate with another
- Canvas - Interface in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A general canvas representing the area to display drawings.
- CanvasCoordinateChart<N extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A canvas to display charts in a coordinate system.
- CanvasCoordinateChartInterval<N extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A canvas to display a chart with its data divided into sections of an interval.
- CanvasHistogramDouble - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A canvas to display the data from a Histogram.
- CanvasHistogramDouble(String, int, int, ChartDataHistogramDouble, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
Create a Canvas for TextHistogram.
- CanvasHistogramLong - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A canvas to display the data from a Histogram.
- CanvasHistogramLong(String, int, int, ChartDataHistogramLong, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
Create a Canvas for TextHistogram.
- CanvasTimeSeries - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A canvas to display data from multiple TimeSeries.
- CanvasTimeSeries(String, int, int, ChartDataTimeSeries, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
- capacityPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the capacity property descriptor.
- cat(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
Parameter-value-components v are connected with a value-separator to one string
- Cell(Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Cell
Constructs a cell with the given value
- changeContainer(String, String, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
An entity will be created, add or remove a container.
- changeLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Changes the length of the Berth.
- changeLimit(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Changes the limit of the available resources in the Res.
- changeParameters(double, double, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments.
- changeParameters(double[]) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments.
- changeParameters(double, double, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments.
- changeParameters(double[]) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Changes the parameters of the interval and its number of segments.
- changeProbability(E, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Adjusts the relative probability of an entity (type E from the range of
this distribution being sampled.
- changeRandomGenerator(UniformRandomGenerator) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Changes the underlying random generator to the one given as a parameter.
- changeReportParamXSLFile(URL) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
replace the report-parameters currently used
- changeTraceParamXSLFile(URL) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
replace the trace-parameters currently used
- Chart - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A GUI component (inherited from java.awt.Canvas) which displays a chart.
- Chart(ChartOwner, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Constructor of the chart.
- ChartDataHistogramDouble - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart data for a Text Histogram.
- ChartDataHistogramDouble(Model, String[], Double[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataHistogramDouble
Create an Object to represent the chart data with
data values from type long and data classes from type String.
- ChartDataHistogramLong - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart data for a Text Histogram.
- ChartDataHistogramLong(Model, String[], Long[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataHistogramLong
Create an Object to represent the chart data with
data values from type long and data classes from type String.
- ChartDataTimeSeries - Class in desmoj.core.report.html5chart
A chart data for a Time Series.
- ChartDataTimeSeries(Model, List<Double>, List<Double>, Double, Double, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Create an Object to represent the data for a TimeSeries.
- ChartOwner - Interface in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
An interface which asks for a method drawChart().
- ChartPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A GUI container (inherited from javax.swing.JPanel) which includes a header,
legend items (if needed) and a special Chart object.
- ChartPanel(ChartOwner, String, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Constructor of the chart panel.
- check(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Condition
Returns a boolean showing whether the given Entity complies to the
condition tested by this method or not.
- check() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelCondition
Returns a boolean showing whether the model complies to the
condition tested by this method or not.
- check(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.IsJobForTransporter
Returns a boolean showing whether the job for the VC has as the origin or
destination the Crane which that VC is assigned to.
- check(Truck) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MyTruck
Returns a boolean showing whether the number of the truck lane is equal
to the condition lane.
- checkAndLog(Command) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
The Method checkAndLog makes a syntax and semantic check of the generated animation commands.
- checkAvailability(Entity, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
Das values-array der schedule entries beschreiben Eigenschaften eines entries.
- checkAvailability(Entity) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
Wie oben, jedoch mit index = 0 als Default Wert.
- checkForDeadlock(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
This method is called when a SimProcess can not get the resources desired
to check if a possible deadlock situation has occured.
- chiSquareTest(long[], double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Performs Pearson's Chi-square test on given frequencies, a fixed degree of freedom and desired probability.
- chiSquareTest(long[], int, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Performs Pearson's Chi-square test on given frequencies, degrees of freedom and desired probability.
- ChooseBlockYardStrategy - Interface in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A ChooseBlockYardStrategy is an interface and presents the strategy that is
used by the
to find a certain block to store or retrieve
a container there.
- ClassBasic - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga
Basis-class for animation.model, with a getId() method.
- ClassContent<E extends ClassBasic> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga
The most classes in animation.model have a hashtable which store all instances of this class.
- ClassContent() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- clear() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Removes all Elements from this List.
- clear() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
remove all entities from route
- clearInterruptCode() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Resets the interrupt-status of this SimProcess to not interrupted.
- clearList() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Removes all entries from the sample list.
- clearProcessList() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- Click - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
ActionHandler to open a browser with given URL
- Click(URL, AppletContext) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.Click
ActionHandler to open a given url
For Desktop-Applications Desktop.browse is used.
- clockAdvanced(SimRunEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.SimClockListener
Called when the simulation clock this listener listens to is advanced.
- clockAdvanced(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Called when the currently active experiment's SimClock is advanced
- clockAdvanced(String, double, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Called by ExperimentStarter when the currently active experiment's
SimClock is advanced
- clockAdvanced(String, double, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Called by ExperimentStarter when the currently active experiment's
SimClock is advanced
- clockAdvanced(String, double, long) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
Called by ExperimentStarter when the currently active experiment's
SimClock is advanced
- clone() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Creates and returns a copy of this event.
- clone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
create an clone of an parameter, used by CommandFrame.clone
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Closes the document by closing open rows and tables and writing the
Desmo-J version footer
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Closes this DebugOut.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Closes this TraceOut.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Flushes the buffer and closes the file. note that if another file with
the same name is opened and written to, it will overwrite the previous
file on the disc without notice.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Inserts a reference to the top page and close the HTML file by writing the footing tags, flushing the buffer and
closing the file.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Close the HTML file by writing the footing tags, flushing the buffer and
closing the file.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- close() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.OutputType
Closes the file
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Closes this traceout.
- close() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should close the document
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableOutput
Closes the table output (and the assigned file).
- close() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Closes this TraceOut.
- close() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
close cmds- and log-file
- close() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLOutput
Call the super method to close the file and flush the buffers*
- closeRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes a newline character
- closeRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Writes the tag to close a row in a table to the file.
- closeRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Writes the tag to close a row in a table to the file.
- closeRow() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should close a table row
- closeRow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder
Closes the row currently under construction
- closeRow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Row
Closes the row so a new one can be opened
- closeTable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes 2 newline characters
- closeTable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to close a HTML 3.2 table into the file.
- closeTable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to close a HTML 3.2 table into the file.
- closeTable() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should close a table
- closeTableNoTopTag() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Calls closeTable
- closeTableNoTopTag() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to close a HTML 3.2 table into the file.
- closeTableNoTopTag() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to close a HTML 3.2 table into the file.
- closeTableNoTopTag() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should close a table without writing a top tag (HTML specific)
- Cmd - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Interface with some constants used in cmds-files.
- CMD_SYNTAX - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSyntax
- CmdGeneration - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
CmdGeneration manages cmd- and log-file generation
writing simTimeBound command and
converts Simtime to animationTime
- CmdGeneration(String, String, URL) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
Supportmethods of cmds-file-generation.
- CmdsFileFilter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
FileFilter for cmds-fils, used in file-open-menu
- CmdsFileFilter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CmdsFileFilter
- color(int) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Returns the colors used to draw charts.
- COLOR_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_BORDER - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_FOREGROUND - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_INFOPANE_MARKED - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_SWITCH_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_SWITCH_STOCK_BOUND - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- COLOR_ZOOM_MARKER - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- Command - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Command extends CommandFrame and implements execute().
- Command(String, String, Parameter[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Command
Constructor for CommandFrame, used for template generation
used by CommandFactory.createCommand(cmd, remark, parameter).
- COMMAND_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of command-parameter
- COMMAND_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Every command must end with this sign.
- CommandException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
This Exception is thrown when a command-error is detected
- CommandException(String, String) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandException
This Exception is thrown when a command-error is detected
- CommandFactory - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Factory to create a Command
- CommandFactory() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandFactory
- CommandSequence - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Class to read and write cmdfiles
- CommandSequence(Model, PrintWriter) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSequence
Class to read and write cmdfiles
- CommandSyntax - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
This interface describe the command syntax.
- Comment - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
A comment to paint in a animation element,
used in process and queue elements.
- Comment(String, int, int, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
A comment to paint in a animation element
- compareTo(EventNote) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Compares the given EventNote to this event-note.
- compareTo(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Compares the given TimeInstant to this TimeInstant.
- compareTo(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Compares the given TimeSpan to this TimeSpan.
- compareTo(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Compares this quantity with the given object.
- ComplexSimProcess - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
is a SimProcess
serves as a container for other SimProcess
- ComplexSimProcess(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Constructs a ComplexSimProcess.
- computeTransform(float, Transform3D) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
- computeTransform(float, Transform3D) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.RotationSwitchInterpolator
- Condition<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Derive from this class to create a conditional which an entity (including
processes as special entities) may fulfill or not, e.g. for the purpose
of queue filtering.
- Condition(Model, String, boolean, Object...) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Condition
Constructs a condition with the given name and parameters for trace
- CondQueue<P extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
In a CondQueue processes are waiting for a specific condition to become true.
- CondQueue(Model, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Constructor for a CondQueue where processes can wait for a certain
condition to become true.
- CondQueue(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Constructor for a CondQueue where processes can wait for a certain
condition to become true.
- CondQueueAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animation of a CondQueue
- CondQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in CondQueue
- CondQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in CondQueue
- CondQueueReporter - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Captures all relevant information about the CondQueue.
- CondQueueReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.CondQueueReporter
Constructor for a new CondQueueReporter.
- ConfidenceCalculator - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class has the same functionality as the
- ConfidenceCalculator(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Constructor for a ConfidenceCalculator object that is connected to a
- ConfidenceCalculator(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Constructor for a ConfidenceCalculator object that has no connection to a
- ConfidenceCalculatorReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the ConfidenceCalculator.
- ConfidenceCalculatorReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ConfidenceCalculatorReporter
Constructor for a new ConfidenceCalculatorReporter.
- configureMovement(Movement, double, double, double, double, double, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Configures the Movement object based on the track length, the start speed, the maximum speed, the acceleration,
the deceleration and a given total duration.
- configureMovement(Movement, double, double, double, double, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Configures the Movement object based on the track length, the start speed, the acceleration,
the deceleration and a given total duration.
- configureMovement(Movement, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Configures the Movement object of an object's movement based on the track, the initial speed, the maximum speed, the acceleration and the
deceleration of the object.
- CONNECTED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment connected to a Model and ready to be started.
- connectToExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Connects this model to an experiment.
- connectToPlotter(Observer) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Connects this statistic object with its GraphicalObserver.
- Constants - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine
These constants are used in 2d animation engine
- consumersPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the consumers property descriptor.
- cont() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
when SimulationTime is on pause, then lets it go running.
- Container<E> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Basis-implementation of an container of entities
It's a hashtable.
- Container(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
- contains(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Checks whether an entity is present (i.e. potentially sampled) by this
- contains(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Checks whether an entity is present (i.e. potentially sampled) by this
- contains(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Checks if the given SimProcess is contained in this ComplexSimProcess
- contains(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
if the given SimProcess
contained in the queue; false
- contains(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
if the given Entity
contained in the queue; false
- contains(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return
if the given Entity
contained in the queue; false
- contains(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns true if the given Entity is contained in the list, false
- contains(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Checks if the given product (SimProcess) is contained in the Entrepot.
- contains(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
tests if this map contains an access point with the given name.
- contains(EntityBasicAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- contains(EntityBasicAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
- contains(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
check if an entity with id stored in process
- containsImageId(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- containsInContainer(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
check if it contains a entity with entityId
- containsInContainer(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
check if it contains a entity with entityId
- ContDist - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Superclass for all distributions returning (near-)continuous samples of type
- ContDist(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDist
Constructs a distribution returning continuously distributed double
- ContDistAggregate - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Aggregate Distribution composed of a list of input Distributions.
- ContDistAggregate(Model, String, List<NumericalDist<?>>, Operator, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a distribution that
is specified by a list of other distributions and an operator to aggregate them.
- ContDistAggregate(Model, String, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Operator, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a distribution that
is specified by two other distributions and an operator to aggregate them.
- ContDistAggregateReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistAggregate distribution.
- ContDistAggregateReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistAggregateReporter
Creates a new ContDistAggregateReporter.
- ContDistBeta - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning Beta distributed double values.
- ContDistBeta(Model, String, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a Beta distribution.
- ContDistBetaReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reporter class for ContDistBeta Distributions.
- ContDistBetaReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistBetaReporter
Creates a new ContDistBetaReporter.
- ContDistConstant - Class in desmoj.core.dist
This constant "pseudo"-distribution returns a single constant predefined
value of type Double.
- ContDistConstant(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Constructs a simple distribution which produces samples equal to the
constant value it has been given.
- ContDistConstantReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistConstant distribution.
- ContDistConstantReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistConstantReporter
Creates a new ContDistConstantReporter.
- ContDistCustom - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning values according to a user-specified distribution
- ContDistCustom(Model, String, Function, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Instantiates the CustomContDist, making it possible to get samples.
- ContDistCustomReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a CustomContDist distribution.
- ContDistCustomReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistCustomReporter
Creates a new ContDistCustomReporter.
- ContDistEmpirical - Class in desmoj.core.dist
- ContDistEmpirical(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Constructs an empirical distribution pruducing floating point values.
- ContDistEmpiricalReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistEmpirical distribution.
- ContDistEmpiricalReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistEmpiricalReporter
Creates a new ContDistEmpiricalReporter.
- ContDistErlang - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Erlang distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of type double.
- ContDistErlang(Model, String, long, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a normal (a.k.a.
- ContDistErlangReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistErlang distribution.
- ContDistErlangReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistErlangReporter
Creates a new ContDistErlangReporter.
- ContDistExponential - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Negative-exponentially distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of type
- ContDistExponential(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistExponential
Constructs a simple negative-exponentially distributed pseudo random
generator with the given value as mean of the distribution.
- ContDistExponReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistExponential
(or ContDistweibull) distribution.
- ContDistExponReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistExponReporter
Creates a new ContDistExponentialReporter.
- ContDistGamma - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning gamma distributed double values.
- ContDistGamma(Model, String, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a gamma distribution.
- ContDistGammaReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reporter class for ContDistGamma Distributions.
- ContDistGammaReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistGammaReporter
Creates a new ContDistGammaReporter.
- ContDistNormal - Class in desmoj.core.dist
This hybrid class is able to produce either a normally "Gaussian" distributed stream
of pseudo random numbers of type double (also referred to as "symmetric normal
distribution" for clarity) or an "asymmetric normal distribution" in which
different standard variance values are assumed on both sides of the mode.
- ContDistNormal(Model, String, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a symmetric
normal (also known as "Gaussian") distribution.
- ContDistNormal(Model, String, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following an asymmetric normal
distribution subject to different standard deviation values applied left and right
to the mode.
- ContDistNormalReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistNormal distribution.
- ContDistNormalReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistNormalReporter
Creates a new ContDistNormalReporter.
- ContDistTriangular - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning triangular distributed double values.
- ContDistTriangular(Model, String, double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a triangular
- ContDistTriangularReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistTriangular distribution.
- ContDistTriangularReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistTriangularReporter
Creates a new ContDistTriangularReporter.
- ContDistUniform - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Uniformly distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of type double.
- ContDistUniform(Model, String, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a uniform
distribution between the lower and the upper value parameter.
- ContDistUniformReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a ContDistUniform distribution.
- ContDistUniformReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ContDistUniformReporter
Creates a new ContDistUniformReporter.
- ContDistWeibull - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Weibull-distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of type double.
- ContDistWeibull(Model, String, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistWeibull
Constructs a simple Weibull-distributed pseudo random
generator with the given values as mean and beta of the distribution.
- ControlEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
A ControlEvent is used to control the simulation from the visualization GUI.
- ControlEvent(Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.ControlEvent
Constructs a ControlEvent
- ControlEventListener - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This is the basic listener interface for all the ControlEvents
- controlEventReceived(ControlEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.ControlEventListener
Invoked when a ControlEvent occurred.
- cooperate(ProcessCoop<M, S>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
This method is to be called from a
which wants to
cooperate as a master.
- cooperate(ProcessCoop<M, S>, Condition<S>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
This method is called from a SimProcess which wants to cooperate as a
master and is looking for a slave complying to a certain condition
described in
- cooperate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
The current (master) process is calling this method (within
) on the slave process to lead him
through the joint cooperation.
- cooperate(Transportation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is inherited from the class
and will
be overwritten here to use the more suitable method
- cooperate(Transportation, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is inherited from the class
and will
be overwritten here to use the more suitable method
transport(Transportation, Condition)
- cooperate(ProcessCoopAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
This method is called from a SimProcessAnimation which wants to
cooperate as master
- cooperate(ProcessCoopAnimation, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
This method is called from a SimProcessAnimation which wants to
cooperate as master and is looking for a slave complying to a certain
condition described in cond
- cooperation(SimProcess, SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ProcessCoopAnimation
Implemention of cooperation method of ProcessCoop.
- cooperationAnimation(SimProcess, SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ProcessCoopAnimation
This method must be implement and describe the cooperation.
- cooperationBegin(String, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- cooperationEnd(String, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- CoordinatenListener - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Der Listener wertet MouseMotionEvents aus und schreibt
die Mouseposition in die Statuszeile von viewerPanel.
- CoordinatenListener(ViewerPanel) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- copy(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Copies the event-note.
- copy(URL, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.FileUtil
copy the file of a given URL to the given destination
- copy(String, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.FileUtil
copy the file of a given URL to the given destination
- CoroutineModel - Enum in desmoj.core.simulator
The model which shall be used to simulated coroutines on the JVM.
- correlationCoeff() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the correlation coefficient.
- Count - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is simply counting something during an
- Count(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Constructor for a Count object.
- Count(Model, String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Constructor for a Count object.
- CountAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of Count
Integer values will be aggregated
TypeData: Statistic.DATA_TimeSeries
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Mean_StdDev
- CountAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.CountAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Count
- CountReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Count.
- CountReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.CountReporter
Constructor for a new CountReporter.
- Crane - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A Crane represents any kind of cranes (containerbridges, gantry crane) which
loads/unloads containers(goods) onto/from an external/internal transporter or
into/from yard in a container terminal.
- Crane(Model, String, int, C_Control, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Constructs a Crane which will loads/unloads containers(goods) onto/from
an external/internal transporter or into/from yard in a container
- Crane(Model, String, C_Control, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Constructs a Crane which will loads/unloads containers(goods) onto/from
an external/internal transporter or into/from yard in a container
- CraneIsIdle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
This method is used by a crane to send the message to this crane control
that it is idle and waits on its serving.
- CranesSystem - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A CranesSystem represents the system of the cranes that manages the queues of
the cranes and transporter (external/internal), give the statistics about the
cranes and both queues.
- CranesSystem(Model, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Constructor for a CranesSystem.
- CranesSystemReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- CranesSystemReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.CranesSystemReporter
Constructor for a new CranesSystemReporter.
- createActionListener(ReportStylerPanel) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.URLTreePanel
Two Actions listeners handle the selections and clicks on the tree.
- createActionListener(AppletContext) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.URLTreePanel
this method was made to enable the Applet to open reports in new windows
of the browser it is running in. currently unused.
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.BinAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Comment, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(WaitQueueAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ProcessCoopAnimation
This animation is part of animation of WaitQueue
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
createAnimation method of free entities, with initial state "active".
- createAnimation(String, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
createAnimation method of free entities.
- createAnimation(String, String, PositionExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
createAnimation method of static entities.
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Comment, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Comment, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
createAnimation method of free entities, with initial state "active".
- createAnimation(String, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
createAnimation method of free entities.
- createAnimation(String, String, PositionExt, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
createAnimation method of static entities.
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AccumulateAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(TimeInstant, double, double, int, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AccumulateAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AggregateAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(TimeInstant, double, double, int, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AggregateAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.CountAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(TimeInstant, double, double, int, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.CountAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.HistogramAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(TimeInstant, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.HistogramAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TallyAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(TimeInstant, double, double, int, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TallyAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TimeSeriesAnimation
create standard animation
- createAnimation(double, double, int, Position, Form, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TimeSeriesAnimation
create animation with full parameterization
- createAnimation(String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessAnimation
Create the producer that restocks the stock
- createBackgroundElement(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String, String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createBackgroundLine(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createBin(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createCDATA(Document, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a CDATA section node in an XML document
- createCommand(String, String, Parameter[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandFactory
Create an instance of Command, used by CommandFrame.init_cmdTemplate()
- createComment(Document, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates an XML comment with the given text
- CREATED - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Status: model not connected to experiment
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Bin.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this CondQueue.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Res.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Stock.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this WaitQueue.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistBernoulli
Creates the default reporter for the
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistConstant
Creates the default reporter for the
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Creates the default reporter for the ContDistAggregate distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
Creates the default reporter for the BetaDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Creates the default reporter for the constant distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Creates the default reporter for the CustomContDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Creates the default reporter for the RealDistEmpirical distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Creates the default reporter for the RealDistErlang distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistExponential
Creates the default reporter for the RealDistExponential distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
Creates the default reporter for the GammaDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Creates the default reporter for the ContDistNormal distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Creates the default reporter for the TriangularDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Creates the default reporter for the RealDistUniform distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Creates the default reporter for the DiscreteDistBinomial distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Creates the default reporter for the constant distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Creates the default reporter for the EmpiricalDiscreteDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistGeo
Creates the default reporter for the DiscreteDistGeo distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
Creates the default reporter for the DiscreteDistHypergeo distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistPoisson
Creates the default reporter for the PoissonDiscreteDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Creates the default reporter for the UniformDiscreteDist distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Creates the default reporter associated with this distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Creates the default reporter for the EntityDistEmpirical distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Creates the default reporter for the EntityDistUniform distribution.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Creates the default reporter for the series.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.SimulationRunReporter.SimulationRunReporterProvider
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Creates the default reporter associated with this model.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns a process-queue-reporter to produce a report about this
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns a special queue reporter to produce a report about this queue.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Accumulate.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Aggregate.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this BoolStatistic.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this ConfidenceCalculator.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Count.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Creates a Reporter for this DataListTally.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this DataList.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Histogram.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Histogram.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Regression analysis.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Tally.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Tally.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this TextHistogram.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Returns a default Reporter!
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Berth.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Block.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this CranesSystem.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this TransporterSystem.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Yard.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this Entrepot.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this TransportJunction.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns a Reporter to produce a report about this WorkStation.
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
This method provides a reporter to generate report data about this
- createDefaultReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner.ReportProvider
- createDoc() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.DocumentReader
- createDocument() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a new DOM document.
- createElement(Document, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a DOM element node with the given name.
- createElement(Document, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a DOM element node with the given name and contents.
- createElementLn(Document, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a DOM element node with the given name and contents.
- createEntity(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.TestCmd
- createEntity(String, String[], String, String[], String, String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createEntityTyp(String, String, String, String[], String[], String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Factory-method to create an experiment-parameter.
- createExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Factory-method to create an experiment-parameter.
- createFrame(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- createGrafic(String, Point, Point, Color, Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
create grafic of background element with fixed corners
- createGrafic(String, Point, Color, Color, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
create grafic of background element with fixed middle point and fixed size
- createGrafic(String, Point, Color, Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
create grafic of background element with fixed middle point
The size is the size, that the text need to display
- createGrafic(String, Point[], Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
Create Gragic of BackgroundLine
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
create a StockGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
create a ListGrafic instance
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
create a ListGrafic instance
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
create a ProcessGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
create a ProcessGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
create a ProcessGrafic
- createGrafic(Point[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
create RouteGrafic as polyline with innerpoints points.
- createGrafic(String, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
create stationGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, int, boolean, Dimension, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
build an instance of StatisticGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
create a StockGrafic
- createGrafic(String, int, int, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
create a WaitingQueueGrafic
- createGraficFree(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
creates an EntityGrafic instance for an free entity
- createGraficStatic(String, double, double, double, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
creates an EntityGrafic instance for an static entity with fixed position
- createImage(String, String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createInternId(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
create an internal Id based on name.
- createList(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createMessageChannel(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Creates a new MessageChannel with is automatically associated with the
- createMessageChannel(String, Class<ST>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Creates a new MessageChannel with is automatically associated with the
- createModelBasisData(String[], String[], String[], String, String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createModelGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
create the assoziated ModelGrafic instance.
- createModelParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Factory-method to create a model-parameter.
- createModelParameter(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Factory-method to create a model-parameter.
- createNode(String, String, String[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.URLTreePanel
Add a new node to the tree and save the path name for the url of the
corresponding simulation output.
- createOutputEntity(EIn) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
This Method has to be overridden by the user to set the output entity
- createParameters() - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.Parameterizable
Creates a map of parameters
- createParameters() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- createProcess(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createProcessNew(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String, String, String, String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createReporterMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the createDefaultReporter() method descriptor.
- createResource(String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createRoute(String, String[], String, String, String, String[], String, String[], String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createSimRunListeners(GraphicalObserverContext) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Should return a new set of listeners to the experiment run represented by
the given experiment runner in an array.
- createSimulationTimeBounds(String, String[], String[], String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createStation(String, String[], String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- createStatistic(String, String[], String, String, String[], String, String, String, String, String, String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createStock(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createSuccessor() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ArrivalProcess
Implement this abstract method so it creates (instantiates) a new
object which is arriving at the system
- createText(Document, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a text node in an XML document
- createTextLn(Document, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a text node in an XML document ended by a new line character
- createTextLn(Document) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Creates a text node in an XML document representing a new line character
- CreateVisibleObjectEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This event occurs when a SpatialObject (or MovableSpatialObject) is created.
- CreateVisibleObjectEvent(Object, String, String, boolean, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.CreateVisibleObjectEvent
Constructs a CreateVisibleObjectEvent.
- createWaitQueue(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- createWriter(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.FileSystemAccess
Creates a writer for the given "filename".
- CrossbarMessage - Class in desmoj.extensions.crossbar
A message which a process can send to a
or a
to activate processes waiting on the them.
- CrossbarMessage(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage
Constructs a CrossbarMessage with the given model and description.
- CrossbarMessage(Model, String, CrossbarMessage.DistributionMode) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage
Constructs a CrossbarMessage with the given model, description and
- CrossbarMessage.DistributionMode - Enum in desmoj.extensions.crossbar
The DistributionMode defines how a CrossbarMessage is distributed to
receiver processes.
- current() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the currently active Schedulable object that is handled by the
- currentEntity() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the currently active Entity.
- currentEntityAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the currently active entities.
- currentEvent() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the currently active Event that is handled by the scheduler.
- currentModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the model that the currently active Event or Entity handled by
the scheduler belongs to or the main model connected to the experiment,
if no model can be returned by the scheduler.
- currentSimProcess() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the currently active SimProcess that is handled by the scheduler.
- CustomerProcess - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
CustomerProcess is a kind of process representing a customer.
- CustomerProcess(Model, String, Entrepot, long, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.CustomerProcess
Constructor for a CustomerProcess.
- DATA_Observations - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- DATA_TimeSeries - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- DataList(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Constructor for a new DataList
- DataListHistogramReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the DataListTally's DataList.
- DataListHistogramReporter(Reportable, double, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DataListHistogramReporter
Constructor for a new DataListReporter.
- DataListTally - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
one value.
- DataListTally(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Constructor for a DataListTally object.
- DataListTally.DataList - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
A simple List for storing values passed to a Tally.
- DataListTally.DataList.Element - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
A List's Element.
- DataListTallyReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the DataListTally.
- DataListTallyReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DataListTallyReporter
Constructor for a new DataListTallyReporter.
- days(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- deactivateInterArrivalTimeTally() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Deactivates the inter-arrival-time Tally to stop observing the timespans
between calls of the update-Method.
- deadlockCheckOff() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Turns the deadlock check off.
- deadlockCheckOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Turns the deadlock check on.
- DebugFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
DebugOut is used to create a file to write the DebugNotes to.
- DebugFileOut(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Creates a DebugOut to print DebugNotes into a HTML page.
- debugIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns a boolean indicating whether debug notes are forwarded to the
debug ouput or not.
- debugIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Shows if this modelcomponent currently produces debug output.
- debugIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Shows if this resourceDB currently produces debug output.
- DebugNote - Class in desmoj.core.report
Represents a DebugNote produced by a simulation run whenever the modeller
enables the debug mode for a specific ModelComponent.
- DebugNote(Model, TimeInstant, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DebugNote
Constructs a debugnote with the given parameters.
- debugOff(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the debug output off at the given point of simulation time.
- debugOff() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Switches off debug output for this modelcomponent.
- debugOff() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Switches off debug output for this resourceDB.
- debugOn(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the debug output on at the given point of simulation time.
- debugOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Switches on debug output for this modelcomponent.
- debugOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Switches on debug output for this resourceDB.
- debugPeriod(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the debug output on for the given period of simulation time.
- debugToSystemOut(boolean) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationThread
Permits switching the debug output of the viewer's time steps to system out.
- declareExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Method to declare a experiment-parameter.
- declareExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Method to declare a experiment-parameter.
- declareExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method to declare a experiment-parameter.
- declareExperimentParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method to declare a experiment-parameter.
- declareModelParameter(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Method to declare a model-parameter.
- declareModelParameter(Class<?>, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method to declare a model-parameter.
- DEFAULT_DEBUG_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
The default debug output
- DEFAULT_ERROR_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
The default error output
- DEFAULT_FORMATTER - Static variable in class desmoj.core.report.TableOutput
The table formatter used if formatter is invalid
- DEFAULT_REPORT_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
The default report output
- DEFAULT_TRACE_OUTPUT_TYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
The default trace output
- DelayedInterruptException - Exception in desmoj.core.exception
If a DelayedInterruptException is caught in the
method of a process this means that the
process has been interrupted from "within" due to a previously scheduled
delayed interrupt.
- DelayedInterruptException(InterruptCode) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.DelayedInterruptException
Constructs a DelayedInterruptException with the given InterruptCode.
- deleteFile(String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.FileUtil
deletes a file
- deleteObserver(Observer<T, X>) - Method in interface desmoj.core.observer.Subject
This method deletes an observer from the subject
- deleteObserver(Observer<T, X>) - Method in class desmoj.core.observer.SubjectAdministration
Deletes an observer from the observer list
- deleteObserver(Observer<QueueBased, QueueBased.QueueAction>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
- deleteResAllocation(Res, SimProcess, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Deletes an entry in the resource data base (should be called when a
Sim-process is done with it's requested number of resources from a
resource pool (
- deleteResRequest(SimProcess, Res, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Deletes an entry in the resource data base (should be called when a
Sim-process receives it's requested number of resources from a resource
pool (
- DemandProcess - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
DemandProcess is a kind of process representing the demand in a manufacturing
- DemandProcess(Model, String, Entrepot, NumericalDist<Long>, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Constructor of a DemandProcess.
- deRegister(Distribution) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
De-registers a distribution from the experiment.
- deRegister(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
De-registers the given messagereceiver from all types of Messages it was
registered at.
- deRegister(MessageReceiver, Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
De-registers a messagereceiver object to stop receiving messages of the
given type.
- deRegister(MessageReceiver, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
De-registers a messagereceiver object to stop receiving messages of the
given type.
- deRegister(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
De-registers the given reporter from the experiment's reportmanager.
- deRegister(FileOutput) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
De-registers a file at the experiment.
- deregister() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- deregister() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Deregisters the observer from the context
- description() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Should return the description of the model.
- desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures - package desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Components for advanced process synchronization and event scheduling.
- desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report - package desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Reporters for the classes in
- desmoj.core.dist - package desmoj.core.dist
Distributions to model stochastic effects.
- desmoj.core.exception - package desmoj.core.exception
Exceptions for interrupting processes and for internal simulation control.
- desmoj.core.observer - package desmoj.core.observer
Interfaces for observing state changes of subjects.
- desmoj.core.report - package desmoj.core.report
Reporters for the DESMO-J core
components able and output generation.
- desmoj.core.report.html5chart - package desmoj.core.report.html5chart
- desmoj.core.simulator - package desmoj.core.simulator
The core simulation infrastructure and basic components.
- desmoj.core.statistic - package desmoj.core.statistic
Objects to collect statistical data.
- desmoj.core.util - package desmoj.core.util
Various helper classes, particularly for experiment parameterization and control.
- desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour - package desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Example model components for harbour terminal simulation.
- desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report - package desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Reporters for the classes in
- desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production - package desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Example model components for production system simulation.
- desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report - package desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report
Reporters for the classes in
- desmoj.extensions.chaining - package desmoj.extensions.chaining
Chaining components, e.g. for generic production systems.
- desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions - package desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions
Abstractions of the chaining components from
- desmoj.extensions.chaining.report - package desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
Reporters for the chaining components from
- desmoj.extensions.crossbar - package desmoj.extensions.crossbar
A higher-level construct to facilitate indirect process synchronization based on exchanging massages.
- desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect - package desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect
Reading out experiment parameters using reflection.
- desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui - package desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Parameterizable GUI for experiment conduction.
- desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util - package desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
Various helper classes for the experimentation GUI.
- desmoj.extensions.grafic.util - package desmoj.extensions.grafic.util
Tools to paint histograms and time series data.
- desmoj.extensions.scheduling - package desmoj.extensions.scheduling
Timetables schedules to activate and passivate SimProcesses.
- desmoj.extensions.space3D - package desmoj.extensions.space3D
Objects in a 3D space and relevant motion operations.
- desmoj.extensions.visualEvents - package desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
Events having an impact to 3D motion.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Core package of DESMO-J's 2D animation component.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animated version of components from
package desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
This package is the animated version of
package desmoj.core.simulator
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animated version of components from
package desmoj.core.statistic
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
This package is the animated version of
package desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools
To this package exist no desmoj analogon.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation
Process station animation.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport
Animated movement of entities and processes on routes.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine
Top package of 2d animation engine.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Read and write animation command (cmds) files.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Properties of Entities, EntityTypes, Lists, Processes, Stations and Routes... required for 2D animation.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
This package contains the graphical properties of the entities in an animated model.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga
Storage of animation properties.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util
Various utilities for 2D animation.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer - package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
A swing Application to view a simulation's animation.
- desmoj.extensions.visualization3d - package desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
Core package of DESMO-J's 3D animation component.
- desmoj.extensions.xml.report - package desmoj.extensions.xml.report
XML output infrastructure.
- desmoj.extensions.xml.util - package desmoj.extensions.xml.util
Helper classes for XML parsing.
- DesmoJ_Info - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Diese Klasse stellt DesmoJ- Versions und Lizenzdaten bereit.
- DesmoJ_Info() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.DesmoJ_Info
- DESMOJException - Exception in desmoj.core.exception
General exception for the desmoj simulation framework.
- DESMOJException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.DESMOJException
Constructs a standard DESMO-J exception with an error message needed to
properly describe what error occurred, where it occurred, what reasons
could be responsible for it and what could be done to prevent this error
from occurring.
- DESMOJException(ErrorMessage, Throwable) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.DESMOJException
Constructs a standard DESMO-J exception with an error message needed to
properly describe what error occurred, where it occurred, what reasons
could be responsible for it and what could be done to prevent this error
from occurring.
- destroy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
this method will be executed when the applet is shut down.
- destroy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- destroy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- detach() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- detach() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Releases from the host object if this object is attached to it.
- detach() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- DetachEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
The AttachEvent indicates that a MovableSpatialObject is detached.
- DetachEvent(Object, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.DetachEvent
Constructs a DetachEvent.
- diff(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the absolute difference of the
given TimeSpan objects.
- diff(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the absolute difference of the
given TimeInstant objects, i.e. the span of time between the two instants
of time.
- disableFooter() - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Disables the table footer (for all ASCII tables).
- DiscreteDist<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Superclass for all distributions returning discrete samples of arbitrary
numerical type.
- DiscreteDist(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDist
Constructs a distribution returning discretely distributed samples
of a custom type.
- DiscreteDistBinomial - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning binomial distributed long values.
- DiscreteDistBinomial(Model, String, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a binomial
- DiscreteDistBinomialReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistBinomial distribution.
- DiscreteDistBinomialReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistBinomialReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistBinomialReporter.
- DiscreteDistConstant<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
This constant "pseudo"-distribution returns a single constant predefined
value of type N.
- DiscreteDistConstant(Model, String, N, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Constructs a simple distribution which produces samples equal to the
constant value it has been given.
- DiscreteDistConstantReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistConstant distribution.
- DiscreteDistConstantReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistConstantReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistConstantReporter.
- DiscreteDistEmpirical<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Empirically distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of a custom type.
- DiscreteDistEmpirical(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Constructs an empirical distribution producing double values.
- DiscreteDistEmpiricalReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Distribution returning empirical distributed double values.
- DiscreteDistEmpiricalReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistEmpiricalReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistEmpiricalReporter.
- DiscreteDistGeo - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning Geometrically distributed int values.
- DiscreteDistGeo(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistGeo
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a Geometrical
- DiscreteDistGeoReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistGeo distribution.
- DiscreteDistGeoReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistGeoReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistGeoReporter.
- DiscreteDistHypergeo - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Distribution returning hypergeometrically distributed long values.
- DiscreteDistHypergeo(Model, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a Hypergeometrical
- DiscreteDistHypergeoReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistHypergeo distribution.
- DiscreteDistHypergeoReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistHypergeoReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistHypergeoReporter.
- DiscreteDistPoisson - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Poisson distributed stream of pseudo random integer numbers.
- DiscreteDistPoisson(Model, String, double, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistPoisson
Creates a poisson distributed stream of pseudo random integer numbers.
- DiscreteDistPoissonReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistPoisson distribution.
- DiscreteDistPoissonReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistPoissonReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistPoissonReporter.
- DiscreteDistUniform - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Uniformly distributed stream of pseudo random numbers of type long.
- DiscreteDistUniform(Model, String, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Creates a stream of pseudo random numbers following a uniform
- DiscreteDistUniformReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a DiscreteDistUniform distribution.
- DiscreteDistUniformReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistUniformReporter
Creates a new DiscreteDistUniformReporter.
- dispose() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
Dispose this entity
- disposeAnimation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
Dispose the animation of this entity
- disposeAnimation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
Dispose the animation of this SimProcess
- disposeEntity(String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
Dispose an entity
- Distribution - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Base class for all pseudo random number distributions used in this package.
- Distribution(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Creates a RandomDistribution object which gets its initial seed from the
experiment's seedgenerator.
- DistributionManager - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Controls all distributions used during an experiment.
- DistributionManager(String, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Creates a new distributionManager with the given name and the given
initial seed for the seed-generator.
- DistributionReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
The basic reporter for all distributions in DESMO-J.
- DistributionReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.DistributionReporter
DistributionReporter - Konstruktorkommentar.
- DIVIDE - Static variable in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Divide operator, for arguments
a and b
returning a/b
- divide(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the quotient of the given
TimeSpan objects.
- divide(TimeSpan, double) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the quotient of the given
TimeSpan and the divisor of type double.
- DocumentReader - Class in desmoj.extensions.xml.util
Helper class for reading DOM documents from files
- doesRetainLastValueOnReset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
This method determines whether if the accumulate's last value is
retained on reset (true) or nullified (false).
- doInitialSchedules() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Implement this method to schedule the entities and/or events needed for
your model to start in a defined setting.
- drawChart(Canvas) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Creates a canvas area and draws a chart in this area.
- drawChart(Graphics) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartOwner
This method implements the drawing of the data for a Chart class.
- drawChart(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Draws the histogram bars given by the Histogram statistic object into the
- drawChart(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Draws the values given by the TimeSeries statistic object into the
- drawLine(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Draws a line into the chart.
- drawLine(Color, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Draws a line into the chart.
- drawLine(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Draws a line into the chart.
- drawLine(Color, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Draws a line into the chart.
- drawRect(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Draws an unfilled rectangle into the chart.
- drawRect(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Draws an unfilled rectangle into the chart.
- drive(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method describes the driving of the crane ( crane speader).
- drive(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
This method describes the driving of the certain distance of this Truck.
- driveEmpty(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
This method describes the driving the certain distance of the internal
transporter if he is empty (has no goods).
- driveLoad(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
This method describes the driving the certain distance of the internal
transporter if he is loaded (has some goods).
- DynamicObject - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This class contains all elements needed in a scene graph to describe a
dynamic object (i.e. a MovableSpatialObject) in a scene.
- Element(double) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList.Element
Constructs a new Element with the given value.
- elements() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
Returns a list view of all registered reporters in the appropriate
- END_CMD - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name value of last command.
- enterEntrance() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
A process is using this method to enter the entrance of the Gates and get
one of free lanes of this Gates.
- enterExit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
A process is using this method to enter the exit of the Gates and get one
of free exit lanes of this Gates.
- Entity - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Represents the superclass for all entities of a model.
- Entity(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
- Entity - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
An entity is a basic-object of animation.
- Entity(Model, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
An new entity will indexed automaticly in classContent hashtable
- EntityAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Animation of an Entity.
- EntityAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
constructor with same parameters as in Entity
- EntityBasicAnimation - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Interface used from EntityAnimation and SimProcessAnimation
- EntityDist<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Superclass for all distributions returning samples in terms of different
- EntityDist(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDist
Constructs a distribution returning entity samples.
- EntityDistEmpirical<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Empirically distributed stream of entities.
- EntityDistEmpirical(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Creates a stream of entities, where an individual probability can be
assigned to each entity.
- EntityDistEmpiricalReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a EntityDistEmpirical distribution.
- EntityDistEmpiricalReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.EntityDistEmpiricalReporter
Creates a new EntityDistEmpiricalReporter.
- EntityDistUniform<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Uniformly distributed stream of entities.
- EntityDistUniform(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Creates a stream of entities that are equally likely.
- EntityDistUniformReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Reports all information about a EntityDistUniform distribution.
- EntityDistUniformReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.EntityDistUniformReporter
Creates a new EntityDistUniformReporter.
- EntityGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of an entity
- EntityGrafic(Entity, String, EntityPosition) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- EntityGrafic(Entity) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- EntityPosition - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
describes the position of an entity
- EntityPosition(double, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- EntityPosition() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- EntitySchedule<E extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.extensions.scheduling
EntitySchedule is a list of EntityScheduleEntry's.
- EntitySchedule(Model, String, E) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
Erzeugt leeren EntitySchedule mit default Zeitzone
Zu begin jedes ScheduleEntry wird process aktiviert
- EntitySchedule(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
Erzeugt leeren EntitySchedule mit default Zeitzone
- EntitySchedule(Model, TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
Default Schedule ohne Zeitbeschraenkung, werktags
mit default Zeitzone
- EntityScheduleEntry - Class in desmoj.extensions.scheduling
EntityScheduleEntry is an entry of EntitySchedule.
- EntityScheduleEntry(Model, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Create an schedule entry with daily time border and an entry value.
- EntityScheduleEntry(Model, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
- EntityScheduleEntry(Model, TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Create an schedule entry with daily time border.
- EntityStaticComponent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
paint a static entity
- EntityStaticComponent(Rectangle) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- EntityType - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
All entities of same entity-type has the same basic properties.
- EntityType(String, Model, int, int, Attribute[], String[], int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- EntityTypeAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools
Used for EntityType Definition in every static part of
SimProcess and Entity Class. also used in initEntityTypes()
method of ModelAnimation to create "createEntityType" commands.
- EntityTypeAnimation() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
- Entrepot - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Entrepot is some kind of storage where products (in the form of
es) can be stored.
- Entrepot(Model, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Constructs an empty Entrepot where products (SimProcesses) can be stored
and retrieved.
- Entrepot(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Constructs an empty Entrepot where products (SimProcesses) can be stored
and retrieved.
- EntrepotReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report
Captures all relevant information about the Entrepot.
- EntrepotReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.EntrepotReporter
Constructor for a new EntrepotReporter.
- EntryAnimation<Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation,Res extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools
Class to manage return values of:
ProcessStationNonAbstrResAnimation.remove(EntityBasicAnimation e)
ProcessStationAbstrResAnimation.remove(EntityBasicAnimation e)
ProcessStationNoResAnimation.remove(EntityBasicAnimation e)
This methods remove the entry which contains e.
- EntryAnimation(List<Proc>, List<Res>, Integer) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- EntryAnimationVector<Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation,Res extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools
used in:
- EntryAnimationVector() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
- equals(Object) - Method in exception desmoj.core.exception.InterruptException
Equals implementations which delegates to
- equals(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns whether this
equals another one or not.
- equals(InterruptCode, InterruptCode) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.InterruptCode
if the two given interrupt codes have the
same internal code, false
- equals(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Indicates whether this TimeInstant is equal to the given parameter.
- equals(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Indicates whether this TimeSpan is equal to the given parameter.
- ErrorFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
ErrorFileOut is used to create a file to write the ErrorMessages to.
- ErrorFileOut(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Creates an ErrorOut to print ErrorMessages into a HTML page.
- ErrorMessage - Class in desmoj.core.report
An ErrorMessage is used to signal invalid situations to the modeller.
- ErrorMessage(Model, String, String, String, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ErrorMessage
Creates an errormessage setting its parameters with the given values.
- Event<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the class for user defined events to change a single entity's
internal state.
- Event(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Creates a new event of the given model, with the given name and trace
- EventAbstract - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the abstract super class for user defined events to change an entity's
internal state.
- EventAbstract(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Creates a new event of the given model, with the given name and trace
- EventList - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
This interface describes the set of methods an event-list carrying the
scheduled events and entities in a temporal order has to implement.
- EventList() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.EventList
- EventNote - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Event notes contain any information needed for any type of
, event
or process.
- EventNote(Entity, Entity, Entity, EventAbstract, TimeInstant, int, Schedulable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Event notes can only be created if all relevant data can be supplied at
creation time.
- EventOf2Entities<E extends Entity,F extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the class for user defined events to change two entities'
internal states.
- EventOf2Entities(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Creates a new Event of the given model, with the given name and trace
- EventOf3Entities<E extends Entity,F extends Entity,G extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the class for user defined events to change three entities'
internal states.
- EventOf3Entities(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Creates a new Event of the given model, with the given name and trace
- eventRoutine(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Implement this abstract method to express the changes of state this event
does to a single entity.
- eventRoutine(E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Implement this abstract method to express the changes of state this event
does to two entities (as
is a subclass of
, processes can be passed as well).
- eventRoutine(E, F, G) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Implement this abstract method to express the changes of state this event
does to three entities (as
is a subclass of
, processes can be passed as well).
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Implement this method to express the semantics of this external event.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventDebugOff
Switches the messagemanager's debug note channel off to stop forwarding
debugnotes to the configured output.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventDebugOn
Switches the messagemanager's debug note channel on to forward debugnotes
to the configured output.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventReset
The event routine resets the statistic counters of the model.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
The eventRoutine to abort an experiment.
- eventRoutine(Entity) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Do not use this method to implement the external event's eventRoutine!
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTimedTrace
Sends a trace note with the description and the true time including the
time unit.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTraceOff
Switches the messagemanager's trace note channel off to stop forward
tracenotes to the configured output.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTraceOn
Switches the messagemanager's trace note channel on to forward tracenotes
to the configured output.
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovingDoneEvent
- eventRoutine() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.RotatingDoneEvent
- EventTreeList - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Alternative Implementation of the interface
using a
tree-based list as a container for the event-notes, yielding both access and
removal of event-list entries in O(log n) time.
- execute(Model) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Command
This method describes for every command-type, how it's modeled in animation.model.Model.
- exist(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- existAttribute(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
check if attribute-key is valid
- existPosibleState(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
check if an state exist
- existPossibleAttribut(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
check if an key exist.
- EXP_D_OUTTYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "debugOutputType"
- EXP_E_OUTTYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "errorOutputType"
- EXP_EPSILON - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "referenceTime"
- EXP_NAME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "name"
- EXP_OUTPUT_PATH - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "outputPath"
- EXP_R_OUTTYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "reportOutputType"
- EXP_RAND_EVENTS - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "randomizeConcurrentEvents"
- EXP_REF_TIME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "referenceTime"
- EXP_REF_UNIT - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "referenceUnit"
- EXP_SHOW_PROG_BAR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "showProgressBar"
- EXP_START_TIME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "startTime"
- EXP_STOP_TIME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "stopTime"
- EXP_T_OUTTYPE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "traceOutputType"
- EXP_TRACE_START - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "traceStartTime"
- EXP_TRACE_STOP - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Experiment setting "traceStopTime"
- Experiment - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Experiment is the class that provides the infrastructure for running the
simulation of a model.
- Experiment(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with a given name.
- Experiment(String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, TimeFormatter) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, String, TimeFormatter, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, String, TimeFormatter, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, String, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Constructs a new Experiment with the given parameters.
- Experiment(String, TimeUnit, TimeUnit, TimeFormatter) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Please use
Experiment(String name, TimeFormatter formatter)
or other constructors without TimeUnit
s and set your episilon and
reference time unit by calling setEpsilon(TimeUnit epsilon)
setReferenceUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit referenceUnit)
- ExperimentListener - Interface in desmoj.core.util
An interface for listeners interested in status changes during an experiment
- ExperimentParameter - Class in desmoj.core.util
An experiment parameter implemented as a mutable access point.
- ExperimentParameter(String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.util.ExperimentParameter
constructs a new experiment parameter
- ExperimentParameterManager - Interface in desmoj.core.simulator
Interface to restrict the functionalities of a parameter-manager
to manage experiment-parameters.
- ExperimentParameterReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
A reporter for the model and experiment parameters of a certain experiment
run represented by an experiment runner.
- ExperimentParameterReporter(ExperimentRunner.ReportProvider) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentParameterReporter
Creates a new reporter for experiment runner e
- experimentPaused(SimRunEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.ExperimentListener
Should react on the experiment being temporarily paused
- experimentPaused(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Called when experiment is paused.
- experimentPaused(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Called when experiment is paused.
- experimentPaused(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Called when the experiment is paused.
- ExperimentRunner - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
A thread a DesmoJ-Experiment can run in.
- ExperimentRunner(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Creates a new experiment runner for the given model
- ExperimentRunner() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Creates a new experiment runner that is not connected to a model yet.
- ExperimentRunner.ReportProvider - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
An inner class providing the experiment runner's report.
- experimentRunning(SimRunEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.ExperimentListener
Should react on the experiment being (re)started
- experimentRunning(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Called when experiment is started or resumed.
- experimentRunning(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Called when experiment is (re)started.
- experimentRunning(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Called when the experiment is (re)started.
- experimentStart(Experiment, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
sets begin and end time of experiment,
create cmds command "createSimTimeBounds" and
starts experiment
- ExperimentStarter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A simple DESMO-J experimentation environment to use in connection with a GUI.
- ExperimentStarter(ExperimentStarterGUI) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Creates a new Launcher with the default title
- ExperimentStarter(ExperimentStarterGUI, Class, Class) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Creates a new Launcher and sets the current ModelFactory
- ExperimentStarter(ExperimentStarterGUI, Class, Class, String[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Creates a new Launcher and sets the current ModelFactory
such a command line parameters are passed to the model.
- ExperimentStarter(ExperimentStarterGUI, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Creates Launcher with an experiment- or batchfile
- ExperimentStarterApplet - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Title: ExperimentStarterApplicationGUI
Description: GUI for the Experiment Starter when used as applet
based on the ExperimentStarterApplication by Nicolas Knaack.
- ExperimentStarterApplet() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
creates a new AppletGUI for the DESMO-J
- ExperimentStarterApplication - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
GUI for the Experiment Starter when used as application.
- ExperimentStarterApplication() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Creates a new experiment starter application without loading a model
- ExperimentStarterApplication(Class, Class) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Creates a new experiment starter application.
- ExperimentStarterApplication(Class, Class, String[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Creates a new experiment starter application with command line
parameters passed to the model.
- ExperimentStarterApplication(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Creates a new experiment starter application.
- ExperimentStarterGUI - Interface in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Interface for graphical user interfaces for the Experiment Starter.
- experimentStopped(SimRunEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.ExperimentListener
Should react on the experiment being finally stopped
- experimentStopped(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarter
Called when experiment is stopped.
- experimentStopped(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Called when experiment is stopped.
- experimentStopped(SimRunEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Called when the experiment is stopped.
- export(String, String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.OutputTypeEndToExport
Export a new few file for the writting output.
- exportJobCycle(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Override this method in a subclass of InternalTransporter to implement
that internal transporter's specific behaviour if he has to do an export
job in a container terminal.
- ExpProgressBar - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The progress bar to display the progress of the experiment.
- ExpProgressBar(Experiment, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExpProgressBar
Constructs an ExpProgressBar for an
to display
its progress on the screen.
- ExternalEvent - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the class for user defined events to change the model's
state at a distinct point in simulation time.
- ExternalEvent(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Creates an external event for the given model with the given name and the
specified tracemode.
- ExternalEventDebugOff - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
external event switching off the debug output for the experiment.
- ExternalEventDebugOff(Model, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventDebugOff
Creates the external event to stop the debug output for an experiment.
- ExternalEventDebugOn - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
ExternalEvent switching on the debug output for the experiment.
- ExternalEventDebugOn(Model, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventDebugOn
Creates the external event to start the debug output for an experiment.
- ExternalEventReset - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
An external event to reset the statistic counters of the model.
- ExternalEventReset(Model, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventReset
Creates an external event to reset the statistic counters of the model.
- ExternalEventStop - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The external event to stop a running experiment.
- ExternalEventStop(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Constructs an external event to abort the experiment.
- ExternalEventTimedTrace - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The ExternalEventTimedTrace class allows for inserting items with true time
values into the trace file.
- ExternalEventTimedTrace(String, int, String, Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTimedTrace
Constructs an ExternalEventTimedTrace with the given true time, description
and model.
- ExternalEventTraceOff - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
external event switching off the trace output for the experiment.
- ExternalEventTraceOff(Model, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTraceOff
Creates the external event to stop the trace output for an experiment.
- ExternalEventTraceOn - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
external event switching on the trace output for the experiment.
- ExternalEventTraceOn(Model, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventTraceOn
Creates the external event to start the trace output for an experiment.
- ExternalTransporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
An ExternalTransporter is represents any kind of an external transporter (
, Train)that arrives in a
container terminal to deliver and/or pick up some containers (goods).
- ExternalTransporter(Model, String, long, long, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ExternalTransporter
Constructs an ExternalTransporter which arrives at a container terminal
to deliver and/or pick up some containers (goods).
- extractFile(String, String, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.FileUtil
extract a file from a jar archive
- FieldAccessPoint - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect
An AccessPoint for an attribute (field) of a class.
- FieldAccessPoint(String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
constructs an access point object for the specified field name and the given
declaring object.
- FieldAccessPoint(Field, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
constructs an access point object from the given field and object.
- FieldAccessPoint(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
constructs an access point object for the specified field name and the given
declaring object.
- FieldAccessPoint(String, Field, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
constructs an access point object from the given field and object.
- FIFO - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Defining a constant for the FIFO (First In First Out) service discipline of the underlying queue: An Entity inserted into the queue is removed
after all entities already enqueued with the same priority.
- FIFO_Transport_Strategy - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The FIFO_Transport_Strategy is the strategy that a transporter control uses
by the assigning of the jobs to transporters the following way: the first
in the queue of jobs is assigned to the first transporter
in the queue of transportes.
- FIFO_Transport_Strategy(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.FIFO_Transport_Strategy
Constructs the FIFO_Transport_Strategy that a transporter control uses by
the assigning of the jobs to transporters the following way: the first
in the queue of jobs is assigned to the first
transporter in the queue of transportes.
- FILE_EXTENSION_CMD - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
File extension of cmds-file
- FILE_EXTENSION_LOG - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
File extension from log-file generated from viewer while animation
- FILE_EXTENSION_LOG_0 - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
File extension from log-file generated while cmd-file generation.
- FILE_PATH - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
File path to viewer.file directory
- Filename - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
A simple class representing filenames.
- Filename(String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Filename
Creates a new Filename object
- Filename(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Filename
Creates a new Filename that does not refer to a directory.
- FilenameAttribEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FilenameAttribEditor
Creates a new filename editor.
- FileOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
FileOutput is the class all other writer-based Output classes used within the
DESMO-j framework are derived from.
- FileOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Constructs a FileOutput object.
- FileSystemAccess - Interface in desmoj.core.report
Strategy to create a writer for a given file path.
- FileUtil - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
- FileUtil() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.FileUtil
- fillRect(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Draws a filled rectangle into the chart.
- fillRect(Graphics, double, double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Draws a filled rectangle into the chart.
- findMethod(Class<?>, String, int) - Static method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Find the method by comparing (name & parameter size) against the methods
in the class.
- finish() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Stopps all running simprocesses that might still be scheduled and closes
the output files.
- finished() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClockAlpha
- finishExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Lets the experiment report (if desired) and closes all output streams by
- fireControlEvent(ControlEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Fires a ControlEvent.
- firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The firePropertyChange method was generated to support the propertyChange
- firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The firePropertyChange method was generated to support the propertyChange
- firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The firePropertyChange method was generated to support the propertyChange
- firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The firePropertyChange method was generated to support the propertyChange
- fireVisualEvent(VisualEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventTransmitter
Fires a VisualEvent.
- first() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns the first process waiting in the queue.
- first(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns the first process waiting in the queue that complies to
the given condition.
- first() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the first SimProcess queued in this process-queue or
in case the queue is empty.
- first(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the first SimProcess queued in this process-queue that applies to
the given condition.
- first() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the first entity queued in this queue or
case the queue is empty.
- first(Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the first entity queued in this queue that fulfills the given
- first() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return the first entity in the queue.
- first() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns the first entity stored in the list.
- FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy is the strategy that a transporter control
uses by the assigning of the jobs to transporters the following way: every
transporter (VC) gets the
that has as origin or
destination the crane that transporter is assigned to.
- FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy
Constructs the FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy that a transporter control
uses by the assigning of the jobs to transporters the following way:
every transporter (VC) gets the
that has as origin or
destination the crane that transporter is assigned to.
- FlexReporter(String, int, LinkedList<FlexReporterBuilder.Row>) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter
Constructs a FlexReporter with the given group heaing, group id and
the given list of rows.
- FlexReporterBuilder - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
The FlexReporterBuilder is a helper class for constructing
s which are special Reporters whose content
(i.e. the cells that may displayed in multiple rows) is defined
- FlexReporterBuilder(String, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder
Constructs a new FlexReporterBuilder with the given group heading and
group id.
- FlexReporterBuilder.Cell - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
Represents a cell that will be drawn in a report
- FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
A flexible reporter that allows multiple rows with individual formatted
- FlexReporterBuilder.HeadingCell - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
A cell that should be visually displayed as a heading cell in the report.
- FlexReporterBuilder.Row - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
Represents a row that will be drawn in the report.
- FloatingPointNumberEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FloatingPointNumberEditor
- flush(PrintWriter) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSequence
Flush writeCmdBuffer to PrintWriter f
- FONT_BIG - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- FONT_BIG - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- FONT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- FONT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- FONT_MIDDLE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- FONT_SMALL - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- FONT_SMALL - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- Form - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Describes the form of a simple animation object, such as statistic object
- Form(Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Form
standard constructor
- Form(int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Form
standard constructor
- Form() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Form
standard constructor
generate deltaSize = new Dimension(0,0)
- formatTimeInstant(TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Formats the given instant of time according to the timeFormatter.
- formatTimeSpan(TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Formats the given span of time according to the timeFormatter.
- FormExt - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Describes the form of a complex animation object, such as queue, process, ...
- FormExt(boolean, int, String, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
constructor with full parameterization
- FormExt(boolean, int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
constructor with full parameterization
- FormExt(boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
constructor with deltsSize = new Dimension(0,0)
- Function - Interface in desmoj.core.dist
Implementations of this Interface represent double-valued univariate functions.
- Gates - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The Gates is a place on a container terminal where the
enter and leave the terminal.
- Gates(Model, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
Constructor for a Gates of a container terminal where the trucks enter
and leave the terminal.
- get(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the queue index of a given
- get(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the
queued at the named position.
- get(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the queue index of a given
- get(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the
queued at the named position.
- get(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Returns the
queued at the named position.
- get(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Returns the position of the named
- get(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns the position of the named
- get(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns the
queued at the named position.
- get(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- get_end() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Gets the end instant of this TimeSeries.
- get_start() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Gets the start instant of this TimeSeries.
- getAbbreviation() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return an abbreviation as a String to identify the sort of
queueing discipline (like FIFO or LIFO or ...).
- getAbbreviation() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns an abbreviation as a String to identify the sort of queueing
discipline (like FIFO or LIFO or ...).
- getAcc() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getAcc() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the acceleration of the object.
- getAcc() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getAccDuration() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the duration of the acceleration phase.
- getAcceleration(double, double, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the acceleration value based on the initial, the end speed and the acceleration duration.
- getAccessPointNames(Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
- getAccessPoints() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
- getAccessPoints(Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
- getAccessPointValues(Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
- getAccumulateTimeUnit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.HistogramDataSetAdapter
an appropriate rangeTime Unit of given HistogramAccumulate.
- getActivatedBy() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the last
that did cause the last
activation (or interruption) of this SimProcess.
- getActualOrderQuantity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Returns the quantity (number of units) to be stored in the Stock.
- getActualOrderQuantity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Returns the quantity (number of units) to be stored in the Stock.
- getAdditionalBeanInfo() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Returns the BeanInfo of the superclass of this bean to inherit its
- getAllBlocks() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard.
- getAllContentFromContainer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
get an array with id's of all entities in container
- getAllContentFromContainer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
get an array with id's of all entities in container
- getAllIds() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- getAlpha() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
- getAlpha() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
- getAmount() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Returns the amount of separate Bernoulli experiments that lead to
the result.
- getAngle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Rotation
Gets the angle of the rotation.
- getAngle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.PositionExt
- getAngle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- getAnimationRunTime(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
distance between actual simTime and initTime as UnixTimeStamp
- getAnimationTime(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
get Unix TimeStamp of Time t, shown in viewer
- getAnimationTimeInit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
get Unix TimeStamp of animation begin
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIDebugOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIErrorOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIReportOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITraceOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLDebugOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLErrorOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLReportOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTraceOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type *
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- getAppendix() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.OutputType
deliever the file appendix used for the specific format (e.g. html, txt)
- getAppendix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLOutput
returns the file appendix for this output type*
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- getAppletInfo() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- getArrivalRate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ArrivalProcess
Returns the rate (frequency) at which the SimProcesses arrive at the
- getAssignedTransporter(Crane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns all the at the moment idle transporters of a certain crane they
are assigned to.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get actual value of attribute
- getAttributeHistory(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get history vector of attribute
- getAvail() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the number of units available at the moment.
- getAvail() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the number of resources available in the pool at the moment.
- getAvail() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the available number of products in the Stock at the moment.
- getAvail() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the number of products available at the moment.
- getAvailComplyWith(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the number of products available in the Entrepot at the moment
which are in compliance with the given
- getAvailLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the available length of the berth at the moment.
- getAxis() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Rotation
Gets the axis the rotation is about.
- getBackgroundElements() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getBackgroundLines() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getBeanClass() - Static method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the bean class.
- getBeanClassName() - Static method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the bean class name.
- getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
- getBeginOf(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Determines that last instant prior to this instant at which
a new period of the unit provided "begins", which means smaller
units are zero.
- getBeginOfNextEntry(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
compute begin of next valid scheduleEntry.
- getBerth() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Returns the berth of this Ship where it's berthing.
- getBerthLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Returns the length of a berth that this Ship needs for its berthing
- getBeta() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
- getBeta() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
- getBeta() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistWeibull
Returns the beta value of the Weibull distribution.
- getBins() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getBlock(Block[]) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ChooseBlockYardStrategy
Implement this method in a class that implements this interface to define
the algorithm of the strategy that finds a certain block and is used by
the yard.
- getBlock(Block[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy
This method describes the MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy that is used by
the yard and returns the block with the most free place (most place to
reserve) to store there.
- getBlock(Block[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.RandomBlockYardStrategy
This method describes the RandomBlockYardStrategy that is used by the
yard and returns the random selected block.
- getBlock(Block[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets the Block of the yard that was found by using the current yard
strategy of the yard.
- getBlocks(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard that have the certain typ.
- getBlocks(int, Block[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of a part of the yard that have the certain typ.
- getBooleanValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Convenience method to retrieve the boolean value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getBottomGap() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the gap between the bottom border of the canvas and the chart.
- getBottomGap() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the gap between the bottom border of the canvas and the chart.
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
get external size
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
get external size
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
get bounds of grafic in external coordinates
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all
entities, routes, lists, processes and stations;
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
get bounds of grafic in external coordinates
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
get bounds of grafic in external coordinates
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
get bounds of grafic in external coordinates
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all
entities, routes, lists, processes and stations;
- getBoundsExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
get bounds of grafic in external coordinates
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all entities in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all entities in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all bins in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all entities in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all listElements in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all processElements in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all listElements in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all resources in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all routes in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all stations in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all statistics in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all stocks in view
- getBoundsExternGlobal(Model, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
Construct the smallest rectangle,
which include the positions of all waiting queues in view
- getBuffer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the buffer of this crane.
- getCanvasHeight() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Gets the height of the canvas.
- getCanvasHeight() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.Canvas
Gets the height of the canvas.
- getCanvasID() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
- getCanvasID() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.Canvas
Returns the ID of the canvas.
- getCanvasWidth() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Gets the width of the canvas.
- getCanvasWidth() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.Canvas
Gets the width of the canvas.
- getCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the capacity property (long) value of this Stock, that is the number
of units this stock can hold at max.
- getCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the max. capacity of the Block.
- getCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Returns the capacity of this Transporter.
- getCategoryAxisLabel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.HistogramDataSetAdapter
get category axis label
- getCBlocks(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard with a certain container typ.
- getCellEditorValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor
Returns the value of the current cell editor
- getCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the number of cells the interval is divided into.
- getCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the number of cells the interval is divided into.
- getCells() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Row
- getCellWidth() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
The same functionality is given by getMeanWidth().
- getChartData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns the data for the HistogramAccumulate chart.
- getChartData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns the data for the histogram chart.
- getChartData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns the data for the TextHistogram chart.
- getChartData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TimeSeriesReporter
- getChartHeight() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
- getChartHeight() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the height of the chart area.
- getChartWidth() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
- getChartWidth() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the width of the chart area.
- getCheckAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns if all entities or only the first one in the queue are getting a
signal to check their conditions.
- getChildren() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should returns all observers in this context.
- getChildren() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Returns an array of graphical observers registered with the desktop.
- getClock() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Gets the clock instance which determines the time value
for this VisualizationControl
- getCmdFileName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- getCmdFileURL() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
get CmdFileName as File-URL
- getCmdGen() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
gives CmdGeneration Object
- getCodeNumber() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.InterruptCode
Returns the internal unique number to identify different interrupt codes.
- getColor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
get color of route line
- getColumnCount() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
- getColumnName(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
- getColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the title for the
corresponding entry in array
- getColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the title for the
corresponding entry in array
- getCommandInit(String, long) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Command
Get a clone of command-template with name cmd
for init-phase
- getCommandTime(String, long) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Command
Get a clone of command-template with name cmd
for run-phase time-value
- getCommentColor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getCommentColor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- getCommentFont() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getCommentFont() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- getCommentText() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getCommentText() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- getComponent() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.AttribEditor
Returns the editor component
- getComponent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.BooleanAttribEditor
- getComponent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FilenameAttribEditor
- getComponent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor
- getComponent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TimeUnitAttribEditor
- getComponents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Returns all the components of this ComplexSimProcess as an
- getConfidenceIntervalOfMeanLowerBound() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Calculates the lower bound of the confidence interval of the mean.
- getConfidenceIntervalOfMeanUpperBound() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Calculates the upper bound of the confidence interval of the mean.
- getConfidenceLevel() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Returns the confidence level.
- getConsQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying consumer
queue as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getConsQueueStrategyMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the getConsQueueStrategy() method descriptor.
- getConsRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns the number of consumers that were refused to be enqueued because
the queue for consumers was full.
- getConsRefusedMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the getConsRefused() method descriptor.
- getConstantValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistConstant
Returns the constant boolean value associated with this
- getConstantValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Returns the constant value associated with this
- getConstantValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Returns the constant value associated with this
- getConstructArguments() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Condition
- getConstructArguments() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelCondition
- getConstructor(Class, Class[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Retrieves a constructor from a given class.
- getConsumers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the number of consumers having visited the Bin.
- getConsumers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the consumers property (long) value.
- getConsumers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the number of the processes that retrieved from this Block.
- getContainerHistory() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get vector of containerHistory
- getContent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
get content of list
- getContentConsumer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- getContentConsumer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getContentMasters() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getContentProducer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getContentSlaves() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getContext() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- getContext() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Returns the context this observer is displayed in
- getCooperationMaster(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getCooperationsCompleted() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of cooperations completed.
- getCooperationSlave(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getCooperationsNo() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getCoordinatenListener() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getCorrespondingReportable() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Gets the Reportable corresponding to this Schedulable;
may be null if no Reportable corresponds to this Schedulable.
- getCorrespondingSchedulable() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Gets the schedulable (e.g. entity) corresponding to this reportable;
may be null if no schedulable corresponds to this reportable.
- getCount() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- getCount() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getCrane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the crane (containerbridge) which this InternalTransporter is
assigned to.
- getCrane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.IsJobForTransporter
Returns the crane (containerbridge) which the VC that must be checked is
assigned to.
- getCranes(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the n cranes of this cranes system that are idle now.
- getCranesQueue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the cranes queue of this cranes system.
- getCS() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
Returns the cranes system of this crane control.
- getCS() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the crane control this crane belongs to.
- getCTyp() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the container typ of the Block: what kind of container is that Block
- getCurrentCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the current capacity of the Block.
- getCurrentCapacity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the current capacity of this InternalTransporter.
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Returns the SpatialObject where this MovableSpatialObject is currently located.
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getCurrentMovedDistance(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the moved distance based on the elapsed SimTime.
- getCurrentMovement() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getCurrentMovement() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the current Movement object.
- getCurrentMovement() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getCurrentMovingDirection(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the current moving direction on this movement based on the elapsed SimTime.
- getCurrentPosition(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the current position on this movement based on elapsed SimTime.
- getCurrentRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getCurrentRotation() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the current Rotation object.
- getCurrentRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getCurrentSpeed(Movement, TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the current speed based on the elapsed time and the movement object.
- getCurrentSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getCurrentSpeed() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the current moving speed of the object.
- getCurrentSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.util.SimRunEvent
- getCustomers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the number of customers having obtained products from the
- getDataColor(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas
Returns the color, that represents the data in cell n.
- getDataColor(int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the Color to represent the data at the given index.
- getDataColor(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the color, that represents the TimeSEries at index i.
- getDataListSorted() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Returns the sorted DataList.
- getDataValue(int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartData
Should return the data value at a given index.
- getDataValue(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
Returns the data value at a given index.
- getDataValue(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
Returns the value of the data at a specified index.
- getDataValue(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
Returns the value of the data at a specified index.
- getDataValues(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the data value of the TimeSeriesData at index i.
- getDataValues() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Return an array of data values.
- getDataValues() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Gets the list of data values.
- getDeadlockCheck() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns if the deadlock check is enabled (
) or not (
- getDec() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getDec() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the negative acceleration of the object.
- getDec() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getDecDuration() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the duration of the deceleration phase.
- getDefaultColor() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the color for the canvas border and the axis.
- getDefaultColor() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.Canvas
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultTimeFormatter() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Sets the TimeFormatter used by this environment to a
, using the current reference
unit and four floating point digits.
- getDefaultType() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
- getDelayInMillis() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the delay between each step of the scheduler
- getDelayMillis() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Returns the millisecond part of the delay between each step of the
- getDelayNanos() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Returns the nanosecond part of the delay between each step of the
- getDeliveredMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getDeliveredMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getDeltaSize() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Form
- getDemandInterval() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Returns the random number distribution determining the intervals in which
the demand occurs.
- getDemandQuantity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Returns the random number distribution determining the demand (quantity).
- getDescription() - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.Function
Use this to declare what is going to be shown as "Type" of this function
by the Reporter.
- getDescription() - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Should return a description of what the operator does to be shown by the reporter.
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
Returns the textual description of this message as a String.
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Get an optional description of this Reporter's Reportable to be
included in the report.
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Get an optional description of reported value.
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XMLFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XSLFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CmdsFileFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.IconDirFilter
- getDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SnapShotDirFilter
- getDesmoJLicense(boolean) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the DESMO-J license
- getDesmojLicense() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getDesmojLicenseURL() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getDesmoJVersion() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the current DESMO-J version
- getDesmojVersion() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getDestination() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Returns the destination of this job.
- getDestination() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the destiny position in ExtendedLength[].
- getDestinationValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gives the end position of the Track.
- getDestinyLocationName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the name of the destiny location.
- getDirection() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.PositionExt
- getDirection() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- getDirectionAt(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
- getDirectionAt(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the current moving direction based on the specified length from the start position on the track.
- getDirectProcessActivations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getDistanceOfSpeedBoundedAcceleration(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the distance of the acceleration or deceleration from an initial speed to an end speed with a given acceleration or
deceleration value.
- getDistanceOfTimedAcceleration(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the distance moved based on the acceleration and the duration.
- getDistributionManager() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the distributionmanager for this experiment.
- getDistributionMode() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage
- getDistributions() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Returns a list containing all distributions.
- getDists() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Returns the first input distribution.
- getDomainBounds() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainBounds(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainLowerBound() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainLowerBound(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainRange() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainUpperBound() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDomainUpperBound(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getDoubleValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Convenience method to retrieve the double value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getDrivingTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Returns the whole time of this Truck he has driven.
- getDuration() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Rotation
Gets the duration of this rotation.
- getDurationOfDistanceBoundedMovement(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the duration of a simple movement based of its moving distance, initial speed and the end speed.
- getDurationOfSpeedBoundedAcceleration(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the duration of the acceleration or the deceleration from an initial speed to a end speed with a given acceleration
or deceleration value.
- getEnd(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Get end time of this Entry for given date.
- getEndOfActualEntry(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- getEndOfLine() - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Returns the currently valid String for separating lines of output.
- getEndSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the end speed.
- getEnrtyPointName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the name of the entry point at the destiny location.
- getEntities(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Returns a list of this model's entities.
- getEntities() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getEntity() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceNote
Returns the name of the entity this tracenote evolved from.
- getEntity(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Returns the entity to the belonging identifier.
- getEntity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- getEntity1() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the entity that is associated with this event-note.
- getEntity2() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the entity that is associated with this event-note.
- getEntity3() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the entity that is associated with this event-note.
- getEntityTypeCmd(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
generate "createEntityType" command in cmds-file
- getEntityTypeId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
- getEntityTyps() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getEntrepot() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Returns the
supplying the products this
DemandProcess is demanding.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.BinReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.CondQueueReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.ResourceReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.WaitQueueReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AccumulateReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AggregateReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.BoolDistBernoulliReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
BoolDistBernoulli distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.BoolDistConstantReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
BoolDistConstant distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.BoolStatisticReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ConfidenceCalculatorReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistAggregateReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistAggregate distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistBetaReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
BetaDist distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistConstantReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistConstant distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistCustomReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistCustom distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistEmpiricalReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistEmpirical distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistErlangReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistErlang distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistExponReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistExponential distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistGammaReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistGamma distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistNormalReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistNormal distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistTriangularReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistTriangular distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ContDistUniformReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
ContDistUniform distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.CountReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DataListHistogramReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DataListTallyReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistBinomialReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteDistBinomial distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistConstantReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteDistConstant distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistEmpiricalReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
EmpiricalDiscreteDist distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistGeoReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteDistGeo distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistHypergeoReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteDistHypergeo distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistPoissonReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteistPoisson distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DiscreteDistUniformReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
DiscreteDistUniform distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DistributionReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.EntityDistEmpiricalReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
EntityDistEmpirical distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.EntityDistUniformReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the
EntityDistUniform distribution.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ModelReporter
The ModelReporter returns the description of the model.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ProcessQueueReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.QueueReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.RegressionReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns an array of strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.SeriesReporter
Returns the array of strings containing all information about the series.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.StandardReporter
Returns the array of strings containing the basic information any
reportable can offer.
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Returns a one-dimensional array of entries (Computed from getEntryTable()
by entries[numColumns * i + j] = entryTable[i][j]).
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TallyReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TimeSeriesReporter
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.BerthReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.BlockReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.CranesSystemReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.TSReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.YardReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.EntrepotReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.TransportReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.WorkStationReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter
Returns an array of strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.SmartReporter
- getEntriesAnz() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
gets no. of entries (process-sets) actual processed.
- getEntryPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getEntryPoint(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets the position of the given entry point.
- getEntryPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getEntryPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getEntryPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getEntryPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getEntryPointGlobal(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets the position of the entry point in global coordinates.
- getEntryPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getEntryPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getEntryPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getEntryPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getEntryPointNames() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets a set of names of all the entry points this SpatialObject contains.
- getEntryPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getEntryPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getEntryPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getEntryTable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.SimulationRunReporter
Returns the output of the SimulationRunReporter.
- getEntryTable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Should initialize and return the 2-dimensional entry table.
- getEntryTable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentParameterReporter
Returns the table of entries : entryTable 0 1 0 expParamName[0]
expParamVal[0] 1 expParamName[1] expParamVal[1] ... numExpParams +1
modelParamName[0] modelParamVal[0] +2 modelParamName[1] modelParamVal[1]
- getEpsilon() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns the epsilon value representing the granularity of simulation time
for this experiment.
- getEpsilonSpan() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns the smallest distinguishable TimeSpan.
- getEpsilonUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the epsilon value representing the granularity
of simulation time for this experiment.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in exception desmoj.core.exception.DESMOJException
Returns the error message describing the circumstances leading to this
exception being thrown.
- getEvent() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceNote
Returns the name of the event described in this tracenote from.
- getEvent() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the event associated with this event-note.
- getEventSetDescriptors() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Return the event set descriptors for this bean.
- getExecutionSpeedRate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the current execution Speed Rate.
- getExitPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getExitPoint(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets the position of the given exit point.
- getExitPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getExitPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getExitPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getExitPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getExitPointGlobal(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets the position of the exit point in global coordinates.
- getExitPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getExitPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getExitPointGlobal(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getExitPointName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the name of the exit point at the start location.
- getExitPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getExitPointNames() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets a set of names of all the exit points this SpatialObject contains.
- getExitPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getExitPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getExitPointNames() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExpProgressBar
Returns the
this progress bar monitors.
- getExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Returns the experiment that is connected to this model or
if the model is not yet connected to an experiment.
- getExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.core.util.SimRunEvent
- getExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getExperimentName() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
- getExperimentRunner() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner.ReportProvider
- getExperimentRunner() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
- getExperimentSettings() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getExperimentSettingsArray() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Returns an array of experiment settings for this experiment run The first
row contains names, the second row contains values.
- getExpRunnerClass() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.LoadModelDialog
Returns the loaded experiment runner class
- getExternURL(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.LanguageSupport
- getField(Class, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Retrieves a field from a given class.
- getFieldName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
- getFileFormat() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
- getFileFormat() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
- getFileFormat() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
- getFileFormat() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
- getFileName() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Returns the current fileName of this FileOutput or
it has not been opened and named yet.
- getFirst() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Returns the list's first Element.
- getFirstTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get first observation time
- getFormat() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor
- getFreeBlocks(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard that have some free place to store
- getFreeBlocks(Block[], long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks from a part of the yard blocks that have some free
place to store containers.
- getFreeCanvasIDNum() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Returns an ID number for a canvas-element
and increases the free ID number.
- getFreeTransporter(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns n idle transporters of this transporter system that have still no
crane that are assigned to.
- getFromContainer(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
get entity with id, which is in container
- getFrontSideVector() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MoveEvent
Gets the front side vector if exists.
- getFullBlocks(Block[], long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard that have at least some TEUs (not empty).
- getFunction() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Returns the upper bound of possible values of this distribution.
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Basic
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
get a ListGrafic instance, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
get stationGrafic, which was ceated before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
get stationGrafic created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get an existing StatisticGrafic instance.
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
get ProcessGrafic, created before
- getGroup() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Returns the group ID value.
- getGroup() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Gets the group ID used for HTML report clustering.
- getGroupID() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns the ID of the group this reporter belongs to.
- getGroupID() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter
Returns the ID of the group this reporter belongs to.
- getGUI() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- getGUI() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
- getGUI() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Should return the graphical observer's main GUI component
- getGUI() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Returns the plotter's GUI (a JFreeCHartPanel)
- getHeader() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Returns the header table (or null if no header should be printed in
- getHeading() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns the heading for the group this reporter belongs to.
- getHeight() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- getHighestDataValue() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartData
Should return the highest data value.
- getHighestDataValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
Returns the highest data value.
- getHistColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the title for the
corresponding column of the histogram part (table).
- getHistColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the title for the
corresponding column of the histogram part (table).
- getHistEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns a two-dimensional array of Strings containing the data for the
histogram part of this HistogramReporter.
- getHistEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns a two-dimensional array of Strings containing the data for the
histogram part of this HistogramReporter.
- getHistNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns the number of columns of the histogram part (table) of this
- getHistNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns the number of columns of the histogram part (table) of this
- getHistogram() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get histogram in jFreeChart data structure.
- getHistogramHigh() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get highest border of highest histogram cell
- getHistogramIntervalLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get length of one histogram cell
- getHistogramLow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get lowest border of lowest histogram cell
- getHO() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the holding area this Block is assigned to.
- getHOBlocks(HoldingArea) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets all the blocks of the yard that are assigned a certain holding area
- getHomeBase() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Returns the home base
SimpleTransporter is associated to.
- getHostName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.AttachEvent
Gets the ID of the host.
- getIconPathURL() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
get id of background element
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
get id of background element
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
get id of stock
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get id of process-station
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
get id of process-station
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get id of resource
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
get id of stock
- getId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
get id of waiting queue
- getId() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassBasic
- getIdentNumber() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Returns the entity's identification number.
- getidNumber() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the ID number of this
- getidNumber() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Resource
Returns the ID number of this resource object.
- getImage(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
get Image of state
- getImage(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getImageId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get ImageId, may be null
This id is a key in this.getModel().getImage(id)
- getImageId(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
get image-id of state
- getImageIDs() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getIndexof(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
- getIndexOfKind(Class) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the index of the given kind of part (
- getIndirectProcessActivations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getInfoPane() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
InfoPane is a window to show data of an entity
- getInitial() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the initial number of products in the bin.
- getInitial() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the initial number of products the Stock starts with.
- getInitial() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the initial number of TEUs the Block starts with.
- getInitialSeed() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Returns the seed value since last reset.
- getInitialSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the initial speed.
- getInitTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- getInstance() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.DocumentReader
- getInternId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
gives the internal Id of this animation object.
- getInternId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
gives the internal Id of this animation object.
- getInternId() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ListInterface
- getInternId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
gives the internal Id of this animation object.
- getInternId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
gives the internal Id of this animation object.
- getInternId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportStationAnimation
- getInternURL(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.LanguageSupport
- getInterruptCode() - Method in exception desmoj.core.exception.InterruptException
Returns the
associated with this
- getInterruptCode() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the InterruptCode from this SimProcess.
- getInterruptedWaits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getInterruptedWaits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getInterruptException() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
- getIntValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Convenience method to retrieve the int value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
Method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistExponential
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistWeibull
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistGeo
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistPoisson
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getInverseOfCumulativeProbabilityFunction(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
Abstract method to map a double
from 0...1 to the
distribution's domain by determining the value x that satisfies
P(X < x) = p
- getItemCount(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getJob() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the current job of this InternalTransporter.
- getJob() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterJob
Returns the Job of this TransporterJob.
- getJobs(ProcessQueue, Queue) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.FIFO_Transport_Strategy
This method describes the following way of the assigning the jobs to
transporters: the first job in the queue of the jobs will be assigned to
the first transporter in the queue of the transpoters, this each
assignment will be stored in a
- getJobs(ProcessQueue, Queue) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.FixedVCtoCBAssignment_Strategy
This method describes the following way of the assigning the jobs to
transporters: every transporter (VC) gets the
that has
as origin or destination the crane that transporter is assigned to.
- getJobs() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the jobs queue of this transporter system.
- getJobs(ProcessQueue, Queue) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransportStrategy
Implement this method in a class that implements this interface to define
the algorithm of the strategy that finds the jobs for the transporters
and is used by transporter control.
- getJobsQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue for
jobs as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getKey() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Attribute
- getKindOfPart(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the kind of the part at index i as a Class object.
- getKindOfParts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the whole array of all kinds of parts listed in this PartsList.
- getLane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.HoldingArea
Gets a Line from the HoldingArea and provides it to the sim-process to use
- getLane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MyTruck
Returns the lane that must be checked with the truck lane.
- getLane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Returns the current lane this Truck stands in by the HO.
- getLanguage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- getLast() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Returns the list's last Element.
- getLastString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns the last observed String of this TextHistogram object.
- getLastTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get last observation time
- getLastValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Returns the last observed value of this ValueStatistics object.
- getLastValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get last stored value
- getLeadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Returns the random number distribution for the lead time (time between
placement and receipt of an order).
- getLeadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Returns the random number distribution for the lead time (time between
placement and receipt of an order).
- getLeadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Returns the random number distribution for the lead time (time between
placement and receipt of an order).
- getLeadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Returns the random number distribution for the lead time (time between
placement and receipt of an order).
- getLeastFrequentedString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns the String with the least number of entries.
- getLeftGap() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the gap between the left border of the canvas and the chart.
- getLeftGap() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the gap between the left border of the canvas and the chart.
- getLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Returns the list's length.
- getLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the length of the Berth.
- getLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
- getLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gives the total length of the Track.
- getLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- getLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get level of background element.
- getLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
Get level of background element.
- getLimit() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the initial number of resources in the Res pool.
- getLineSize() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
Get line size of background element.
- getLineSize() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
get size of route line
- getListId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get id of list, where are the processed entities are before
this may be null
- getListId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
get id of list, where are the processed entities are before
this may be null
- getLists() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getLoadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the whole loading time of this crane.
- getLocale() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.LanguageSupport
- getLocation() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorMessage
Returns a String describing class and method that this message was sent
- getLogFileName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- getLogWriter() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
get's the logWriter
- getLostMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getLostMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getLower() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Returns the minimum value of this triangular distribution.
- getLower() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Returns the lower border of the range of this uniform distribution.
- getLower() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Returns the lower border of the range of this distribution.
- getLowerBound() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Returns the lower bound of possible values of this distribution.
- getLowerLimit(int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChartInterval
Returns the lower limit of the range of the data at the given index.
- getLowerLimit(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the lower limit of the given cell.
- getLowerLimit(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the lower limit of the given cell.
- getLwb() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- getLwb() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getMarkedAmount() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
- getMaster() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the master when two SimProcesses are cooperating.
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MatrixReader
Returns the (distance) matrix from the file of the chars.
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Returns the matrix which contains the spatial data.
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getMatrix() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Gets a 4x4 double matrix object which contains the spatial data of the SpatialObejct.
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getMatrix() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getMax() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
get max number of possible values
- getMax() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get max value
- getMaxAcceleratedSpeed(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the maximum speed if the movement only consist of an acceleration from a start speed followed by a deceleration
to the end speed for a certain distance.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the maximum number of products in the bin.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the maximum number of products in the Stock.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Returns the maximum value observed so far.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Returns the maximum value observed so far.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Returns the maximum value observed so far.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the maximum number of TEUs in the Block.
- getMaximum() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the maximum number of products in the Entrepot.
- getMaximumDomainValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getMaximumLastN() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns the maximum of the last n values.
- getMaximumRangeValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getMaxInventoryLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Returns the maximum inventory level up to which the Stock will be
refilled in every cycle.
- getMaxInventoryLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Returns the maximum inventory level to which the Stock will be refilled
in every cycle.
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Gets the maximum speed of the object.
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getMaxSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the maximum speed.
- getMaxSpeedDuration() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the duration when the movement has the maximum speed.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Returns the mean value of this Erlang distribution.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistExponential
Returns the mean value of the negative-exponential distribution.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the mean value of this normal distribution.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistPoisson
Returns the mean value of the poisson distribution.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Returns the mean value of all samples that have been returned via the
sample() method.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Returns the mean value of all the values observed so far, weighted over
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Returns the mean value of all the values observed so far.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Returns the mean value of all the values observed so far.
- getMean() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get mean
for typeData = Statistic.DATA_Observations, all values have the same weight.
- getMeanLastN() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns the mean value of the last n values observed.
- getMeanWidth() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the mean width of all cells.
- getMeanWidth() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the mean width of all cells.
- getMessageChannel(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Returns the
identified by the given name.
- getMessageManager() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the messagemanager for this experiment.
- getMethod(Class, String, Class[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Retrieves a method of a given class.
- getMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Retrieves a method of a given class with an empty parameter list.
- getMethodDescriptors() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Return the method descriptors for this bean.
- getMin() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
get min number of possible values
- getMin() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get min value
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the minimum number of resources in the Res.
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the minimum number of units in the Stock so far (since the last
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Returns the minimum value observed so far.
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Returns the minimum value observed so far.
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Returns the minimum value observed so far.
- getMinimum() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the minimum number of TEUs (goods) in the Block.
- getMinimumDomainValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getMinimumLastN() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns the minimum of the last n values.
- getMinimumRangeValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getMinLoad() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Returns the minimum load of this Transporter.
- getMode() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the mode value of this normal distribution.
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns the Model that the Reportable belongs to that this reporter
produces a report about.
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the model that is connected to this experiment or
if no model is connected so far.
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the model that owns this component.
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.util.SimRunEvent
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
- getModel() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Basic
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- getModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- getModelAuthor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelClass() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.LoadModelDialog
Returns the loaded model class
- getModelCreatedAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelDescription() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
get associated ModelGrafic instance, when it's created before.
- getModell() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- getModelLicence() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelName() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
Returns the name of the model that produced this message.
- getModelName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelParameterArray() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Returns an array of model parameters for this experiment run The first
row contains names, the second row contains values.
- getModelParameters() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getModelProjectIconId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelProjectName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelProjectURL() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModelRemark() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getModule(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Gets a registered VisualModule with the given name.
- getModuleName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- getModuleName() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualModule
Gets the name of the VisualModule.
- getMostFrequentedCell() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Gives the same result as the first entry of the returned array of getMostFrequentedCells().
- getMostFrequentedCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the numbers of the most frequented cells, so far.
- getMostFrequentedCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the numbers of the most frequented cells, so far.
- getMostFrequentedString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns the String with the largest number of entries.
- getMovement() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MoveEvent
Gets the movement which should be performed.
- getMQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying master
queue as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getMQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying master
queue as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getMRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the master
queue, because the capacity limit is reached.
- getMRefused() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the master
queue, because the capacity limit is reached.
- getMRemoved() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of entities which have been removed from the master
queue because
has been called.
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.NamedObject
Returns the name of the named object.
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Returns the parameter's name
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimClock
Returns the clock's name as string.
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Returns the name of the named object.
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Returns the name of the named object.
- getName() - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.AccessPoint
returns the name of this AccessPoint.
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.core.util.ExperimentParameter
returns the name
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- getName() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Returns the observer's name
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Filename
- getName() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Returns the name of the named object.
- getName() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityBasicAnimation
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
get name of background element
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
- getName() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Basic
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
get name of bin
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
actual value of name-attribute
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get name of process-station
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
get name of process-station
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get name of resource
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
name of route, can be null
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
get name of station, can be null
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
get name of resource
- getName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
get name of waiting queue
- getNameAttribute() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get vector with all historical name-keys
- getNanos() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.RealTimeEventWrapper
Returns the nanosecond timestamp associated with the encapsulated ExternalEvent
- getNeedNoRes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- getNext() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList.Element
Returns the next Element in the List.
- getNonNegative() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Tells if this distribution can return negative samples.
- getNoOfCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns the number of cells the interval of the given Histogram is
devided into.
- getNoOfCells() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns the number of cells the interval of the given Histogram is
devided into.
- getNoOfStrings() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns the number of Strings the given TextHistogram has saved.
- getNrVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
- getNumber() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Lane
Returns the current number of this Lane.
- getNumberOfAvailableElements() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Returns the amount of samples this series can still return, given the
current reading direction and repeating property.
- getNumberOfDiffParts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the number of different parts (that is the number of entries) in
this PartsList.
- getNumberOfEntities() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Returns the realTime deadline for this event (in nanoseconds).
- getNumberOfEntities() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the number of included entities.
- getNumberOfExportGoods() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ExternalTransporter
Returns the number of export goods (containers) of this
- getNumberOfImportGoods() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ExternalTransporter
Returns the number of import goods (containers) of this
- getNumberOfOutputPartsPerOriginalEntity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
gets the number of parts
- getNumberOfParts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the whole array of all the different quantities of all different
kinds of parts listed in this PartsList.
- getNumberOfStringsObserved() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns the number of Strings observed.
- getNumBlocks() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Returns the number of all the blocks of this yard.
- getNumEmptyDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the number of empty drives that this InternalTransporter has
- getNumLoadedDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the number of loaded drives that this InternalTransporter has
- getNumLoadedUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the number of the units that this Crane has loaded.
- getNumOfCranes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Returns the number of the cranes (containerbridges)that this Ship needs
for his unloading and/or loading.
- getNumOfData() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartData
Should return the number of data for this chart.
- getNumOfData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
Returns the number of data for this chart.
- getNumOfData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas
- getNumOfData() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the number of data.
- getNumOfData() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the number of TimeSeries displayed by this canvas.
- getNumOfParts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the number of different kinds of parts needed for processing
these parts at this WorkStation.
- getNumOfSlaveQueues() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
- getNumOfSlaveQueues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.WorkStationReporter
Returns the number of slave queues of this WorkStation.
- getNumOfTimeSeries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
- getNumOfXScale() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the number of scales to be shown on the x-axis.
- getNumOfXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
- getNumOfXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
- getNumOfXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the number of scales to be shown on the x-axis.
- getNumOfYScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas
Returns the number of scales to be shown on the y-axis.
- getNumOfYScale() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the number of scales to be shown on the y-axis.
- getNumOfYScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the number of scales to be shown on the y-axis.
- getNumSamples() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Returns the number of Samples given by this distribution.
- getNumToLoadUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the number of the units this crane has to load.
- getNumToUnloadUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the number of the units this crane has to unload.
- getNumUnloadedUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the number of the units that this Crane has unloaded.
- getObservationAxisLabel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.HistogramDataSetAdapter
get observation axis label
- getObservationLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get length of observation time
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Returns the number of observations made by the Histogram object.
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Returns the number of observations made by the Histogram object.
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns the number of observations made by the TextHistogram object.
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Returns the number of observations made by the reportable object.
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getObservations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getObservationSerie() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get observation series in jFreeChart data structure.
- getObservationsInCell(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the observations made for the given cell, so far.
- getObservationsInCell(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the observations made for the given cell, so far.
- getObservationsOfString(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns the number of observations for the given String.
- getObservedString(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataHistogramDouble
Returns the String at the given index.
- getObservedString(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataHistogramLong
Returns the String at the given index.
- getOccurredTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEvent
Gets the SimTime when this event occurred.
- getOneEntity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- getOperator() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
The Operator used to combine the input distributions.
- getOrder() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Returns the order of the Erlang distribution.
- getOrderQuantity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Returns the quantity (number of units) to be stored in the Stock.
- getOrderQuantity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Returns the quantity (number of units) to be stored in the Stock.
- getOrientation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetOrientationEvent
Gets the orientation to be set by this event.
- getOrigin() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugNote
Returns the name of the modelcomponent that produced this debugnote.
- getOrigin() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Returns the origin of this job.
- getOutputAppendixes() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
- getOutputPath() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the name of the path the experiment's report-, trace-, debug- and
error-files are written to.
- getOverflow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Gets the current number of TEUs/containers in the overflow part of this
- getOwnerModel() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartData
Should return the owner Model this chart data is associated to.
- getOwnerModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- getParameterInfo() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- getParameterManager() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Returns the Model's viewpoint of the ParameterManager
- getParameters() - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Returns all declared parameters.
- getParameters() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Returns all declared parameters.
- getParameterType() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Is this parameter a model-parameter or an experiment-parameter?
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Returns the value of an experiment- or model-parameter.
- getParameterValue(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Returns the value of an experiment- or model-parameter.
- getPartsList() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the parts list of this WorkStation.
- getPassBy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns whether entities can pass by other entities which are enqueued
before them in the queue.
- getPassBy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns whether entities can pass by other entities which are enqueued
before them in the queue.
- getPassBy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns whether entities can pass by other entities which are enqueued
before them in the queue.
- getPassBy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Returns whether a transporter can pass by other transporters which are
enqueued before him in the queue.
- getPassByConsumers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns whether entities can pass by other entities which are enqueued
before them in the queue.
- getPassByProducers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns whether entities can pass by other entities which are enqueued
before them in the queue.
- getPeak() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Returns the most likely value of this triangular distribution.
- getPeriodMeasured() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Returns the period measured (excluding pauses).
- getPoint() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Position
- getPosition() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportStationAnimation
- getPosition() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- getPositionAt(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
- getPositionAt(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the coordinates (in ExtendedLength) of the current position based on
the specified length from the start position on the track.
- getPositionAtValue(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
- getPositionExtern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- getPositionIntern() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- getPossibleAttributes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
get all possible attribute-key's
- getPossibleStates() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
get all possible states
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Returns the x-position.
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getPosX() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getPosX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Returns the y-position.
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getPosY() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getPosY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Returns the z-position.
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getPosZ() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getPosZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getPreferredSize(JComponent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.VerticalLabelUI
- getPreferredTimeZone() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
The preferred time zone for printing this time instant.
- getPrevention() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorMessage
Returns a String giving a hint on how to prevent this error to happen.
- getPriority() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the priority of this event-note.
- getPriority() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get actual value of priority-attribute
- getPriorityAttribute() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get historical vector of priorities
- getProbability() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistBernoulli
Returns the probability for
- getProbability() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Returns the probability of success in each separate Bernoulli
- getProbability() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistGeo
Returns the success probability in each separate Bernoulli experiment.
- getProc() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- getProcessActivations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getProcessActivations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getProcessEntity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get array with id's of all processed entities
- getProcessEntries(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
gets entity-id's of process-set in entry with index
- getProcessEntriesAnz() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
actual no. of entities (sets with process-entities) in process-part
- getProcessEntry(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get id of entity in position index in process
- getProcesses() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getProcessLineList() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- getProcessLineList() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
get an instance of ProcessLineList to paint a line between this processGrafic
the list with id this.process.getListId()
- getProcessNewes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getProcNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
Gives names of Proc entities in entry i.
- getProcNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Gives names of Proc entities in entry i.
- getProcNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Gives names of Proc entities in entry i.
- getProcNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Gives names of Proc entities in entry i.
- getProdQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue for
producers as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getProdQueueStrategyMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the getProdQueueStrategy() method descriptor.
- getProdRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns the number of producers that were refused to be enqueued because
the queue for producers was full.
- getProdRefusedMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the getProdRefused() method descriptor.
- getProducerQueue() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Returns the queue where the producers are waiting to deliver their units.
- getProducerQueueMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the getProducerQueue() method descriptor.
- getProducers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the number of producers having used the Bin.
- getProducers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the producers property (long) value.
- getProducers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the number of the processes that stored in this Block.
- getProperties() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Return the property descriptors for this bean.
- getQuantityOfPart(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Returns the quantity of the part at the index i of this PartsList.
- getQueue() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the
actually storing the
waiting for resources.
- getQueueingPriority() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Returns the entity's queuing priority.
- getQueueingPriority() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityBasicAnimation
- getQueueLimit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the maximum possible number of entities in the underlying queue.
- getQueueList() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the underlying queue implementation, providing access to the
QueueList implementation, e.g. to add PropertyChangeListeners.
- getQueueList() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the underlying queue implementation, providing access to the
QueueList implementation, e.g. to add PropertyChangeListeners.
- getQueues() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Returns a list of queues and other
objects where this Entity
is queued.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue
used for sorting (and, therefore, activation order) of processes
with equal queing priorities.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue as a
String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getQuotedName() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.NamedObject
Returns the quoted name of the named object.
- getQuotedName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Returns the quoted name of the named object.
- getQuotedName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Returns the quoted name of the named object.
- getRangeBounds(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getRangeLowerBound() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getRangeLowerBound(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getRangeTimeUnit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
in the case timeSeries.getShowTimeSpansInReport()
a rangeTimeUnit is automatic determined
- getRangeUpperBound() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getRangeUpperBound(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getRate() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClock
Gets the current speed rate.
- getRealTimeConstraint() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Returns the realTime deadline for this event (in nanoseconds).
- getRealTimeConstraint() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the realTime deadline for this SimProcess (in nanoseconds).
- getRealTimeStartTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
- getReason() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorMessage
Returns the String describing the probable reason for the error to occur.
- getReceivedMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- getReceivedMessages() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
- getReferenceUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the reference unit for this experiment.
- getReferenceUnit() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns the reference time unit specifying what is meant by the
simulation time step of 1 in statements without an explicit declaration
of a time unit like in
new TimeSpan(5)
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue,
because the capacity limit is reached.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue,
because the capacity limit is reached.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue,
because the capacity limit is reached.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the refused property (long) value.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue,
because the capacity limit is reached.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the number of ships refused to be enqueued in the queue, because
the capacity limit is reached.
- getRefused() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the number of SimProcesses refused to be enqueued in the queue,
because the capacity limit is reached.
- getRelPosition(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
Compute the relative position of every entity in this route (container).
- getReportable() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns the reportable object that this reporter contains informations
- getReportables() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Returns a copy of the dynamic list containing all reportable
components of this model.
- getReportDataListHistogram() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Will a histogram-reporter be used to create a report for the DataList?
- getReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Returns an instance of a reporter for this reportable.
- getReporters() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ModelReporter
Returns a list of view of all reportable's reporters ordered by
- getRes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- getResAvailable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Gives the number of available Resources
- getResourceDB() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the resource database for this experiment.
- getResourceEntity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
get array with id's of all resource-entities
- getResourceEntries(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
gets entity-id's of resource-set in entry with index
- getResourceEntriesAnz(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
gets no. of resources in resource-set in entry with index
- getResourceEntriesAnz(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get actual no. of resources, used by entity in position index
- getResourceFree() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
compute no. of free resources, as difference between total and used resources.
- getResourceFree() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
actual no of free resources
- getResourceNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
Gives names of Res entities in entry i.
- getResourceNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Gives names of Res entities in entry i.
- getResourceNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Gives names of Res entities in entry i.
- getResourceNames(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Gives names of Res entities in entry i.
- getResources() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getResourceTotal() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
gets total of resources.
- getResourceTotal() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
total no. of available resources
- getResourceType() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
get resource type.
- getResourceType() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get resource Type (only for information)
- getResourceUsed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
compute no of used resources.
- getResourceUsed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
no of actual used resources
- getResPool() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Resource
Returns the resource pool (Res) this resource belongs to.
- getRestockProcess() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessAnimation
- getResUtilization() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Give the actual Resource Utilization
- getReturnTimeSample() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Returns a
object representing the time it takes
the SimpleTransporter to return to his home base (
) after having transported the goods to
some place.
- getReviewSpan() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Returns the time span between every replenishment of the
- getReviewSpan() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Returns the time span between every replenishment of the
- getRightGap() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the gap between the right border of the canvas and the chart.
- getRightGap() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the gap between the right border of the canvas and the chart.
- getRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.RotateEvent
Gets the Rotation object.
- getRouteDynamicGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
- getRoutes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getRouteStaticGrafic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
- getRowCount() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
- getRows() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.FlexReporter
- getSafetyStockLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Returns the safety stock level.
- getSafetyStockLevel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Returns the safety stock level.
- getSampleSizeN() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns the sample size n.
- getScaleLineColor() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the color for the scales in the y-axis.
- getScaleLineColor() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the color for the scales in the y-axis.
- getScheduledEvents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Returns a list of events associated to this Entity object.
- getScheduler() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the scheduler for this experiment.
- getSchedulingPriority() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Returns the event's scheduling priority.
- getSchedulingPriority() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the process' scheduling priority.
- getSeed() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Returns the initial seed.
- getSelectedComponent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- getSelectedView() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- getSelectedViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- getSender() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage
Returns the process which sent this message to the
- getSendTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
Returns the time the message was (created) sent as a TimeInstant object.
- getSeparator() - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Returns the currently active String for separating individual entries in
a line of output.
- getSeriesCount() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getSeriesKey(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getSetSize() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
- getShip() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the ship this Crane is assigned to.
- getShow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
Show is the sum of EntityType.SHOW_ Flags
- getShow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
Show is the sum of Route.SHOW_ Flags
- getShowTimeSpansInReport() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans
Are values printed as TimeSpans in the report?
- getSimClock() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the simclock for this experiment.
- getSimulationBegin() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getSimulationEnd() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
End of SimulationTime.
- getSimulationEnd() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- getSimulationSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getSimulationSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
get simulation-speed-value stored in viewer application
- getSimulationStart() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- getSimulationThread() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- getSimulationTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getSimulationTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- getSimulationTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
get actual simulation-time
- getSimulationTimeInstance() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
get simulation-time-instance created in fileReset()
- getSimulationZoom() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
get simulation-zoom-value
- getSimulationZoomCenter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- getSince() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Attribute
- getSinkId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- getSizeExt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getSlaveQueue() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the
where the waiting slaves are
- getSlaveQueues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns an array of
s where the waiting
slaves are stored.
- getSlaveWaitQueue() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the waiting-queue in which this SimProcess is waiting as a slave
to cooperate with a master.
- getSnapShot(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
Paints a snapshot of this ViewGrafic in a BufferedImage.
- getSoldProducts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns the number of products which already have been sold (passed
through this Entrepot).
- getSource() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the Schedulable that has created this event note.
- getSourceId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- getSpatialLayoutManager() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Returns the singleton SpatialLayoutManager.
- getSpatialObject(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Returns the SpatialObject with the specified name.
- getSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Returns the speed of this Truck he drives with.
- getSpeed() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
get simulation-speed
- getSpeedEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the empty speed of this InternalTransporter.
- getSpeedLoad() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the loaded speed of this InternalTransporter.
- getSpeedOfDistanceBoundedAcceleration(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the speed based on the acceleration, initial speed and the moved distance.
- getSpeedOfTimedAcceleration(double, double, double) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
Gets the speed based on the acceleration and the duration.
- getSQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying slave queue
as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getSQueueStrategy(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying slave queue
at the given index as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getSRefused() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the slave's
queue, because the capacity limit is reached.
- getSRefused(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the slave's
queue, indicated by the index, because the capacity limit is reached.
- getSRemoved() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of entities which have been removed from the slave
queue because
has been called.
- getStarLengthUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the start position in ExtendedLength[].
- getStartEvent() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions.HasPredecessor
This Method returns the start event of a Station which is used to set the successor
- getStartEvent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions.Station
gets the start event of this station
- getStartEvent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Merger
returns the Startevent of the Merger
- getStartLocationName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gets the name of the start location.
- getStartPositionValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Gives the start Position of the Track.
- getStartTime() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns the TimeInstant when the experiment has started.
- getStartTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getStartXScale() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the value for the first scale on the x-axis (the scale most left of the chart).
- getStartXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
- getStartXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
- getStartXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the number for the first xScale.
- getState() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
- getState() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
- getState() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get actual value of state
- getStateHistory() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get vector of state history
- getStations() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getStatistics() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the standard deviation of this normal distribution.
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Returns the standard deviation of all the values sampled so far.
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Returns the standard deviation of all the values observed so far,
weighted over time.
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Returns the standard deviation of all the values observed so far.
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Returns the standard deviation of all the values observed so far.
- getStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get standard deviation
for typeData = Statistic.DATA_Observations, all values have the same weight.
- getStdDevLastN() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Returns the standard deviation of the last n values observed.
- getStdDevLeft() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the left standard deviation of this normal distribution.
- getStdDevRight() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the right standard deviation of this normal distribution.
- getStockColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
Returns the titles of the wait queues part of this StockReporter as an
array of Strings.
- getStockColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.CranesSystemReporter
Returns the titles of the wait queues part of this CranesSystemReporter
as an array of Strings.
- getStockColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.TSReporter
Returns the titles of the wait queues part of this TSReporter as an array
of Strings.
- getStockEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getStockEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.CranesSystemReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getStockEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.TSReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the data for the
corresponding column in array
- getStockNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
Returns the number of columns of the wait queues part of this
- getStockNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.CranesSystemReporter
Returns the number of columns of the wait queues part of this
- getStockNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.TSReporter
Returns the number of columns of the wait queues part of this TSReporter.
- getStocks() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getStopConditions() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the Conditions which can cause an experiment to stop.
- getStoppedAtOrientation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.RotationInterruptEvent
Returns the orientation the performer has to have when this event occurs.
- getStoppedAtPosition() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MovementInterruptEvent
Returns the position where the involved object has to be when this event occurs.
- getStopTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns the TimeInstant when the experiment is expected to stop running.
- getStopTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getString(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.LanguageSupport
- getStringsObserved() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Returns an array of Strings observed.
- getStringValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Convenience method to retrieve the String value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getSubsetSize() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
- getSuccessorEvent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
gets the succsessor event which has been set by the user
- getSuccessorEvent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SuccessorAdministration
- getSumDistanceEmptyDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the whole distance of the empty drives of all the transporters.
- getSumDistanceLoadedDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the whole distance of the loaded drives of all the transporters.
- getSumLoadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the whole loading time of all the cranes.
- getSumNumEmptyDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the number of the empty drives of all the transporters.
- getSumNumLoadedDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the number of the loaded drives of all the transporters.
- getSumNumLoadedUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the number of the loaded units of all the cranes.
- getSumNumUnloadedUnits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the number of the unloaded units of all the cranes.
- getSumTimeEmptyDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the whole time of the empty drives of all the transporters.
- getSumTimeLoadedDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the whole time of the loaded drives of all the transporters.
- getSumUnloadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the whole unloading time of all the cranes.
- getSupervisor() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the supervising
this SimProcess is
contained in.
- getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor
Implemented for interface TableCellEditor.
- getTallyName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Returns the name of the Tally, this list belongs to.
- getTargetName() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEvent
Gets the ID of the object which is affected by this event.
- getText(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
Returns the observed text at the given index.
- getText(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
Returns the observed text at the given index.
- getText() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getText() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get text of background element.
- getTextColor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getTextHistColumnTitles() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns an array of Strings each containing the title for the
corresponding column of the histogram part (table).
- getTextHistEntries() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns a two-dimensional array of Strings containing the data for the
histogram part of this TextHistogramReporter.
- getTextHistNumColumns() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Returns the number of columns of the histogram part (table) of this
- getTextPosition() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get text position of background element.
- getTextSize() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getTextSize() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get text size of background element.
- getTextStyle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- getTextStyle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Get text style of background element.
- getThread() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
- getTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
Returns the point of simulation time that this message was created as a
- getTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns the point of time associated with this event-note.
- getTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimClock
Returns the actual simulation time.
- getTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClock
Returns the time value.
- getTimeAsCalender() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a Calender object.
- getTimeAsDate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a Date object.
- getTimeAsDouble(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a double type in the time
unit given as a parameter.
- getTimeAsDouble() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a double type in the time
unit of the reference time.
- getTimeAsDouble(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a double type in the time unit
given as a parameter.
- getTimeAsDouble() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a double type in the time unit
of the reference time.
- getTimeEmptyDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the whole time of empty drives that this InternalTransporter has
- getTimeFlowMode() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set time-flow-mode, possible values can you find in constant declarations
- getTimeFormatter() - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns the time Formatter.
- getTimeHigh() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get high value of time axis
- getTimeInEpsilon() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of the TimeInstant object as a long type in the time
unit of epsilon
- getTimeInEpsilon() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of the TimeSpan object as a long type in the time unit
of epsilon
- getTimeLoadedDrives() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Returns the whole time of loaded drives that this InternalTransporter has
- getTimeLow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get low value of time axis
- getTimeRounded(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a long type in the time
unit given as a parameter.
- getTimeRounded() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a long type in the time
unit of the reference time.
- getTimeRounded(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a long type in the time unit
given as a parameter.
- getTimeRounded() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a long type in the time unit
of the reference time.
- getTimeSerie() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get time series in jFreeChart data structure.
- getTimeString(long, int) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
convert the time value to human-readable format.
- getTimeTruncated(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a long type in the time
unit given as a parameter.
- getTimeTruncated() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the value of this TimeInstant object as a long type in the time
unit of the reference time.
- getTimeTruncated(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a long type in the time unit
given as a parameter.
- getTimeTruncated() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the value of this TimeSpan object as a long type in the time unit
of the reference time.
- getTimeUnitValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Convenience method to retrieve the TimeUnit value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getTimeValues(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the time value of the TimeSeriesData at index i.
- getTimeValues() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Returns an array of time values.
- getTimeValues() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Gets the list of time values.
- getTimeZone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- getTimeZone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getTimeZoneString() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- getTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Returns the table reporter's title.
- getTopGap() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalChartCanvas
Returns the gap between the top border of the canvas and the chart.
- getTopGap() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the gap between the top border of the canvas and the chart.
- getTotalDuration() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the total duration which is the sum of all the 3 phases.
- getTotalNoRes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
Gibt die Anzahl der in dem Vector gebundenen abstrakten Resourcen wieder
- getTrack() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Gets the track object of this movement.
- getTrack(MovableSpatialObject, SpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Gets a registered track which leads the moving object to the destiny.
- getTrack(SpatialObject, String, SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Gets the track base on the given start- and destination location.
- getTrack(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Search through the registered tracks for a track with the given name.
- getTracksIterator() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Get an iterator of all the tracks managed by this layout manager.
- getTrackStraightTo(MovableSpatialObject, String, SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Generates a SimpleTrack which leads directly to the given destination.
- getTrackStraightTo(MovableSpatialObject, String, Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Generates a SimpleTrack which leads directly to the given position.
- getTransportation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Returns the
order this SimpleTransporter is
supposed to execute.
- getTransporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the last transporter of the transporter queue.
- getTransporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterJob
Returns the InternalTransporter of this TransporterJob.
- getTransporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the transporter queue of this transporter system.
- getTransporterQueue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the transporter queue of this cranes system.
- getTransporterQueueStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Returns the implemented queueing discipline of the underlying queue for
transporters as a String, so it can be displayed in the report.
- getTransportJunction() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
Returns the underlying
- getTransportStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
Returns the transport strategy of this transport control.
- getTransportTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
gets the transport time of the station
- getTrueObs() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Returns the number of
s observed so far.
- getTrueRatio() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Returns the ratio of
s per total observations so far.
- getTS() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
Returns the transporter system of this transport control.
- getTurnAroundTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
Returns the turn around time of users (trucks) of this Gates.
- getTyp() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the typ of the Block.
- getTyp() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
Get type of parameter
- getType() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Returns the parameter's type.
- getType() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Returns the type of this job: 1 or 0.
- getTypeData() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
gets TypeData.
- getTypeIndex() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
gets TypeData.
- getUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
- getUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
- getUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SingleUnitTimeFormatter
- getUnit() - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.TimeFormatter
The units used to format time span and time instants.
- getUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Get an optional unit of reported value.
- getUnit() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans
- getUnitText() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Textually wraps the output of
, adding
brackets and displaying "none" if case unit is null
- getUnloadTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the whole unloading time of this crane.
- getUpb() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- getUpper() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Returns the maximum value of this triangular distribution.
- getUpper() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Returns the upper border of the range of this distribution.
- getUpper() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Returns the upper border of the range of this distribution.
- getUpperBound() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Returns the upper bound of possible values of this distribution.
- getUpperLimit(int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChartInterval
Returns the upper limit of the range of the data at the given index.
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns the upper limit of the whole interval.
- getUpperLimit() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Returns the upper limit of the whole interval.
- getUsers() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Returns the number of users.
- getUsers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Returns the number of users (ships).
- getUsers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
Returns the number of users (trucks) of this Gates.
- getValidFrom() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Returns the lowest possible time value.
- getValidTo() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.ChartDataTimeSeries
Returns the highest possible time value.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
returns the parameter's value
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Returns the current value of the aggregate.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Returns the current counter value.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList.Element
Returns the Element's value.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Returns the actual value of the
which values
are recorded from this TimeSeries object.
- getValue() - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.AccessPoint
returns the current value of the attribute referenced by this access
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.util.ExperimentParameter
returns the value
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Cell
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.FieldAccessPoint
- getValue(Object, Field) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Returns the value of the given field has in the specified object.
- getValue() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.AttribEditor
Returns the currently edited cell value
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.BooleanAttribEditor
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FilenameAttribEditor
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FloatingPointNumberEditor
Reads and returns a floating point number from the editor component.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.IntegerNumberEditor
Reads and returns integral number from the editor component.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.StringEditor
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor
Returns the value from the text field as an object of the current
edited class.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TimeUnitAttribEditor
- getValue(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Retrieves the value of an access point with a given name from the map.
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Returns the numerical value in the current unit as a double
- getValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Attribute
- getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
- getValueHigh() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get high value of value axis
- getValueLow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
get low value of value axis
- getValueRange() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getValues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
Reads all values from the access points into the table model
- getValues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Get values array of entry
- getValues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
get values of parameter
- getValueSplit(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
get the i.th value from a parameter.
- getVelocity() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get actual velocity
- getVelocityAttribute() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
get historical vector of velocity
- getView() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Position
- getViewer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getViewerPanel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerFrame
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- getViewId() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with BackgroundElements
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with BackgroundLines
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Bin's
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Entities
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Lists
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Process
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Process
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Resources
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Route
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Stations
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Statistic
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with Stock
- getViews(Model) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
get all views (viewId's) with WaitingQueue
- getVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetVisibleEvent
Gets the boolean value which shows whether the target should be
visible or not.
- getVisualEventTransmitter() - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventTransmitter
The static get method for the VisualEventTransmitter
- getVisualModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- getVisualModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- getVisualModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- getVisualModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- getVisualModel() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.VisibleObject
Get the type of the SpatialObject.
- getVisualModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.CreateVisibleObjectEvent
Gets the type of the SpatialObject to be created.
- getWaitingQueueContent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
get content of waiting queue
- getWaitingQueues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- getWayPoints() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
Gets the way points of this track.
- getWhere() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Gets the where property (String) value denoting the method, where
something has gone wrong.
- getWidth() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- getWLoadQueue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the queue where this Crane waits to load an internal transporter.
- getWorkingCranes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Returns the queue of the now working cranes of this cranes system.
- getWUnloadQueue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Returns the queue where this Crane waits to unload an internal
- getX(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetPositionEvent
Gets the new x value.
- getX() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- getXAxisTitle() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the title for the x-axis.
- getXAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
- getXAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
- getXAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
- getXMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the mean x-value.
- getXName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the name of the x-value.
- getXScale() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the difference between each scale on the x-axis.
- getXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
- getXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
- getXScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the difference between each scale on the x-axis.
- getXValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the actual value of the
the x-value.
- getY(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
- getY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetPositionEvent
Gets the new y value.
- getY() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- getYardStrategy() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Returns the strategy of this yard for the choosing of a block.
- getYAxisTitle() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the title for the y-axis.
- getYAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramDouble
- getYAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasHistogramLong
- getYAxisTitle() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
- getYMean() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the mean y-value.
- getYName() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the name of the y-value.
- getYScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractNumericalCoorChartCanvas
Returns the difference between each scale on the y-axis.
- getYScale() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasCoordinateChart
Returns the difference between each scale on the y-axis.
- getYScale() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.CanvasTimeSeries
Returns the difference between each scale on the y-axis.
- getYValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the actual value of the
the y-value.
- getZ() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetPositionEvent
Gets the new z value.
- getZoomFactor(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- getZoomFactor() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- getZoomPoint(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- getZoomPoint() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- getZoomProperty() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- goInBuffer(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.TestCmd
- goProcessing(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.TestCmd
- Grafic - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
defines some constants used in this package
- grafikTestRun() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.TestFrame
- GraphicalObserver - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Base class for graphical observers in the experiment launcher.
- GraphicalObserver(String, GraphicalObserverContext) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
Creates a new graphical observer.
- GraphicalObserverContext - Interface in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Represents an arbitrary context (e.g. a JDesktop) for graphical observers.
- HALF_A_SECOND - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExpProgressBar
A constant defining half a second as 500 milliseconds.
- handleEvent(VisualEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- handleEvent(VisualEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualModule
Handle the received event.
- hasComponents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Checks if this ComplexSimProcess has components or not.
- hasDefaultValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Checks, if this parameter has a default value.
- hasError() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Determines whether or not an error or warning has yet occurred during
this experiment.
- hashCode() - Method in exception desmoj.core.exception.InterruptException
HashCode implementations which delegates to
- hashCode() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns a hash code value for the object.
- hashCode() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns a hash code value for the object.
- hashCode() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns a hash code value for the object.
- hasHistogramSupport() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
when no. of histogram cells greater zero
- hasListeners(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The hasListeners method was generated to support the propertyChange
- HasPredecessor<E extends Entity> - Interface in desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions
Interface which indicates that an station has a predecessor
- hasPrimitiveArguments() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Condition
- hasPrimitiveArguments() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelCondition
- hasSubModels() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Shows, if there are submodels registered with this model.
- HasSuccessor<E extends Entity> - Interface in desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions
Interface which indicates that a station has a successor
- hasValue() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Checks, if this parameter has a value.
- hasValue() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
true when one or more points stored.
- HEADER_BG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- HeaderValuePair(String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.SmartReporter.HeaderValuePair
- HeadingCell(Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.HeadingCell
Constructs a heading cell with the given value
- HelpDialog - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Generate HelpDialog for offline help
- HelpDialog(ViewerPanel) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.HelpDialog
- HelpDialogTemplate - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Superclass of all HelpDialogs
- HelpDialogTemplate(ViewerPanel) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.HelpDialogTemplate
- Histogram - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
- Histogram(Model, String, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will NOT be connected to a
- Histogram(Model, String, ValueSupplier, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will be connected to a
- Histogram(Model, String, double[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will NOT be connected to a
- Histogram(Model, String, ValueSupplier, double[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will be connected to a
- HistogramAccumulate - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
- HistogramAccumulate(Model, String, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will NOT be connected to a
- HistogramAccumulate(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Constructor for a Histogram object with equidistant interval cells that will be connected to a
- HistogramAccumulate(Model, String, double[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will NOT be connected to a
- HistogramAccumulate(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, double[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Constructor for a Histogram object with user-defined interval cells that will be connected to a
- HistogramAccumulateReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the HistogramAccumulate.
- HistogramAccumulateReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
Constructor for a new HistogramReporter.
- HistogramAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of Histogram
Double values will be collected
TypeData: Statistic.DATA_Observations
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Mean_StdDev
- HistogramAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, double, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.HistogramAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Histogram
- HistogramDataSetAdapter - Class in desmoj.extensions.grafic.util
Class to convert DesmoJ histogram or histogramAccumulate data into jFreeChart format.
- HistogramDataSetAdapter(Histogram, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.HistogramDataSetAdapter
convert a DesmoJ histogram to a org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset.
- HistogramDataSetAdapter(HistogramAccumulate, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.HistogramDataSetAdapter
convert a DesmoJ histogramAccumulate to a org.jfree.data.category.DefaultCategoryDataset.
- HistogramPlotter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A simple histogram plotter based on the statistic class Histogram and
the UI class ChartPanel.
- HistogramPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, Histogram, String, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Creates a new HistogramPlotter
- HistogramPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, Histogram, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.HistogramPlotter
Creates a new HistogramPlotter
- HistogramReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Histogram.
- HistogramReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
Constructor for a new HistogramReporter.
- hold(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Passivates a SimProcess until the given point in simulation time.
- hold(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Passivates a SimProcess for the given span of time.
- hold(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Passivates a SimProcess for span of time sampled from the distribution
provided to the method.
- HoldingArea - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The HoldingArea is the place where
s serve
(load/unload) Truck
s at a container terminal.
- HoldingArea(Model, String, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.HoldingArea
Constructor for a HoldingArea.
- hours(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- HTMLDebugOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create HTML formatted Simulation Debug Output.
- HTMLDebugOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLDebugOutput
Create a new HTMLDebugOutput class *
- HTMLDebugOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLDebugOutput
Create a new HTMLDebugOutput class
- HTMLErrorOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create HTML formatted Simulation Error Output.
- HTMLErrorOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLErrorOutput
Create a new HTMLErrorOutput class *
- HTMLErrorOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLErrorOutput
Create a new HTMLErrorOutput class
- HTMLReportOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create HTML formatted Simulation Report Output.
- HTMLReportOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLReportOutput
Create a new HTMLReportOutput class *
- HTMLReportOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLReportOutput
Create a new HTMLReportOutput class
- HTMLTableChartFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A table formatter class for writing simulation output to HTML tables.
- HTMLTableChartFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
- HTMLTableFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A table formatter class for writing simulation output to HTML tables.
- HTMLTableFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
- HTMLTraceOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Use this class to create HTML formatted Simulation Trace Output.
- HTMLTraceOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTraceOutput
Create a new HTMLTraceOutput class *
- HTMLTraceOutput(int) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTraceOutput
Create a new HTMLTraceOutput class
- IconDirFilter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
DirectoryFilter for Icon Directories, used in Icons -menu
- IconDirFilter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.IconDirFilter
- IGraphicalObserver - Interface in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
- IllegalMoveException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.space3D
An IllegalMoveException can be thrown from a move method.
- IllegalMoveException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.space3D.IllegalMoveException
Constructs an IllegalMoveException.
- importJobCycle(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Override this method in a subclass of InternalTransporter to implement
that internal transporter's specific behaviour if he has to do an import
job in a container terminal.
- incrementObservations() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Increments the number of observations made by this reportable by one (1).
- incrementObservations(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Increments the number of observations by the amount given as parameter.
- INDEX_Mean_StdDev - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- INDEX_Min_Max - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- INDEX_None - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- INFO_HEADER_BG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- INFO_HEADER_FG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- INFO_OLD_FG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- INFO_TEXT_BG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- INFO_TEXT_FG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- InfoPane - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Internal window in viewer application to show attributes of entities
- InfoPane(ViewerPanel) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
Internal window in viewer application to show attributes of entities
- init() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Implement this method to do initialization work for your model.
- init(ModelOptions) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Initializes the model by calling method
to set up
all model related components as specified in that method.
- init() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
- init(Map, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Inits the values of all access points in the given map from a map
of values.
- init() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Initializes the experiment before it is run in the thread
- init() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
overwrites init from Model with:
initCmds(), initEntityTypes(), and initAnimation()
- init() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- init() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- init_EntityTypes() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
only used for testing
- init_Images() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
only used for testing
- INIT_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of command-parameter.
- initAnimation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
place to init black-box components and there
createAnimation Statements
- INITIALIZED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment instantiated with all needed accessories
- INITIALIZED - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Status: Model created an connected but experiment not started yet
- initializeModelParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelParameterManager
Method to initialize (declare and assign) a model-parameter.
- initializeModelParameter(Class<?>, String, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Method to initialize (declare and assign) a model-parameter.
- initialPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the initial property descriptor.
- initParameters(Map<String, AccessPoint>, Map<String, AccessPoint>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Inits the experiment runner from a map of model and experiment
- insert(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Enters a new SimProcess into the ProcessQueue.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Enters a new Entity into the queue.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should add a new Entity to the queue.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListFifo
Adds a new Entity to the QueueListStandardFifo.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListLifo
Adds a new Entity to the QueueListLifo.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListRandom
Adds a new Entity to the QueueListStandardFifo.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Adds a new Entity to the QueueList.
- insert(P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
insert SimProcess e in sortorder
- insert(P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
insert Entity e in sortorder
- insert(List<Proc>, List<Res>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Create a new process entry with process entities and resource entities
- insert(List<Proc>, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Create a new process entry with process entities.
- insert(List<Proc>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Create a new process entry with process entities.
- insert(E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
Insert an entity at begin of route.
- insert(E, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
Insert an entity at begin of route.
- insert(E, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
Insert an entity at begin of route.
- insert(String, int, boolean, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- insertAfter(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Enters a new SimProcess into the process-queue and places it after the
given SimProcess.
- insertAfter(E, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Enters a new Entity into the queue and places it after the given Entity.
- insertAfter(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
insert SimProcess e after SimProcess after
- insertAfter(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
insert Entity e after SimProcess after
- insertBefore(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Enters a new SimProcess into the ProcessQueue and places it in front of
the given SimProcess.
- insertBefore(E, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Enters a new Entity into the queue and places it in front of the given
- insertBefore(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
insert SimProcess e before SimProcess before
- insertBefore(P, P) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
insert SimProcess e before SimProcess before
- insertProc(Proc) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
insert an process e
- insertRes(Res) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
insert an resource e
- IntegerNumberEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.IntegerNumberEditor
- intercept() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the interception of the X-axis.
- InternalTransporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A InternalTransporter represents any kind of vehicle (AGV, VC, chassis) which
carries goods (containers) around in a container terminal.
- InternalTransporter(Model, String, int, double, double, T_Control, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Constructs an Internal Transporter which will carry around containers
(goods) in a container terminal.
- interrupt(InterruptCode) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Interrupts the SimProcess setting the given InterruptCode as the reason
for the interruption.
- interrupt(InterruptException) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Interrupts the SimProcess by throwing the given InterruptException in
it's lifeCylce() method.
- InterruptCode - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Represents a code to be passed to interrupted SimProcesses to give
information about the reason for the interruption.
- InterruptCode(InterruptCode) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.InterruptCode
Constructs a new interrupt code to be an identical clone of the given
interrupt code object.
- InterruptCode(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.InterruptCode
Produces a new interrupt code with a unique internal serial number and
the given name.
- interruptDelayed(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules this process to be interrupted at the given point in simulation
- interruptDelayed(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Schedules this process to be interrupted after the given delay.
- InterruptException - Exception in desmoj.core.exception
InterruptExceptions can be caught when processes are interrupted.
- InterruptException(InterruptCode) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.InterruptException
Constructs an
containing the given
- invokeConstructor(Constructor, Object[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Invokes a constructor.
- invokeMethod(Object, Method, Object[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Invokes a method on an object If anything goes wrong a reflect exception
is thrown
- isAborted() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Displays the current state of the simulation run.
- isAbstractResource() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
informs about abstractness of process
- isAfter(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Checks if the first of two points of simulation time is after the second.
- isAfterOrEqual(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Checks if the first of two points of simulation time is after the second
or equal to the second.
- isAntithetic() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Returns the current status for antithetic random number generation in
this distribution.
- isAttached() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- isAttached() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
IShows whether the MovableSpatialObject is attached.
- isAttached() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- isBefore(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Checks if the first of two points of simulation time is before the
- isBeforeOrEqual(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Checks if the first of two points of simulation time is before the second
or equal to the second.
- isBlocked() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the current block-status of the SimProcess.
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
Returns the editable status of the cell at the given index.
- isCommentSizeExt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- isCommentSizeExt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- isComponent() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the current component status of this SimProcess.
- isCondensed() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Returns whether output is condensed, i.e.\ empty cells on the right tail not shown.
- isConnected() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Shows if this experiment has already been connected to a model.
- isConnected() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Shows if this model has already been connected to an experiment.
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramAccumulateReporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HistogramReporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.TransportReporter
- isContinuingReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.WorkStationReporter
- isCurrent() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Shows if this Schedulable is the currently active object.
- isDeadlockDetected() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
if a deadlock is detected, false
- isDelayedInterruptScheduled() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
- isDirectory() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Filename
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Returns a boolean value showing if relevant data has been written to the
- isEmpty() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartData
Should return whether this chart data is empty or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.html5chart.AbstractChartDataTable
Returns whether this chart data is empty or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
Returns a boolean value indicating whether this reportmanager contains
reporters to be sent to the reportoutput or not.
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns a boolean value indicating if the process-queue is empty or if any
number of SimProcess is currently enqueued in it.
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns a boolean value indicating if the queue is empty or if any number
of entities is currently enqueued in it.
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return
if no entities are stored in the queue
at the moment, false
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
, if no elements are inside the
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Tests if the Entrepot is empty (has no products stored).
- isEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimation
- isEqual(Reporter, Reporter) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Compares the ID's of the two given reporters and returns
if both have the same ID, false
their ID's are different.
- isEqual(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the two entities have the same priority.
- isEqual(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Checks if the two TimeInstant parameters describe the same point of
simulation time.
- isEqual(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Indicates whether TimeSpan a is equal to TimeSpan b, i.e. they are of
equal length.
- isExperimentCompatible(ModelComponent) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Tests if the modelcomponent given as parameter is a component of the same
experiment as this modelcomponent.
- isExternal() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Tests if this event actually is an external event which is not used for
modelling but to control the experiment to act at certain points of
simulation time.
- isFocusedOnTrack() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- isFocusedOnTrack() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Returns whether the FocusOnTrack function is on.
- isFocusedOnTrack() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- isFocusedOnTrack() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MoveEvent
Shows whether the moving object should focus on the track while performing the movement.
- isforward() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Returns whether this series is getting read forward.
- isFree(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Method to check if the Block is free (it can be stored there) for at
least some TEUs.
- isFree(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method to check if the Yard is free (there's at least one block that is
- isFree() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
An entity is static or it is in a container (list, route, process) or it is free
Only a free entity can put in to a container
- isHorizontal() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.FormExt
- isInitialized() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Shows if the RealDistEmpirical distribution already is initialized.
- isInitialized() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Shows if the EmpiricalDiscreteDist distribution already is initialized.
- isInitPhase() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
say true when simulation isn't started
- isInSchedule(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
prueft ob date in dem Schedule enthalten ist.
- isInSchedule() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
prueft ob currentTime in dem Schedule enthalten ist.
- isInterArrivalTimeTallyActivated() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Is the time between calls of the update-method be observed by a Tally?
- isInterrupted() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the current interrupt-status of this SimProcess.
- isInZoomCenter(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- isInZoomCenter(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- isInZoomCenter(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ZoomMarker
- IsJobForTransporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
This condition should check if the job for the internal transporter (VC) has
as the origin or destination the Crane which that internal transporter (VC)
is assigned to.
- IsJobForTransporter(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.IsJobForTransporter
Constructs a IsJobForTransporter condition with all the given parameters.
- isLarger(Reporter, Reporter) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Compares the ID's of the two given reporters and returns
if reporter 'a' has a higher ID than reporter 'b',
if not.
- isLarger(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the first of the two entities has a higher priority than the
- isLargerOrEqual(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the first of the two entities has higher or same priority than
the second.
- isLonger(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Checks if the first of two spans of simulation time is longer than the
- isLongerOrEqual(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Checks if the first of two spans of simulation time is longer than the
second or equal to the second.
- isMainModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Shows if this model is a main model and thus is not submodel of other
- isModelCompatible(ModelComponent) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Tests if the modelcomponent given as parameter is a component of the same
model as this modelcomponent.
- isMovable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- isMovable() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Check whether this Object is a MovableSpatialObject or not.
- isMovable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- isMovable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- isMovable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- isMovable() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.CreateVisibleObjectEvent
Returns true if the SpatialObject to be created is
a MovableSpatialObject.
- isMoving() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- isMoving() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Shows whether the MovableSpatialObject is moving.
- isMoving() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- isMovingConcurrent() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Shows whether this object is moving concurrentlly.
- isMutable(String, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
tests if the access point with the given name is mutable.
- isNotEqual(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the first of the two entities have different priorities.
- isOn(Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Checks if the current messagetype is switched on to be distributed.
- isOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Returns the current state of the FileOutput.
- isOtherGroup(Reporter, Reporter) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Compares the ID's of the two given reporters and returns
if reporter 'a' belongs to a different group of ID's
than reporter 'b', false
if not.
- isOutOfOrder() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Resource
Is this resource out of order at the moment and therefore can not be
- isPause() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- isPreparing() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Shows if this experiment has not run yet.
- isQueued() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Tests if this
queued in a at least one queue or other QueueBased
- isRandomizingConcurrentEvents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns if the event-list processes concurrent Events in random order or
- isRandomizingConcurrentEvents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Scheduler
Returns if the event-list processes concurrent Events in random order or
- isRegistered(Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Checks if the given messagetype is registered at this messagedistributor.
- isRepeating() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the current repeating-status of the SimProcess.
- isRotating() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- isRotating() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Shows whether the MovableSpatialObject is rotating.
- isRotating() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- isRunning() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Displays the current state of the simulation run.
- isRunning() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
means SimulationTime is started, not stopped and simulationEnd inn't reached.
- isSameGroup(Reporter, Reporter) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Compares the ID's of the two given reporters and returns
if reporter 'a' belongs to the same group of ID's as
reporter 'b', false
if not.
- isScheduled() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Tests if this entity has already been scheduled.
- isSelected() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Returns true if job has been already selected for an internal transporter
anf false otherwise.
- isShorter(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Checks if the first of two spans of simulation time is shorter than the
- isShorterOrEqual(TimeSpan, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Checks if the first of two spans of simulation time is shorter than the
second or equal to the second.
- isShowProgressBar() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns if a progress bar should be displayed for this experiment or not.
- isShowProgressBarAutoclose() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns if the progress bar windows should be automatically closed after
the experiment or not.
- isSimProcess() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Tests if this Entity actually is a SimProcess.
- isSmaller(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the first of the two entities has a lower priority than the
- isSmallerOrEqual(Entity, Entity) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Checks if the first of the two entities has lower or same priority than
the second.
- isStatic() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
An entity has a fixed location
- isStopped() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Displays the current state of the simulation run.
- isSubModel() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Shows if this model is submodel to another model and thus is not the main
- isSymmetric() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns whether this distribution is symmetric, i.e. using
the same standard deviation values on each side of the mode
) or not (false
- isTerminated() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Returns the current status of the SimProcess.
- isTwoRowReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.WaitQueueReporter
- isTwoRowReporter() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
- isTwoRowReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.TransportReporter
- isTwoRowReporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.WorkStationReporter
- isValid() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
is invalid when timeSeries.getShowTimeSpansInReport()
and timsSeries has negative values
- isValid() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Tests if the movement is valid and fully specified.
- isValid() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- isVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- isVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- isVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- isVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- isVisible() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.VisibleObject
Shows the visibility of the visual representation of this object.
- isWorking() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationThread
Animation is working when simulation time is running and has no pause
- isZero() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Indicates whether this TimeSpan is equal to 0.
- iterator() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns an iterator over the processes enqueued.
- iterator() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns an iterator over the entities enqueued.
- iterator() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Returns an iterator over the entities enqueued.
- JavaScriptFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.report
This class helps writing the JavaScript codes to draw charts.
- JavaScriptFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.JavaScriptFormatter
- jbInit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
init the GUI
- Job - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A Job represents any kind of job that the
has to do in a container terminal.
- Job(Model, String, int, ModelComponent, ModelComponent, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Constructs a Job that must been done by an internal transporter.
- KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Every Parameter has a name and a value.
- KinematicsCalculations - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class is a utility class for the calculations of time-spatial-relations
of object movements.
- KinematicsCalculations() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.KinematicsCalculations
- Lane - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A Lane represents a lane where a
waits for an internal
transporter to get loaded/unloaded by him at a Holding Area
- Lane(Model, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Lane
Constructs a Lane with a certain number.
- LanguageSupport - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
- last() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the last SimProcess queued in this process-queue or
in case the process-queue is empty.
- last(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the last SimProcess queued in this process-queue that applies to
the given condition.
- last() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the last Entity queued in this queue or
case the queue is empty.
- last(Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the last Entity queued in this queue that fulfills the given
- last() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return the last
in the queue.
- last() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns the last Entity stored in the QueueList.
- lastCall() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
sorgt dafuer, dass nach der ModelGrafic Neu- Initialisierung der ZoomCenterPoint
in der Mitte des selektierten View angezeigt wird.
- layer0 - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_BackGroundElement - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_BackGroundLine - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_Bin - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_ENTITY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_LIST - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_MARKER - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_PROCESS - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_PROCESS_LINE_LIST - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_ROUTE_DYNAMIC - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_ROUTE_STATIC - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_STATION - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_STATISTIC - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_STOCK - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LAYER_WAITING_QUEUE - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- LayoutLoader - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class loads the Layout XML file into the Model.
- LayoutLoader(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.LayoutLoader
Constructs a LayoutLoader.
- leaveEntrance() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
A process is using this method to leave the enter of the Gates and put
used entrance lane back.
- leaveExit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Gates
A process is using this method to leave the exit of the Gates and put a
used exit lane back.
- length() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the current length of the underlying queue.
- Length - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This representation of a length in meters.
- Length(double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
- length() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
Gives nr of entries.
- length() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Gives nr of entries in station.
- length() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Gives nr of entries in station.
- length() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Gives nr of entries in station.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ArrivalProcess
is some kind of source for
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Override this method in a subclass of
implement the specific behaviour of this process.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Override this method in a subclass of SimProcess to implement the
specific behaviour of this SimProcess.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
This method implements crane control specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
This method implements the internal transporter specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
This method implements the transporter control specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.CustomerProcess
The CustomerProcess is fetching the given number of products from the
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
The DemandProcess is fetching in certain intervals a certain quantity of
products from the given
and destroys them.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.MachineProcess
Override this method in a subclass of MachineProcess to implement the
MachineProcess specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
replenishes the associated
up to the maximum (M) inventory level every time the
inventory level dropped below the safety (S) stock level.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
replenishes the associated
up to the maximum (M) inventory level every period
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
replenishes the associated
with the given quantity of units (Q) every time the
inventory level dropped below the safety (S) stock level.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
replenishes the associated
with the given quantity (Q) every period (T).
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
This SimpleTransporter has a very simple lifeCycle.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Override this method in a subclass of Transporter to implement the
Transporters specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Worker
Override this method in a subclass of Worker to implement the Workers
specific behaviour.
- lifeCycle() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- LIFO - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Defining a constant for the LIFO (Last In First Out) service discipline of the underlying queue: An Entity inserted into the queue is removed
before all entities already enqueued with the same priority.
- LINE_Size_Big - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
- LINE_Size_Big - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- LINE_Size_Normal - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
- LINE_Size_Normal - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- LINE_Size_Small - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundLine
- LINE_Size_Small - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Linear congruential random generator for uniformly distributed pseudo random
numbers configured such that a stream of [0,1] double values is produced.
- LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator
Creates a DefaultrandomGenerator with seed 42.
- LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator(long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator
Creates a DefaultrandomGenerator with given value as initial seed.
- List - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
A list of entities, entities are sorted by priority.
- List(Model, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- ListGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of a list
- ListGrafic(List, String, Point, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- ListInterface - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
- load(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method describes the loading action of this crane.
- load(Loading) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method describes the loading action of this crane if has to wait for
an internal transporter before loading it.
- loadDialog() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to load from *
- loadDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to load from
- loadDialog() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to load from *
- loadDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to load from
- loadDialog(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should open a new FileDialog to load a File and return the new filename
if no new filename is given currentFilename should be returned
- loadDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
opens a swing dialog to load an XSL file
- Loading - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Loading is the object representing the process cooperation between a
or Crane
process and the
Truck or an Internal Transporter he is loading.
- Loading(Model, String, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Loading
Constructs a Loading process where a master (
) or Crane
is loading
slave (Truck
or InternalTransporter
) in a
cooperate process.
- loadLayout(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.LayoutLoader
Loads the given XML file, create the specified Tracks and SpatialObjects.
- loadModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Called by the ExperimentStarter when a new model is loaded
- loadModel() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Called by the ExperimentStarter when a new model is loades
- loadModel() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
Called by ExperimentStarter when a new Model shall be loaded
- LoadModelDialog - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A Dialog to load a model- and experiment runner class dynamically in the
experiment starter.
- LoadModelDialog() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.LoadModelDialog
Creates a new dialog window
- MachineProcess - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A MachineProcess represents any kind of machine which is running at some
and processing parts (products or goods) there.
- MachineProcess(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.MachineProcess
A standard constructor for a MachineProcess needs a model he belongs to,
a name and a flag stating if trace messages of this MachineProcess should
be displayed in the trace file.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Runs the GUI.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Runs the GUI.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.LoadModelDialog
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.BatchRunner
Command line interface for the batch runner
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Command
only for testing
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.TestFrame
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerFrame
only for testing
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.WriteBsp0
- main(String[]) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.WriteBspArztPraxis0
- makeAdditionalColorEntryIfHTMLColorChartIsGenerated() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
- makeAdditionalColorEntryIfHTMLColorChartIsGenerated() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TimeSeriesReporter
- makeCompactGrid(JComponent[][], boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.MyTableUtilities
- makeCompactGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first
* cols
components of parent
a grid.
- makeGrid(Container, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.SpringUtilities
Aligns the first
* cols
components of parent
a grid.
- makeHistogramAccumulatePlot(HistogramAccumulate) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
make a histogramAccumulate plot with a desmoJ histogram dataset.
- makeHistogramPlot(Histogram, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
- makeHistogramPlot(Histogram) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
make a histogram plot with a desmoJ histogram dataset.
- makeSnapShot(File, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
make snapshots as png image and store it into directory
- makeTimeSeriesPlot(TimeSeries, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
- makeTimeSeriesPlot(TimeSeries, int, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
make a time-series plot with a desmoJ time-series dataset.
- MatrixReader - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A MatrixReader represents a component for the reading of a (distance) matrix
from a file of characters The lines of the file are the lines of the matrix.
- MatrixReader(Reader) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MatrixReader
Constructs a Matrix reader from a java.io.Reader.
- MatrixReader(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MatrixReader
Constructs a MatrixReader from a file of chars.
- mAverageCoopTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the masters' (and slaves') time spent per cooperation
(accounting only for the cooperation itself, excluding waiting).
- mAverageLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the average length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mAverageLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the average length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mAverageWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the average waiting time of all processes who have exited the
master queue.
- mAverageWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the average waiting time of all processes who have exited the
master queue.
- maximumPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the maximum property descriptor.
- maxLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the maximum length of the underlying queue since the last reset.
- maxLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the point of simulation time with the maximum number of objects waiting inside the underlying queue.
- maxWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the maximum duration in simulation time that an object has spent waiting inside the underlying queue.
- maxWaitTimeAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the point of simulation time when the object with the maximum waiting time exited the underlying queue.
- Merger<EIn extends Entity,EEx extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The Merger merges the in the Mergerconfig defined entities into the EEx entity.
- Merger(MergerConfig<EIn>, int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Merger
This Constructor sets the mergerconfig, the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue.
- MergerConfig<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
This class is used by the Merger construct for composing the ratio of entities needed for the merging process.
- MergerConfig() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.MergerConfig
- MergerConfig(Map<? extends Class<? extends E>, ? extends Integer>) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.MergerConfig
The Mergerconfig can be initialized with a Map instead of putting the Key/Value pairs in the map.
- MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Mersenne twister uniform pseudo random generator configured such that a
stream of [0,1] double values is produced.
- MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Creates a MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator with seed 42.
- MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator(long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Creates a MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator with given value as initial
- Message - Class in desmoj.core.report
Base class for all message types used in the DESMO-J framework.
- Message(Model, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.Message
Constructs a message with the given parameters.
- MessageChannel<T extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.extensions.crossbar
Represents a message channel which resides on a
- MessageCrossbar<T extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.extensions.crossbar
The MessageCrossbar is a higher modeling construct used to synchronize
- MessageCrossbar(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Creates a MessageCrossbar object with all parameters required.
- MessageDistributor - Class in desmoj.core.report
The central object for distributing the messages generated by a simulation
- MessageDistributor() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Constructs a new messagedistributor.
- MessageReceiver - Interface in desmoj.core.report
Provides the basic interface implemented by all classes receiving messages of
any type in the DESMO-J framework.
- microseconds(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- milliseconds(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- minimumPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the minimum property descriptor.
- minLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the minimumn length of the underlying queue since the last reset.
- minLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the point of simulation time with the minimum number of objects waiting inside the underlying queue.
- MINUS - Static variable in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Minus operator, for arguments
a and b
returning a-b
- minutes(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- mIsEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns a boolean value indicating if the master queue is empty or if any
number of SimProcess is currently enqueued in it.
- mIsEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns a boolean value indicating if the master queue is empty or if any
number of SimProcess is currently enqueued in it.
- mLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the current length of the master queue.
- mLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the current length of the master queue.
- mMaxLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the maximum length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mMaxLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the maximum length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mMaxLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time with the maximum number of processes
waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- mMaxLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time with the maximum number of
Sim-processes waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- mMaxWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the maximum duration in simulation time that an process has spent
waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- mMaxWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the maximum duration in simulation time that an process has spent
waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- mMaxWaitTimeAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time when the process with the maximum
waiting time exited the underlying master queue.
- mMaxWaitTimeAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time when the process with the maximum
waiting time exited the underlying master queue.
- mMinLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the minimumn length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mMinLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the minimumn length of the underlying master queue since the last
- mMinLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time with the minimum number of processes
waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- mMinLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time with the minimum number of processes
waiting inside the underlying master queue.
- Model - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The model is supposed to carry references to all static modelcomponents
associated to a model.
- Model(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Constructs a model, with the given name and parameters for report and
trace files.
- Model - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Model manages the creation and update of every animation-object.
- Model(URL, CoordinatenListener, ViewerPanel) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- ModelAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Animated version of model.
- ModelAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, CmdGeneration, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
ModelAnimation extends Model about a CmdGeneration
instance and a showInAnimation switch.
- ModelComponent - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Encapsulates all information relevant to each component of a model.
- ModelComponent(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Constructs a modelcomponent with the given String as name and the given
model as the associated owner of this component.
- ModelComponent(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Constructs a modelcomponent with the given String as name and the given
model as the associated owner of this component.
- ModelCondition - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Derive from this class to create a conditional which the model as whole
may fulfill or not, e.g. for the purpose of conditionally stopping an
- ModelCondition(Model, String, boolean, Object...) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelCondition
Constructs a ModelCondition with the given name and parameters for trace
- ModelException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
- ModelException(String) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ModelException
- ModelGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
The grafic of a model is an JPanel with all animated objects.
- ModelGrafic(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- ModelGrafic.ZoomEntry - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
- ModelGraficException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Exception for this package
- ModelGraficException(String) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGraficException
- ModelManager - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
The ModelManager loads the Model-XML file where the SpatialObject
and its associated 3D-Model is listed.
- ModelManager(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.ModelManager
Constructs a ModelManager and load the XML file where the 3D-models
are specified.
- ModelOptions - Interface in desmoj.core.simulator
Defines an interface to design the individual model options.
- ModelParameterManager - Interface in desmoj.core.simulator
Interface to restrict the functionalities of a parameter-manager
to manage model-parameters.
- ModelReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
The Reporter for a model.
- ModelReporter(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ModelReporter
Creates a reporter for the given model.
- MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy presents the strategy that is used by the
to find a certain block to store a container by the
following way: the block with the most free place will be selected.
- MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy
Constructs the MostFreePlaceBlockYardStrategy for a yard.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
Handler zum Anzeigen des InfoPane
Event wird nur bearbeitet, wenn die Simulation angehalten ist
Im anderen Fall kann der Viewer (inbes.
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
- mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
- mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.CoordinatenListener
- mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
- MovableSpatialEntity - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The class represents the movable DESMO-J Entities which should be visualized.
- MovableSpatialEntity(Model, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
Constructs a MovableSpatialEntity without specify the spatial data.
- MovableSpatialEntity(Model, String, String, boolean, double, double, double, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
Constructs a MovableSpatialEntity with specific acceleration and negative acceleration, maximum speed and position data.
- MovableSpatialEntity(Model, String, String, boolean, double, double, double, Length, Length, Length, SpatialMovementManager) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
Constructs a MovableSpatialEntity with specific acceleration and negative acceleration, maximum speed, position data and SpatialMovementManager for movement customizing.
- MovableSpatialObject - Interface in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This interface extends the SpatialObject interface by moving animation
- MovableSpatialSimProcess - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The class represents the movable DESMO-J SimProcess which should be visualized.
- MovableSpatialSimProcess(Model, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Constructs a MovableSpatialSimProcess without specify the spatial data.
- MovableSpatialSimProcess(Model, String, String, boolean, double, double, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Constructs a MovableSpatialSimProcess with specific acceleration and negative acceleration, maximum speed and position data.
- MovableSpatialSimProcess(Model, String, String, boolean, double, double, double, Length, Length, Length, SpatialMovementManager) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Constructs a MovableSpatialSimProcess with specific acceleration and negative acceleration, maximum speed, position data and SpatialMovementManager for movement customizing.
- move(SpatialObject, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- move(Movement, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- move(SpatialObject, String, boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject without a specified duration.
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject with a specified duration.
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject with specific attributes.
- move(Movement, boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Move the object to the destination according to the given movement object.
- move(SpatialObject, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- move(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- move(Movement, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- moveConcurrent(SpatialObject, String, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject without a specified duration.
- moveConcurrent(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject with a specified duration.
- moveConcurrent(SpatialObject, String, TimeSpan, double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Move the object to the position of another SpatialObject with specific attributes.
- moveConcurrent(Movement, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Move the object to the destination according to the given movement object.
- MoveEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
The MoveEvent indicates the event when a SpatialObject is be moving or a new position is set.
- MoveEvent(Object, String, Movement, boolean, Vector3d, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MoveEvent
Constructs a MoveEvent.
- Movement - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The Movement class stores the track, the duration informations of each phase of a movement and its associated speed.
- Movement() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Constructs a Movement object with empty values.
- Movement(Track, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, double, double, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
It constructs a Movement object with given speed and duration of each phases.
- Movement(Track, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
It constructs a Movement object with given speed and duration of each phases.
- MovementInterruptEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
A MovementInterruptEvent indicates that a MovabelSpatialSimProcess's movement has been interrupted.
- MovementInterruptEvent(Object, String, double[], TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.MovementInterruptEvent
Constructs a MovementInterruptEvent.
- MovementPathInterpolator - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
An interpolator which realize the 3-phase-translation.
- MovementPathInterpolator(TransformGroup, TransformGroup) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
Creates a MovementPathInterpolator.
- MovingDoneEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The MovingDoneEvent class represents a internal event which notifies
a MovableSpatialObject the end of its movement.
- MovingDoneEvent(Model, String, boolean, MovableSpatialObject) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovingDoneEvent
Constructs a MovingDoneEvent and checks whether the caller is a
instance of the MovableSpatialObject.
- mStdDevLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the standard deviation of the master queue's length.
- mStdDevLength() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the standard deviation of the master queue's length.
- mStdDevWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the standard deviation of the master queue's processes waiting
- mStdDevWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the standard deviation of the master queue's processes waiting
- MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Multiply operator, for arguments
a and b
returning a-b
- multiply(TimeSpan, double) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the product of the given
TimeSpan and the factor of type double.
- multiply(double, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new TimeSpan object representing the product of the given
TimeSpan and the factor of type double.
- MultiUnitTimeFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Use this class to format TimeSpan and TimeInstant objects like in the
following examples: 59 Minutes, 28 Seconds, and 548 Milliseconds could be formatted like
O:59:28:548 or 59:28 or 59:28:548:000:000 or 0.59.28.
- MultiUnitTimeFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
This is a shortcut constructor for a MultiUnitTimeFormatter.
- MultiUnitTimeFormatter(TimeUnit, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
This is a constructor for a MultiUnitTimeFormatter.
30 Minutes and 5 Seconds would be 0:30:05:000 if the coarsest TimeUnit is HOURS
and the finest TimeUnit is MILLISECONDS.
- MultiUnitTimeFormatter(TimeUnit, TimeUnit, char) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
Use this constructor for a MultiUnitTimeFormatter to choose a different separator than the
default separator ':'.
30 Minutes and 5 Seconds would be 0:30:05:000 if the coarsest TimeUnit is HOURS
and the finest TimeUnit is MILLISECONDS.
- MultiUnitTimeFormatter(TimeUnit, TimeUnit, char, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.MultiUnitTimeFormatter
Use this constructor for a MultiUnitTimeFormatter to choose a different separator than the
default separator ':'.
30 Minutes and 5 Seconds would be 0:30:05:000 if the coarsest TimeUnit is HOURS
and the finest TimeUnit is MILLISECONDS.
- MutableAccessPoint - Interface in desmoj.core.util
An interface for access points that allow to set the accessed parameter's
value (and not only read it as in AccessPoint).
- MutableFieldAccessPoint - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect
A mutable access point using reflection to get and set a field's value.
- MutableFieldAccessPoint(Field, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.MutableFieldAccessPoint
Creates a new MutableFieldAccessPoint for the given field.
- MutableFieldAccessPoint(String, String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.MutableFieldAccessPoint
Creates a new MutableFieldAccessPoint for the field specified by the given
field name and declaring class.
- MutableFieldAccessPoint(String, Object) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.MutableFieldAccessPoint
Creates a new MutableFieldAccessPoint for the field specified by the given
field name and object.
- MyTableUtilities - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util
Utillity to paint and manage a table
- MyTableUtilities() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.MyTableUtilities
- MyTruck - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
This condition should check if the number of lane of the truck where he waits
for an internal transporter at the
is equal the
number of the lane of this condition.
- MyTruck(Model, String, Lane, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MyTruck
Constructs a MyTruck condition with all the given parameters.
- mZeroWaits() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of processes that have passed through the master queue
without spending time waiting.
- mZeroWaits() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the number of processes that have passed through the master queue
without spending time waiting.
- NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of name- parameter and attribute of an entity.
- NameCatalog - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Keeps track of the names given for Schedulables within an experiment.
- NamedObject - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
This superclass for every DESMOJ class provides the ability to carry a name
for identification.
- NamedObject(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.NamedObject
Constructs a named object with the given initial name.
- nanoseconds(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- newSeedAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Provides all registered distributions with new seed values, thus
resetting all distribution statistics at the same time.
- nextDouble() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator
Returns the next pseudo random uniform [0,1] distributed double value
from the stream produced by the underlying pseudo random number
- nextDouble() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Returns the next pseudo random uniform [0,1] distributed double value
from the stream produced by the underlying pseudo random number
- nextDouble() - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.UniformRandomGenerator
Returns the next uniform distributed [0,1] double pseudo random number
from the random generator's stream.
- nextInt(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Returns the next pseudo random integer of a given bit length.
- nextLong() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Returns the next pseudo random uniform distributed long value
from the stream produced by the underlying pseudo random number
- nextSeed() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Returns a new seed value to be used as an initial seed for registered
- NORMAL_FILE_ACCESS - Static variable in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
The standard method to write output: Plain files on disk.
- NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment just created without any accessories created yet.
- noteResourceAllocation(Res, SimProcess, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Makes an entry in the resource data base when a SimProcess is allocating
a number of resources from a resource pool (
- noteResourceRequest(SimProcess, Res, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Makes an entry in the resource data base when a SimProcess is requesting
a number of resources from a resource pool (
- notifyMovingDone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- notifyMovingDone() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Notifies the MovableSpatialObject that the moving is finished and updates the new coordinates.
- notifyMovingDone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- notifyObservers(T, X) - Method in interface desmoj.core.observer.Subject
This method is used to notify the registerd observers
- notifyObservers(T, X) - Method in class desmoj.core.observer.SubjectAdministration
Notifies all registered observers and passes a reference of the subject and a eventtype to the observer
- notifyObservers(QueueBased, QueueBased.QueueAction) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
- notifyRotatingDone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- notifyRotatingDone() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Notifies the MovableSpatialObject that the rotating is finished and updates the new coordinates.
- notifyRotatingDone() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- notifyStatistics(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Indicates that this TextSupplier (as an Observable) has changed and
notifies all its observers of this change providing the modified text as
- notifyStatistics(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Indicates that this ValueSupplier (as an Observable) has changed and
notifies all its observers of this change providing the modified value as
- NullOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
Implementation of DESMO-J OutputType which act similar to unix /dev/null
simmply ignoring all received messaged and reporters.
- NullOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- numColumns() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Returns the number of columns or data this reporter is containing.
- NumericalDist<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
Base class for all distributions that produce numbers.
- NumericalDist(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
- numRows() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Returns the number of rows of this table reporter.
- Observer<T,X> - Interface in desmoj.core.observer
Interface which an Observer class can implement to get Information from a Subject Class
- ObserverDesktop - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Desktop for graphical observers in the experiment starter (a JDesktopPane).
- ObserverDesktop() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
- obtainResources(Resource[]) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Makes the SimProcess obtain an array of resources and store them for
further usage.
- OccupRate() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Gets the occupation rate of the Block.
- offsetDescriptionsOneColumn() - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportMultRowsFileOut
Set report output such that nested Reporter descriptions
are offset by one column, thus improving readability at the expense
of space.
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Opens the table (without effect for ASCII tables)
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Opens a new file with the given filename for writing DebugNotes into a
HTML table.
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Opens a new file with the given file- and pathname for writing DebugNotes
into a HTML table.
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Opens a new file with the given filename for writing ErrorMessages into a
HTML table.
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Opens a new file with the given file- and pathname for writing
ErrorMessages into a HTML table.
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Opens a new file with the given fileName for writing data to.
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Opens a new file with the given fileName for writing a HTML table to.
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Opens a new file with the given fileName for writing a HTML table to.
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- open(String, String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.OutputType
opens a new file for writting the output
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Opens a new file with the given filename for writing reports into a HTML
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Opens a new file with the given file- and pathname for writing reports
into a HTML table.
- open(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should open a new document containing multiple tables with the given name
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TableOutput
Opens the table output as a file with the given name
- open(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Opens a new file with the given file- and pathname for writing tracenotes
into a HTML table.
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Opens a new file with the given file- and pathname for writing tracenotes
into a HTML table.
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLReportOutput
open a new file to write the output in
- open(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLTraceOutput
open a new file to write the output in
- openRow(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
Opens a new row.
- openRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Only sets rowOpen flag to true
- openRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Writes the HTML 3.2 tags to open a new row in a table to the file.
- openRow() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Writes the HTML 3.2 tags to open a new row in a table to the file.
- openRow() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should open a row
- openRow() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder
Opens a new row for constructrion
- openTable(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Opens the table by writing the heading and a newline character
- openTable(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to build a HTML 3.2 table heading into the file.
- openTable(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Inserts the tags needed to build a HTML 3.2 table heading into the file.
- openTable(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should open a table with the given heading
- Operator - Interface in desmoj.core.dist
Interface to create user-defined operators.
- OutputType - Interface in desmoj.core.report
Interface for all Outputs (Report, Trace, Error, Debug) in format
like HTML, ASCII, XML written line by line.
- OutputTypeEndToExport - Interface in desmoj.core.report
Interface for Outputs that cannot be written line by line, e.g.
- overrideValueAt(String, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.SmartReporter
- PACKAGE_PATH - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.Constants
Package path to viewer.file package
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
This method is called automatically if the canvas has to be repaint.
- paint(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Paints the panel and all of its components.
- paint(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.VerticalLabelUI
- paintBackground(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Draws the chart basics.
- paintChildren(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityStaticComponent
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteStaticComponent
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ZoomMarker
- PaintPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.grafic.util
Class to paint a JPanel into a JFrame (onscreen)
or as png into a file (offscreen).
- PaintPanel(String, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.PaintPanel
Constructor to set the path of output directory and the size of created image.
- paintZoomMarker(Point, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- paintZoomMarker(Point, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- Parameter - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Class to Represent a Parameter.
- Parameter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Parameter of a Command
Each parameter has a type (name) and can have between min and max values.
- Parameter(String, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
- Parameter.ParameterType - Enum in desmoj.core.simulator
Enum to decide, if a parameter is a model-parameter or an experiment-
- PARAMETER_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
This sign must be between two command-parameters
- Parameterizable - Interface in desmoj.core.util
An interface for objects with parameters provided via access points
- ParameterManager - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Class to manage parameters.
- ParameterManager() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ParameterManager
Constructs a ParameterManager
- PartsList - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A PartsList is a listing of all the different kinds of parts and the number
(quantity) of them needed to produce a new part (or product).
- PartsList(Model, String, Class[], int[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Constructs a PartsList with the given arrays of different kinds of parts
and the quantities of that kind of part.
- PartsList(Model, String, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.PartsList
Constructs a PartsList with enough space to store a number of different
kinds of parts with the respective quantity needed of each kind.
- passivate() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Passivates the SimProcess for an indefinite time.
- PatternBasedTimeFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Use this class to format TimeInstant objects using a java.text.DateFormat object.
- PatternBasedTimeFormatter() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Constructor for a GeneralTimeFormatter.
- PatternBasedTimeFormatter(boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Constructor for a GeneralTimeFormatter.
- PatternBasedTimeFormatter(DateFormat, TimeUnit, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Constructor for a GeneralTimeFormatter.
- PatternBasedTimeFormatter(String, TimeUnit, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.PatternBasedTimeFormatter
Constructor for a GeneralTimeFormatter.
- pause() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Temporarily suspend data collection to exclude a period, e.g. to disregard
the night period in which a plant is closed from machine utilization statistics.
- pause() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
lets pause SimulationTime
- PAUSED - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Status: Experiment temporarily paused
- pickDown(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
This method describes the unloading of the internal transporter.
- pickUp(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
This method describes the loading of the internal transporter.
- plan(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Method for consumers to make the Block plan a number of n TEUs (a place
for a container) to be retrieved there later.
- plan(Block, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for consumers to make the Yard plan a number of n TEUs (a place
for a container) to be retrieved there later.
- Plotter - Class in desmoj.extensions.grafic.util
Class to plot DesmoJ histogram, histogramAccumulater and time-series data in jFreeChart Plotter.
- Plotter(String, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
Constructor to set the path of output directory and the size of created image.
- PLUS - Static variable in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Plus operator, for arguments
a and b
returning a+b
- Position - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Describes the middle point of an simulation object.
- Position(String, Point) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Position
describe a point in a plane "view"
- Position(String, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Position
- Position(int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Position
- PositionExt - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation
Extension of Position, used for static entities, that can be rotated or mirrored
- PositionExt(String, Point, double, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.PositionExt
constructor with full parameterization
- PositionExt(Point, double, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.PositionExt
constructor with default plane
- PositionExt(int, int, double, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.PositionExt
constructor with default plane
- POW - Static variable in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
Power operator, for arguments
a and b
returning a^b
- pred(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the SimProcess enqueued directly before the given SimProcess in
the process-queue.
- pred(P, Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the SimProcess enqueued before the given SimProcess in the
process-queue that also fulfills the condition given.
- pred(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the entity enqueued directly before the given Entity in the
- pred(E, Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the entity enqueued before the given Entity in the queue that
also fulfills the condition given.
- PREFIX_BIN_CONSUMER - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_PROCESS - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- PREFIX_QUEUE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_RESOURCE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_RESOURCE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- PREFIX_STOCK_CONSUMER - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_STOCK_PRODUCER - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_WAIT_MASTER - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PREFIX_WAIT_SLAVE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- prepareTransport() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
The current (master) process is calling this method (within
) on the slave process to make
him prepare for the transportation.
- presentTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Returns the current simulation time as displayed by the simulation clock
responsible for this modelcomponent.
- presentTime() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ModelAnimation
overwrite presentTime from Model.
- printEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
makes a control-print on System.out
- printEntries() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
makes a control-print on System.out
- printSizes(Component) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.SpringUtilities
A debugging utility that prints to stdout the component's
minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes.
- PRIO_FIRST - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PRIO_LAST - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- PRIORITY_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of priority- parameter and attribute of an entity.
- proceed() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Proceeds with a stopped experiment.
- process(Processing) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
This method is to be called from a
which wants
to process the other parts (slaves) as a master .
- process(Processing, Class[], Condition[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
This method is to be called from a
which wants
to process the other parts (slaves) as a master.
- Process - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Working-station with a line of resource-entities and a line of processed entities
- Process(Model, String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
- ProcessCoop<M extends SimProcess,S extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
ProcessCoop is the object representing the process cooperation between two
- ProcessCoop(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ProcessCoop
Constructor for a ProcessCoop where a master and a slave process are
- ProcessCoopAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
This class is used in method cooperation in class WaitQueueanimation
- ProcessCoopAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ProcessCoopAnimation
Constructor with same parameters as in ProcessCoop
- ProcessGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic for a (old) process object
- ProcessGrafic(Process, String, Point, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- Processing - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Processing is the object representing the processing process taking place at
where a Worker
process or a
are processing some parts (products) to
manufacture some new parts (or products).
- Processing(Model, String, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Processing
Constructs a Processing process where a master (
) is processing slaves (
es) in a cooperate manufacturing process.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Event handler for right-mouse-clicks onto the chart.
- processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Event handler for right-mouse-clicks onto the chart.
- ProcessNew - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Working-station with a line of resource-entities and a line of processed entities.
- ProcessNew(Model, String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
Constructor of abstract Processes.
- ProcessNew(Model, String, String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
Constructor of an non-abstract Processes.
- ProcessNewGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of (new) process object
- ProcessNewGrafic(ProcessNew, String, Point, String, int, boolean, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
- ProcessQueue<P extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
ProcessQueue provides models with a ready-to-use element to enqueue
es in.
- ProcessQueue(Model, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Constructs a simple priority based waiting-queue for SimProcesses, the
kind of queue implementation (FIFO or LIFO) and the capacity of the queue
can be chosen.
- ProcessQueue(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Constructs a simple priority and FIFO based waiting-queue for
SimProcesses with a maximum capacity of 2,147,483,647 waiting
processes, which should serve as an approximation of infinite
queues sufficiently well for most purposes.
- ProcessQueueAnimation<P extends SimProcessAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Animation of ProcessQueue
- ProcessQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in ProcessQueue
- ProcessQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in ProcessQueue
- ProcessQueueReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about a ProcessQueue.
- ProcessQueueReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ProcessQueueReporter
Creates a new ProcessQueueReporter.
- ProcessStationAnimation<Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation,Res extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation
Animation of ProcessStation,
there are some SimProcesses as Resource
and some as processed Entities
- ProcessStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
- ProcessStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationOldAnimation<Res extends EntityBasicAnimation,Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation
- ProcessStationOldAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, String, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationOldAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, String, Position, FormExt, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
- ProcessStationOldAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, String, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation<Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation
Animation of ProcessStation, there are some SimProcesses as Resource and some as processed Entities
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, String, int, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, String, int, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, String, int, Position, FormExt, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, String, int, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, String, int, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation<Proc extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation
Animation of ProcessStation with no resources,
there are some SimProcesses processed Entities
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, Position, FormExt, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
- ProcessStationResNoAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Comment, Position, FormExt, ListInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Build a ProcessStation.
- processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
- processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.RotationSwitchInterpolator
- producersPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the producers property descriptor.
- products() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Returns an enumeration of the products stored in this
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
This method will be called every time the Stock (the number of available
units) has changed.
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Informs the RestockProcessMS every time the inventory level of the Stock
- propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Informs the RestockProcessQS every time the inventory level of the Stock
- provide(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Gets a number of n resources from the Res pool and provides them to the
Sim-process to use them.
- provide(EntityBasicAnimation, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
Entity proc need needRes resources to process.
- provide(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
The currentSimProcess need needRes resources to process.
- provide(String, int, int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
put a processEntity, that require resourceEntityAnz resources, into
waiting queue
- put(Map, AccessPoint) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
Put an access point into the given map.
- Queue<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Queue provides models with a ready-to-use modelling element to enqueue
entities in.
- Queue(Model, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Constructs a simple priority based waiting-queue for entities, the kind
of queue sort order and the capacity of the queue can be chosen.
- Queue(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Constructs a simple priority and FIFO based waiting-queue for
entities with a maximum capacity of 2,147,483,647 waiting
entities, which should serve as an approximation of infinite
queues sufficiently well for most purposes.Note that since SimProcesses
are derived from Entities, they can be queued inside this queue, too.
- QueueAnimation<P extends EntityAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Animation of Queue
- QueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
- QueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
- QueueBased - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the typical statistics common to all ModelComponents based on Queues.
- QueueBased(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Creates a QueueBased object and initializes all statistical counters.
- QueueBased.QueueAction - Enum in desmoj.core.simulator
Enum to representing the actions of adding and removing an item to/from the queue.
- QueueList<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Is the abstract superclass for all the classes implementing different
queueing strategies for a waiting-queue.
- QueueList() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
- QueueListFifo<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Contains the implementation with the java.util.LinkedList to represent queueing
- QueueListFifo() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListFifo
Constructs an empty
with no reference to its
client QueueBased.
- QueueListLifo<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Contains the implementation with the java.util.LinkedList to represent queueing
- QueueListLifo() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListLifo
Constructs an empty
with no reference to its
client QueueBased.
- QueueListRandom<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Contains the implementation with the java.util.LinkedList to represent queueing
- QueueListRandom() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListRandom
Constructs an empty
with no reference to its
client QueueBased.
- QueueListStandard<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Is the class summing up all the collective implementation of different
queueing strategies for a queue list.
- QueueListStandard() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Constructs an empty
with no reference to its
client QueueBased.
- QueueReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about a queue.
- QueueReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.QueueReporter
Creates a QueueReporter.
- RANDOM - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Defining a constant for the random service discipline of the underlying queue: An Entity inserted into the queue may be removed before or after
any other Entity with the same priority.
- RandomBlockYardStrategy - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
The RandomBlockYardStrategy presents the strategy that is used by the
to find a certain block to store/retrieve a container by
the following way: the random block will be selected.
- RandomBlockYardStrategy(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.RandomBlockYardStrategy
Constructs the RandomBlockYardStrategy for a yard.
- randomizeConcurrentEvents(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Determines if the event-list processes concurrent Events in random order
or not.
- RandomizingEventTreeList - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
A specialized Event tree list providing random order for concurrent Event notes.
- RandomizingEventTreeList() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.RandomizingEventTreeList
Constructs a new randomizing Event tree list.
- reActivate(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Re-schedules all SimProcess activation by adding a TimeSpan to the
current activation times.
- reActivate(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Re-schedules the activation of this process (which must be exaxctly one)
by setting it to the TimeInstant passed to this method.
- readDoc(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.DocumentReader
- readFromNode(Element) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
Reads a run from a DOM node representing an XML parameter file.
- readInit(BufferedReader) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSequence
Reads all commands in init-phase from reader f
and execute them (Command.execute)
- readParamList(Node, Map) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
Reads a parameter list from a DOM node to a java.util.Map.
- readUntilTime(BufferedReader, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSequence
Reads the next commands in reader f until time-value > time
and execute them (Command.execute)
- RealTimeEventWrapper - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Provides the basic frame for user defined events.
- RealTimeEventWrapper(ExternalEvent) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.RealTimeEventWrapper
Creates an real time wrapper for an external event.
- RealTimeEventWrapper(ExternalEvent, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.RealTimeEventWrapper
Creates an real time wrapper for an external event.
- realTimeSchedule() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.RealTimeEventWrapper
Schedules the external event to happen at the simulation time equivalent
to the nanosecond timestamp of this RealTimeEventWrapper.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Receives a debugnote and writes its contents formatted to a HTML table
into a file in the user's default directory.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.DebugFileOut
Reporters are not handled by this class so this method simply returns.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Receives a TraceNote and writes its contents formatted to a HTML table
into a file in the user's default directory.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ErrorFileOut
Reporters are not handled by this class so this method simply returns.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Receives a message and forwards it to all messagereceiver objects
registered with the type of message sent.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Receives a reporter and forwards it to all messagereceiver objects
registered with the type of reporter sent.
- receive(Message) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.MessageReceiver
Implement this method to define the behaviour of the messagereceiver when
messages are sent to it.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.MessageReceiver
Implement this method to define the behaviour of the messagereceiver when
reporters are sent to it.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Messages are not handled by this reportout, so this method simply
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Receives a reporter and writes its contents formatted to a HTML table
into a file in the user's default directory.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportMultRowsFileOut
Receives a reporter and writes its contents formatted to a HTML table
into a file in the user's default directory.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ScreenOutput
Messages given as parameter to this method have their description
attribute printed in one String on the screen.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ScreenOutput
The method to print reports on screen is not implemented since reports
need some grouping that is done by the classes that print to files.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.StandardFileOut
Implement this method to define how the information carried in the given
message is represented in a file.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.StandardFileOut
Implement this method to define how the information carried in the given
reporter is represented in a file.
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Receives a TraceNote and writes its contents formatted to a HTML table
into a file in the user's default directory.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Reporters are not handled by this class so this method simply returns.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLReportOutput
method to be called when a reporter is received
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLReportOutput
method to be called when a Message is received. this class does not
handle Messages so it will simply return
- receive(Message) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLTraceOutput
method to be called when a Message is received.
- receive(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLTraceOutput
method to be called when a reporter is received reporters will not be
handled by this class so it will simply return
- redrawChart() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Forces the chart to repaint.
- ReflectException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect
A runtime exception indicating an that occured because of using reflection.
- ReflectException(String) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectException
Constructor for ReflectException.
- ReflectionManager - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect
A utility class for using the Java Reflection API.
- ReflectionManager() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
- refresh() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
Wird aufgerufen vom Viewer Start actionPerformed
Dort werden mit reload() alle AnimationsElemente neu erstellt.
- refusedPropertyDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the refused property descriptor.
- regCoeff() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the regression coefficient.
- register(Distribution) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Registers a new distribution at the experiment to control antithetic mode
and set random seed values.
- register(MessageReceiver, Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Registers a messagereceiver object to receive messages of the given type.
- register(MessageReceiver, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Registers a messagereceiver object to receive messages of the given type.
- register(Reporter) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
Registers the given reporter at the experiment's reportmanager.
- register(OutputType) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Registers a file output (Report, Trace, Error, Debug) in specific formats
- register(Reportable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Registers a reportable at this model.
- register() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- register() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Registers the observer with the context
- registerFileOutput(FileOutput) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Registers a custom file output at the experiment, e.g.
- registerMessageReceivers() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Registers new message receivers as output channels of the experiment
- registerNewVisualEventListener(VisualEventListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
Registers a customized VisualEventListener to this module.
- Regression - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is producing a linear regression for two
objects called x and y.
- Regression(Model, String, ValueSupplier, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Constructor for a Regression object with no names for the x and y values.
- Regression(Model, String, String, String, ValueSupplier, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Constructor for a Regression object that is observing two
for the x and y values.
- Regression(Model, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Constructor for a Regression object that is NOT connected to any
for the x and y values.
- RegressionReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Regression analysis.
- RegressionReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.RegressionReporter
Constructor for a new RegressionReporter.
- release() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
A Ship is using this method to release this berth and to put length it
has used back to the Berth.
- REMARK_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of remark parameter.
- remove(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Removes an entity (type E) from the range of this distribution, if it is
- remove(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Removes an entity (type E) from the range of this distribution, if it is
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Removes am entry at a certain position out of the sample list, lowering
the index of all following entries by one.
- remove(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the given SimProcess from the process-queue.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the process queued at the given position.
- remove(Entity) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the given Entity from the Queue.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the entity queued at the given position.
- remove(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should remove the given
"e" from the queue.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Removes the
queued at the named position
- remove(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Removes the first occurrence of the given Entity from the QueueList.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Removes the
queued at the named position.
- remove(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should remove a graphical observer from the context.
- remove(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Removes graphical observer from the desktop
- remove(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the given SimProcess from the process-queue.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the process queued at the given position.
- remove(Entity) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the given Entity from the Queue.
- remove(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the entity queued at the given position.
- remove(EntityBasicAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntryAnimationVector
- remove(EntityBasicAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationAnimation
Remove the process entry which contains the entity e.
- remove(Proc) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResAbstrAnimation
Remove the process entry which contains the process entity e.
- remove(Proc) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationResNoAnimation
Remove the process entry which contains the process entity e.
- remove(E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
remove entity from route
- remove(String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- remove(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.orga.ClassContent
- removeAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes all processes from the Queue.
- removeAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes all entities from the Queue.
- removeAllComponents() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Removes all elements (SimProcesses and ComplexSimProcesses) from this
- removeAllProducts() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes (and returns) all products (SimProcesses) from the Entrepot which
are contained in there at the moment, even if other processes are waiting
in the queue.
- removeAllProducts(Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes (and returns) all products (SimProcesses) which are in compliance
with the given condition from the Entrepot, no matter if there are other
processes waiting in the queue.
- removeComponent(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Removes a SimProcess from the elements of this ComplexSimProcess.
- removeControlEventListener(ControlEventListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Removes a registered ControlListener.
- removeDebugReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes a messagereceiver for debugnotes from the experiment's
- removeEntry(N) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Removes all entries of an empirical value.
- removeEntry(N, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Removes all entries of all empirical values close
to a given value.
- removeEntry(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
remove an entry(process- and resource-set) that include the entity with id entityId
- removeEntry(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
remove entity with given id
- removeErrorReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes a messagereceiver for errormessages from the experiment's
- RemoveEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
A RemoveEvent indicates that a SpatialObject isn't needed anymore.
- RemoveEvent(Object, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.RemoveEvent
Constructs a RemoveEvent.
- removeExperimentListener(ExperimentListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Removes an experiment listener
- removeFirst() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the first process from the queue and provides a reference to
this process.
- removeFirst(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the first process from the queue that fulfills to the given
- removeFirst() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the first entity from the queue and provides a reference to
this entity.
- removeFirst(Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the first entity from the queue that fulfills the given
- removeFirst() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the first process from the queue and provides a reference to
this process.
- removeFirst(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the first process from the queue that fulfills to the given
- removeFirst() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the first entity from the queue and provides a reference to
this entity.
- removeFirst(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the first entity from the queue that fulfills the given
- removeFromContainer(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
remove entityId from container. ????
- removeFromContainer(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
remove entity from list
time operation-time
- removeFromContainer(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
remove entityId from route
time time of operation
- removeLast() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the last process from the queue and provides a reference to
this process.
- removeLast(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Removes the last process from the queue that fulfills to the given
condition, determined by traversing the queue from last to first until
a process fulfilling the condition is found.
- removeLast() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the last entity from the queue and provides a reference to
this entity.
- removeLast(Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Removes the last entity from the queue that fulfills to the given
condition, determined by traversing the queue from last to first until
an entity fulfilling the condition is found.
- removeLast() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the last process from the queue and provides a reference to
this process.
- removeLast(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.ProcessQueueAnimation
Removes the last process from the queue that fulfills to the given
condition, determined by traversing the queue from last to first until
a process fulfilling the condition is found.
- removeLast() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the last entity from the queue and provides a reference to
this entity.
- removeLast(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.QueueAnimation
Removes the last entity from the queue that fulfills to the given
condition, determined by traversing the queue from last to first until
an entity fulfilling the condition is found.
- removeModule(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Removes the VisualModule with the name from the VisualizationControl if present.
- removeProc(Proc) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
remove an process e
- removeProcess(E) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- removeProduct() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes (and returns) one product (SimProcess) from the Entrepot.
- removeProduct(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes a certain product (SimProcess) from the Entrepot, if the given
product is stored in the Entrepot, no matter if other processes are
waiting in the queue already.
- removeProducts(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes (and returns) a certain number of products (SimProcesses) from
the Entrepot.
- removeProducts(int, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Removes (and returns) a certain number of products (SimProcesses) from
the Entrepot which are in compliance with the given condition.
- removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The removePropertyChangeListener method was generated to support the
propertyChange field.
- removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
The removePropertyChangeListener method was generated to support the
propertyChange field.
- removeReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes a messagereceiver from the experiment's messagedistributor.
- removeReceiver(MessageReceiver, Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes a messagereceiver for the given subtype of message from the
Experiment's messagedistributor.
- removeRes(Res) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.processStation.ProcessStationOldAnimation
remove an resource e
- removeSimClockListener(SimClockListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Removes a SimClock listener
- removeStopConditions() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes all conditions set to stop the experiment.
- removeTraceReceiver(MessageReceiver) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Removes a messagereceiver for tracenotes from the experiment's
- removeTrack(Track) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Removes a specific track from the layout manager.
- removeVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- removeVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- removeVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- removeVisible() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- removeVisible() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.VisibleObject
Sends a RemoveEvent to signal the observers that this object isn't
needed anymore.
- removeVisualEventListener(VisualEventListener) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventTransmitter
Removes a registered VisualEventListener.
- removeVisualizationControl() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- removeVisualizationControl() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualModule
If a VisualizationControl is set, it will be removed from the module's
local attribute by calling this method.
- rename(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Overrides inherited
NamedObjectImp.rename(String newName)
method to prevent the user from changing the experiment's name during an
- rename(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Allows to rename a Schedulable object while keeping its internally added
serial number to keep track of the individual object.
- rename(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Changes the name of the named object.
- rename(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Changes the name of the named object.
- REPAINT_DELAY - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- REPLACE_CHAR - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
- replaceSyntaxSign(String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
- report() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Writes a report about the model connected top this experiment, its
reportable components and all related submodels into the report output.
- report(Model) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Writes a report about the given model which has to be connected to this
experiment as main model or as a submodel.
- Reportable - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
All classes that want to publish their information have to extend this class
in order to provide the necessary functions to represent their information in
- Reportable(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Creates a reportable object with all parameters required.
- Reporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Declares the basic methods needed for reporter to be able to print reports
about a model component.
- Reporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Creates a reporter for the given reportable information source.
- Reporter(Schedulable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.Reporter
Creates a reporter for the given Schedulable information source.
- ReportFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
ReportFileOut is used to create a file to let the reporters write their
reports to.
- ReportFileOut(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ReportFileOut
Creates a file to print reports into a HTML page.
- reportIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Checks if this reportable produces a report.
- ReportManager - Class in desmoj.core.report
Controls all reports given by reportable model components used during an
- ReportManager(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ReportManager
Creates a new reportmanager with the given name.
- ReportMultRowsFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
ReportMultRowsFileOut is used to create a file to let the reporters write
their reports to.
- ReportMultRowsFileOut(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ReportMultRowsFileOut
Creates a file to print reports into a HTML page.
- reportOff() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Switches report mode to prevent this reportable to produce reports.
- reportOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Switches report mode of this reportable on to produce a report.
- ReportProvider(ExperimentRunner) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner.ReportProvider
- ReportsPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
GUI-component to manage the report view.
- ReportsPanel() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportsPanel
Creates a new ReportsPanel
- ReportStylerPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A JPanel that allows to make selections on which parts of a certain trace or
report output shall be shown.
- ReportStylerPanel() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
Creates a new ReportStyler
- Res - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Res is the place where resources are stored in a pool.
- Res(Model, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Constructor for a Res with a number of initial resources in it.
- Res(Model, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Constructor for a Res with a number of initial resources in it.
- reSchedule(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Re-schedules the Schedulable by shifting all EventNote by a specified
- reSchedule(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Re-schedules the Schedulable to some other point in simulation time
(which should be different form the instant at which is a scheduled
at the moment).
- reSchedulePreempt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Re-schedules the Schedulable to happen immediately, preempting
the current process.
- reserve(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Method for producers to make the Block reserve a number of n TEUs (a
place for a container) to be stored there later.
- reserve(Block, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for producers to make the Yard reserve a number of n TEUs (a place
for a container) to be stored there later.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
To reset the statistics of this bin.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Resets the statistics of this Res.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Resets all statistical counters of this Stock to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Resets the pseudo random generator's seed and the number of samples given
to zero.
- reset(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Resets the pseudo random generator's seed to the value passed, the number
of samples given to zero and sets antithetic to false for this
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Model
Resets the statistic counters of this model and of all its registered
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Resets the counter for observations made by this reportable.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Resets this Accumulate object by resetting all variables to 0.0.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Resets this Aggregate object by resetting (nearly) all variables to zero.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Resets this
object by deleting a observations this far.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Resets this Count object by resetting (nearly) all variables to zero.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Resets the DataListTally and its DataList.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Resets this Histogram object by resetting the counters for each cell to
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Resets this Histogram object by resetting the counters for each cell to
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Resets this Regression object by resetting all variables of x and y to
0.0 .
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Resets this Tally object by resetting all variables to 0.0 .
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Resets this TallyRunning object by resetting all variables to 0.0 .
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Resets this TextHistogram object by deleting all observed Strings.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Resets this TimeSeries object by deleting the contents of the file to
which all the data is saved to.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Resets this ValueStatistics object by resetting all variables to 0.0 .
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Resets the statistics of this Berth.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
To reset the statistics of this Block.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
To reset the statistics about unloaded und loaded units of this Crane.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.CranesSystem
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
To reset all the statistics about this InternalTransporter.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
To reset the statistics of this Yard.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
To reset the statistics of this Entrepot.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Resets all statistical counters to their default values.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Resets the counter for observations made by this reportable.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AccumulateAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AggregateAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.CountAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.HistogramAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TallyAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TimeSeriesAnimation
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
makes a model-reset, must be used before a new cmds-file is read.
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
reset statistic object, used by warnup
called from Model.resetStatistic(...)
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- reset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.InfoPane
remove all entities and makes it invisible
- resetAll() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Resets all registered distributions.
- resetAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Shows the point in simulation time when the last reset of this reportable
was made.
- resetAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
- resetAt() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Shows the point in simulation time when the last reset of this reportable
was made.
- resetGUI(String, boolean, AccessPointTableModel, AccessPointTableModel, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Resets the user interface on creating, loading or resetting an
- resetGUI(String, boolean, AccessPointTableModel, AccessPointTableModel, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Resets the user interface on creating, loading or resetting an
- resetGUI(String, boolean, AccessPointTableModel, AccessPointTableModel, String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should reset the gui to start settings
- resetMaster() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Gets the InterruptCode from the master and resets the master to
- resetMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the reset() method descriptor.
- resetOffset() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Resets the position offset for the next window to zero.
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Resets the rotational data
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- resetRotation() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Resets the rotation of the object.
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- resetRotation() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- resetStatistic(String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- residualStdDev() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the residuale standard deviation.
- Resource - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Resources are objects needed by SimProcesses to perform certain tasks.
- Resource(Model, String, Res, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Resource
Constructs a resource object with the given String as name and the given
model as the associated owner of this component.
- Resource - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Resource-station with waiting queue and process station.
- Resource(Model, String, String, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
Constructor, a Resource contains a List and a ProcessNew instance.
- ResourceDB - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
In the resource database every Simprocess and the resources it requests or
holds at the moment are stored.
- ResourceGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of Resource
- ResourceGrafic(Resource, String, Point, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
- ResourcePoolAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animation of a ResourcePool (Res)
- ResourcePoolAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Res
- ResourcePoolAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Accumulate
- ResourceReporter - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Captures all relevant information about the Res.
- ResourceReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.ResourceReporter
Constructor for a new ResourceReporter.
- RestockProcessAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
superclass to animate a restock process
- RestockProcessAnimation() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessAnimation
- RestockProcessMS - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
RestockProcessMS is a process restocking a
up to a
maximum (M) inventory level every time a given safety (S) stock level is
- RestockProcessMS(Model, String, long, long, Stock, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Constructs a
which restocks a client
up to a maximum inventory level every time the
safety stock is reached.
- RestockProcessMS(Model, String, long, long, Stock, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Constructs a
which restocks a client
up to a maximum inventory level every time the
safety stock is reached.
- RestockProcessMSAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Animation of RestockProcessMS.
- RestockProcessMSAnimation(RestockProcessMS) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMSAnimation
- RestockProcessMT - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
RestockProcessMT is a process restocking a
up to a
maximum (M) inventory level on a periodic review bases (fixed Time span = T).
- RestockProcessMT(Model, String, long, TimeSpan, Stock, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Constructs a
which restocks a client
after a fixed time period up to a maximum inventory
- RestockProcessMT(Model, String, long, TimeSpan, Stock, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Constructs a
which restocks a client
after a fixed time period up to a maximum inventory
- RestockProcessMTAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Animation of RestockProcessMT.
- RestockProcessMTAnimation(RestockProcessMT) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMTAnimation
- RestockProcessQS - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
RestockProcessQS is a process restocking a
with a fixed
given quantity (Q) every time a given safety (S) stock level is reached.
- RestockProcessQS(Model, String, long, long, Stock, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Constructs a
which restocks a client
after a fixed time period up to a maximum inventory
- RestockProcessQS(Model, String, long, long, Stock, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Constructs a
which restocks a client
with a fixed quantity every time the safety stock is
- RestockProcessQSAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Animation of RestockProcessQS.
- RestockProcessQSAnimation(RestockProcessQS) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQSAnimation
- RestockProcessQT - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
RestockProcessQT is a process restocking a
with a fixed
quantity (Q) of units on a periodic review bases (fixed Time span = T).
- RestockProcessQT(Model, String, long, TimeSpan, Stock, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Constructs a
which restocks a client
after a fixed time period with a fixed quantity of
- RestockProcessQT(Model, String, long, TimeSpan, Stock, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Constructs a
which restocks a client
after a fixed time period with a fixed quantity of
- RestockProcessQTAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Animation of RestockProcessQT.
- RestockProcessQTAnimation(RestockProcessQT) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQTAnimation
- result(double, double) - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.Operator
This should return the desired of the result or the operation, depending on the operands.
- retrieve(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Method for consumers to make the Bin deliver a number of n products.
- retrieve(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Method for consumers to make the Stock retrieve a number of n units.
- retrieve(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Method for consumers to make the Block retrieve a number of n TEUs (a
- retrieve(Block, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for consumers to make the Yard retrieve a number of n TEUs (a
- retrieve(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.BinAnimation
A Consumer wants to retrieve noOfProducts
When the stock is full, he must wait in a queue of consumer
- retrieve(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockAnimation
A Consumer wants to retrieve noOfProducts
When the stock is full, he must wait in a queue of consumer
- retrieve_longMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the retrieve(long) method descriptor.
- retrieveBegin(String, int, long, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- retrieveBegin(String, int, long, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- retrieveEnd(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- retrieveEnd(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- retrieveFromOverflow(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for consumers to retrieve from the overflow part of this Yard a
number of n TEUs (a container).
- returnAllResources() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Makes the SimProcess return all resources it holds at the moment to all
the different Res pools it is holding resources from.
- returnResources(Res, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Makes the SimProcess return a certain number of resources of the given
resource pool.
- RotateEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
The RotationEvent indicates the event when a SpatialObject is be rotated or a new angle is set.
- RotateEvent(Object, String, Rotation, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.RotateEvent
Constructs a RotationEvent.
- RotatingDoneEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The RotatingDoneEvent class represents a internal event which notifies
a MovableSpatialObject the end of its rotation.
- RotatingDoneEvent(Model, String, boolean, MovableSpatialObject) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.RotatingDoneEvent
Constructs a RotatingDoneEvent and checks whether the caller is a
instance of the MovableSpatialObject.
- Rotation - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The Rotation class specifies a rotation with its axis and angle.
- Rotation(boolean[], double, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Rotation
Constructs a Rotation object.
- RotationInterruptEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
A RotationInterruptEvent indicates that a MovabelSpatialSimProcess's rotation has been interrupted.
- RotationInterruptEvent(Object, String, Quat4d, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.RotationInterruptEvent
Constructs a RotationInterruptEvent.
- RotationSwitchInterpolator - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
A slightly modified version of RotationInterpolator.
- RotationSwitchInterpolator(TransformGroup) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.RotationSwitchInterpolator
Constructs a RotationSwitchInterpolator.
- rotX(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotX(double, TimeSpan) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Rotates the object about the x-axis using an animation.
- rotX(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Rotates the spatial attribute counter-clockwise about the x-axis.
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- rotX(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Adds a rotation about the x-axis to the current orientation.
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- rotX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- rotXConcurrent(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Rotates the object about the x-axis using an animation.
- rotY(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotY(double, TimeSpan) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Rotates the object about the y-axis using an animation.
- rotY(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Rotates the spatial attribute counter-clockwise about the y-axis.
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- rotY(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Adds a rotation about the y-axis to the current orientation.
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- rotY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- rotYConcurrent(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Rotates the object about the y-axis using an animation.
- rotZ(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- rotZ(double, TimeSpan) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Rotates the object about the z-axis using an animation.
- rotZ(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Rotates the spatial attribute counter-clockwise about the z-axis.
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- rotZ(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
Adds a rotation about the z-axis to the current orientation.
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- rotZ(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- rotZConcurrent(double, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
Rotates the object about the z-axis using an animation.
- round(double) - Static method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Rounds a double value with repect to the
- Route - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
A route is a polyline between a start- and a end-station.
- Route(Model, String, String, String, double) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
Route from sourceId to sinkId with length
- RouteDynamicComponent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
A route that moves all entities on it.
- RouteDynamicComponent(Model, String, Rectangle) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- RouteGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of a route.
- RouteGrafic(Route, Point[], long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
called by Route
- RouteStaticComponent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
- RouteStaticComponent(Model, String, Rectangle) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteStaticComponent
- Row(FlexReporterBuilder.RowCloseCallback) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.FlexReporterBuilder.Row
Constructs the Row with the given close callback
- rowIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
Sets tableOpen flag to true.
- rowIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Returns the status of the current table row that is written to.
- rowIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Returns the status of the current table row that is written to.
- rowIsOpen() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
- run() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimThread
Run starts when the associated SimProcess is activated for the first
- run() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.BatchRunner
Runs the simulations specified in the assigned batch file
- run() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Runs the contained experiment by calling it's appropriate start method
- Run - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
A class representing a parametrized simulation run.
- Run(Model, ExperimentRunner, Map, Map, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
Creates a new run.
- Run(Model, ExperimentRunner) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
Creates a new run without changing model and experiment parameter
- Run() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
Creates a new empty run.
- run() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationThread
- RUNNING - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment currently running the simulation.
- RUNNING - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Status: Experiment currently running
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDist
Abstract method should return the specific sample as a boolean value when
implemented in subclasses.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistBernoulli
Returns the next Bernoulli distributed sample of the distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistConstant
Returns the next constant boolean sample of this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistAggregate
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistBeta
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Returns the next constant sample of this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistCustom
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistEmpirical
Returns the next sample specified by the empirical distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistErlang
Returns the next Erlang distributed sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistExponential
Returns the next negative exponential pseudo random number.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistGamma
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistNormal
Returns the next normally distributed sample
from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistTriangular
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Returns the next floating point sample from this uniform distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistWeibull
Returns the next pseudo random number of the Weibull distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistBinomial
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Returns the next constant sample of this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistEmpirical
Returns the next sample specified by the empirical distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistGeo
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistHypergeo
Returns the next sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistPoisson
Returns the next poisson distributed sample from this distribution.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Returns the next uniformly distributed integer sample.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDist
Abstract method should return the specific sample (type Entity) when
implemented in subclasses.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Returns the next empirically distributed entity sample.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Returns the next empirically distributed entity sample.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
Method to return the specific sample as a value of type N.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Returns the next sample from the entry list.
- sample() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Returns the next sample from the value list.
- sampleObject() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDist
Convenience method to return the distribution's sample as
- sampleObject() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Convenience method to return the distribution's sample as
- sampleObject() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDist
Convenience method to return the distribution's sample as
- sampleObject() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
Convenience method to return the distribution's sample as
- sampleObject() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Convenience method to return the series' sample as
- sampleTimeSpan() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDist
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
distribution (time unit is the experiment's reference units),
thus replacing the pattern new TimeSpan(distribution.sample())
- sampleTimeSpan(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDist
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
distribution (time unit given explicitly as parameter), thus replacing
the pattern new TimeSpan(distribution.sample(), unit)
- sampleTimeSpan() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
distribution (time unit is the experiment's reference units),
thus replacing the pattern new TimeSpan(distribution.sample())
- sampleTimeSpan(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.NumericalDist
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
distribution (time unit given explicitly as parameter), thus replacing
the pattern new TimeSpan(distribution.sample(), unit)
- sampleTimeSpan() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
series (time unit is the experiment's reference units),
thus replacing the pattern new TimeSpan(series.sample())
- sampleTimeSpan(TimeUnit) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Convenience method to sample a period of random length by creating a
whose length is determined by sampling this
series (time unit given explicitly as parameter), thus replacing
the pattern new TimeSpan(series.sample(), unit)
- saveAs(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Saves the chart (including title and legend) as an image file.
- saveDialog() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to save in *
- saveDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to save in
- saveDialog() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to save in *
- saveDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
opens a Swing dialog to select a configuration file to save in
- saveDialog(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should open a new FileDialog to save a File currentFilename should be
preselected if no new filename is given null should be returned
- saveDialog(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
opens a swing dialog to save an XSL file
- sAverageLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the average length of the slave queue since the last reset.
- sAverageLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the average length of the slave queue at the given index since
the last reset.
- sAverageWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the average waiting time of all processes who have exited the
slave queue.
- sAverageWaitTime(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the average waiting time of all processes who have exited the
slave queue indicated by the index..
- scale() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Rescales the size of the header font.
- Schedulable - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
All objects that want to be handled by the scheduler must extend this class.
- Schedulable(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Constructs a Schedulable object with the given name.
- schedule(Event<?>, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given Event at the given
point of time.
- schedule(Event<?>, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given Event at the current
time plus the given offset.
- schedule(Event<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given Event at the current
- schedule(E, EventOf2Entities<?, E>, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf2Entities at the given
point of time.
- schedule(E, EventOf2Entities<?, E>, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf2Entities at the current
time plus the given offset.
- schedule(E, EventOf2Entities<?, E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf2Entities at the current
- schedule(E, F, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf3Entities at the given
point of time.
- schedule(E, F, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf3Entities at the current
time plus the given offset.
- schedule(E, F, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity to be manipulated by the given EventOf3Entities at the current
- schedule(E, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given entity at a certain point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity at the specified point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity now.
- schedule(E, NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity at a point in
simulation time determined by a sample from the distribution provided
to the method.
- schedule(E, F, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given entities at a certain point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E, F, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act the given entities at the specified point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act the given entities now.
- schedule(E, F, NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act the given entities at the specified point in
simulation time determined by a sample from the distribution provided
to the method.
- schedule(E, F, G, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given entities at a certain point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E, F, G, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given entities at the specified point in
simulation time.
- schedule(E, F, G) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given entities now.
- schedule(E, F, G, NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given entities at the specified point in
simulation time determined by a sample from the distribution provided
to the method.
- schedule(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model at the current point of time plus the given span of
- schedule() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model now.
- schedule(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model.
- schedule(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model at the specified point in simulation time.
- schedule(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model at the current point of time plus the given span of
- schedule(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Schedules this external event to make the desired changes to the
experiment or model at the specified point in simulation time.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, Event<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given Event to occur directly after the
given Schedulable that is already scheduled.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, EventOf2Entities<?, E>, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given EventOf2Entities to occur directly after the
given Schedulable that is already scheduled.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>, E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given EventOf3Entities to occur directly after the
given Schedulable that is already scheduled.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity directly after the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity directly after the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable, E, F, G) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given Entities directly after the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to act on the experiment or model state
directly after the given Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleAfter(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Schedules this external event to act on the experiment or model state
directly after the given Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, Event<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given Event to occur directly before the
given Schedulable that is scheduled.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, EventOf2Entities<?, E>, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given EventOf2Entities to occur directly before the
given Schedulable that is scheduled.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>, E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this Entity with the given EventOf3Entities to occur directly before the
given Schedulable that is scheduled.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity directly before the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given Entity directly before the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable, E, F, G) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to act on the given Entities directly before the given
Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this external event to act on the experiment or model state
directly before the given Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduleBefore(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEventStop
Schedules this external event to act on the experiment or model state
directly before the given Schedulable is already set to be activated.
- scheduledNext() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Returns the next point of time this entity is scheduled.
- schedulePreempt(Event<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this entity with an event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt(E, EventOf2Entities<?, E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this entity with an event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt(E, F, EventOf3Entities<?, E, F>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Schedules this entity with an event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Event
Schedules this event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt(E, F) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf2Entities
Schedules this event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt(E, F, G) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventOf3Entities
Schedules this event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- schedulePreempt() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ExternalEvent
Schedules this event to be executed immediately, preempting the
process lifecycle executed at the moment.
- Scheduler - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The scheduler is the main element controlling the run of a simulation.
- Scheduler(Experiment, String, EventList) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.Scheduler
Constructs a scheduler with given name and the event-list (i.e. inheritor
) to use.
- ScreenOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
A simple MessageReceiver that just prints the Message's description attribute
into a single line on screen using the
- ScreenOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.ScreenOutput
Constructs a simple ScreenOutput object to print to
in lines.
- seconds(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan.Builder
- send(CrossbarMessage) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
Sends the given
to the channel, thereby
activating all processes that are waiting on the channel.
- sendDebugNote(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Creates and sends a debugnote to the experiment's messagedistributor.
- sendMessage(Message) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Sends a message to the messagedistributor handled by the experiment.
- sendMessage(CrossbarMessage, List<MessageChannel<T>>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Sends the given
to the specified message
channels, thereby activating all processes that are waiting on these
- sendToLocation(SpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- sendToLocation(SpatialObject) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Set this object to the position of the destination object and
change the currentLocation to the destination object.
- sendToLocation(SpatialObject) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- sendToLocationEntryPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- sendToLocationEntryPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Set this object to the position of the given entry point of
the destination object.
- sendToLocationEntryPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- sendToLocationExitPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- sendToLocationExitPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Set this object to the position of the given exit point of
the destination object.
- sendToLocationExitPoint(SpatialObject, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- sendTraceNote(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Creates and sends a tracenote to the experiment's messagedistributor.
- sendWarning(String, String, String, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Creates and sends an error message to warn about a erroneous condition in
the DESMO-J framework to the experiment's messagedistributor.
- serializeDocument(Document, Writer) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Saves a DOM tree as XML file
- Series<O> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
A series is a special distribution returning preset, user-defined entries
from a list.
- Series(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Creates a new Series.
- SeriesEntities<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
A series is a special distribution returning preset, user-defined entries
from a list.
- SeriesEntities(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesEntities
Creates a new SeriesEntities.
- SeriesNumerical<N extends java.lang.Number> - Class in desmoj.core.dist
A series is a special distribution returning preset, user-defined entries
from a list.
- SeriesNumerical(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.dist.SeriesNumerical
Creates a new SeriesNumerical.
- SeriesReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
- SeriesReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.SeriesReporter
- serveCrane() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
This method implements the specific behaviour of the crane control if a
crane is idle must be served by this control.
- serveTransporter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
This method implements the specific behaviour of the crane control if a
transporter arrives and must be served by this control.
- ServiceStation<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The ServiceStation represents a standard operating station which can process entities.
- ServiceStation(int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.ServiceStation
This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue.
- set(O, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Replaces the entry at a certain position with a given entry.
- set_xlabel(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Resets the legend (labeling) for the x axis.
- set_ylabel(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Resets the legend (labeling) for the y axis.
- setAcc(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- setAcc(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Sets the acceleration of the object.
- setAcc(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- setAccDuration(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the acceleration duration
- setAngle(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- setAntithetic(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Switches this distribution to produce antithetic samples.
- setAntitheticAll(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Sets antithetic mode to true on all registered distributions regardless
of their previous status.
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
Set attributes
Following signs in the key are not valid :,:| they are changed to _
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityBasicAnimation
- setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
Set Attributes
- setAttribute(String, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
set an attribute-value
- setAttributes(int, int, Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
change attribute values
- setBackground(Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Background Color of Background Element
- setBackgroundElement(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setBerth(Berth) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Sets (assings) the berth of this Ship to a new value.
- setBerthLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Sets the length that this Ship needs from a berth to berth there to a new
- setBin(String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setBlocked(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Sets the SimProcess' blocked status to the boolean value given.
- setBuffer(Stock) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the buffer of this crane to a new value.
- setCapacity(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Sets the capacity of this Transporter to a new value.
- setCheckAll(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Sets the flag
: if all entities or only the first
one in the queue are getting a signal to check their conditions.
- setCheckAndLog() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
Only when checkAndLog is set the Method CheckAndLog is active.
- setCode() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- setColor(Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
set color of route line and description
- setCommentColor(Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- setCommentColor(Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- setCommentFont(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- setCommentFont(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- setCommentSizeExt(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- setCommentSizeExt(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- setCommentTest(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
- setCommentText(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
- setCondensed(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Sets whether output should be condensed, i.e.\ empty cells on the right tail not shown.
- setConfidenceLevel(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ConfidenceCalculator
Sets the confidence level; default value is 0.95.
- setConstant(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.BoolDistConstant
Changes the constant value to the new one specified.
- setConstant(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Changes the constant value to the new one specified.
- setConstant(N) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Changes the constant value to the new one specified.
- setCoordinatePoint(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set coordinate point to show in status line
- setCoroutineModel(CoroutineModel) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the coroutine model.
- setCorrespondingReportable(Reportable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Schedulable
Sets the Reportable (e.g. entity) corresponding to this Schedulable.
- setCorrespondingSchedulable(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Sets the schedulable (e.g. entity) corresponding to this Reportable.
- setCorrespondingSchedulable(Schedulable) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Sets the schedulable (e.g. entity) corresponding to this Reportable.
- setCount(long, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- setCount(long, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- setCrane(Crane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Sets the crane that this InternalTransporter must be assigned to.
- setCrane(Crane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.IsJobForTransporter
Sets the crane that the VC that must be checked is assigned to.
- setCS(C_Control) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the crane control of this crane to a new value.
- setCTyp(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Sets the container typ of this Block to a new value.
- setCurrentCapacity(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Sets the current capacity of this InternalTransporter to a new value.
- setData(String, int, int, int, Color, Color, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
Updates and repaints text properties
- setDayOfWeek(boolean[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
active daysOfWeek in this schedule entry (SUN, MON, .., FRI, SAT)
- setDeadlockDetected(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Sets the boolean field
to the given value.
- setDec(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- setDec(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Sets the negative acceleration of the object.
- setDec(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- setDecDuration(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the deceleration duration.
- setDefaultPath(String, String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set default path for Data->open aund Data->icon menue.
- setDefaultPath(String, String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set default path for Data->open aund Data->icon menue.
- setDelay(long, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Sets the delay between each step of the scheduler.
- setDelayInMillis(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the delay between each step of the scheduler.
- setDemandInterval(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Sets the intervals in which the demand occurs to the new given random
number distribution.
- setDemandQuantity(NumericalDist<Long>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.DemandProcess
Sets the demand (quantity) to the new given random number distribution.
- setDescription(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Set an optional description of reported value.
- setDestination(ModelComponent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Sets the destination of this job.
- setDestinyPosition(Length[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Sets the destiny position of this track.
- setDirection(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- setEndOfLine(String) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Sets the end-of-line separator String to the given parameter value.
- setEndSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the end speed.
- setEntity(String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- setEpsilon(TimeUnit) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the epsilon value representing the granularity of simulation time to
the given TimeUnit parameter.
- setExecutionSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Sets the speed of the visualization clock to: real speed * rate.
- setExecutionSpeedRate(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the speed rate for an execution that is proportional to wall-clock
time (real time).
- setFileSystemAccess(FileSystemAccess) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Enables the user to globally change the way files are created/opened.
- setFlushSeq(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
sets the number of comands, when CommandFrame.writeCmdBuffer
is flushed in cmdFile.
- setGenereratedBy(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
informs about object that generate this animation command
- setGroup(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Sets the group ID used for HTML report clustering.
- setHO(HoldingArea) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Assigns this Block to a new holding area.
- setHomeBase(TransportJunction) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Sets a new
as the home base this
SimpleTransporter is associated to.
- setIconSize(Dimension) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
All icons that animates entities of this entityType
must have the same size
- setId(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
Normally, the id is the simple class name of SimProcess or Entity
- setImage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- setImageId(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes/set imageId of background element.
- setInitialSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the initial speed.
- setJob(Job) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Sets the job of this InternalTransporter that he has to do.
- setLane(Lane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.MyTruck
Sets the lane that must be checked with the truck lane .
- setLane(Lane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Sets the lane where the truck waits by the holding area.
- setLeadTime(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Set the lead time to a new real random number distribution.
- setLeadTime(NumericalDist<Double>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Set the lead time to a new real random number distribution.
- setLeadTime(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Set the lead time to a new real random number distribution.
- setLeadTime(NumericalDist<Double>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Set the lead time to a new real random number distribution.
- setLineSize(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
set the line size, for values look at Route.LINE_Size flags
- setList(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- setLoadTimeStream(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Loading
Sets the loadTimeStream to a new
random number
- setLocale(Locale) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
set locale for both grafic axis
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- setLocation(IGraphicalObserver, int, int) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should set the given observer's window position
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Sets the position of the observer's main window's upper left edge.
- setLocation(IGraphicalObserver, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Sets the position of a registered graphical observer's window.
- setLocation(EntityPosition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- setMatrix(Matrix4d) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Sets the matrix.
- setMax_x(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Sets the maximum x value which appears in the data.
- setMax_x(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Sets the maximum x value which appears in the data.
- setMax_y(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Sets the maximum y value which appears in the data.
- setMax_y(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Sets the maximum y value which appears in the data.
- setMaxInventoryLevel(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Sets the maximum inventory level to a new value.
- setMaxInventoryLevel(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Sets the maximum inventory level to a new value.
- setMaxSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- setMaxSpeed(double) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialObject
Sets the maximum speed of this object
- setMaxSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- setMaxSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the maximum speed.
- setMaxSpeedDuration(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the duration of the maximum speed.
- setMin_x(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Sets the minimum x value which appears in the data.
- setMin_x(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Sets the minimum x value which appears in the data.
- setMin_y(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Sets the minimum y value which appears in the data.
- setMin_y(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Sets the minimum y value which appears in the data.
- setMinLoad(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Sets the minimum load of this Transporter to a new value.
- setModel(Model) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Sets the current model
- setModelName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set model-name and repaint it
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
set name of background element
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
set name of stock
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.List
set list-name
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
set name of process-station
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
set name of process-station
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
set name of resource
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
Possibility to specify a name of a instance.
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
set name of stock
- setName(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
set name of waiting queue
- setNameAttribute(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
set a new key of name-attribute
This seted attribute is used as name attribute.
- setNanos(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.RealTimeEventWrapper
Sets the nanosecond timestamp of this RealTimeEventWrapper.
- setNext(DataListTally.DataList.Element) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList.Element
Sets the next Element in the list.
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistConstant
Overrides the same method of
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.ContDistUniform
Overrides the same method of
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistConstant
Overrides the same method of
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DiscreteDistUniform
Overrides the same method of
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Sets the nonNegative switch to the given value.
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistEmpirical
Overrides the same method of
- setNonNegative(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.EntityDistUniform
Overrides the same method of
- setNumber(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Lane
Sets the number of this Lane to a new value.
- setNumberOfExportGoods(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ExternalTransporter
Sets the number of export goods (containers) of this ExternalTransporter
to a new value.
- setNumberOfImportGoods(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.ExternalTransporter
Sets the number of import goods (containers) of this ExternalTransporter
to a new value.
- setNumOfCranes(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Sets the number of the cranes that this Ship needs for its unloading and
/or loading to a new value.
- setNumToLoadUnits(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the number of the units this crane to has to load.
- setNumToUnloadUnits(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the number of the units this crane to has to unload.
- setOnScreen(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
Grafic is shown on screen, stored on file otherwise
- setOptions(Model) - Method in interface desmoj.core.simulator.ModelOptions
Sets the options for the specific model.
- setOrderQuantity(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Sets the order quantity to a new value.
- setOrderQuantity(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Sets the order quantity to a new value.
- SetOrientationEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This is an event which signals the reset of the rotation by an object.
- SetOrientationEvent(Object, String, Quat4d, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetOrientationEvent
Constructs a SetOrientationEvent.
- setOrigin(ModelComponent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Sets the origin of this job.
- setOutOfOrder(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Resource
This resource can be set to out of order (
) if it is
broken down and can not be used at the moment.
- setOutput(FileOutput) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
Sets an output file to write the table to
- setOutput(FileOutput) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Sets an output file to write the table to
- setOutput(FileOutput) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.JavaScriptFormatter
Sets an output file to write the script to
- setOutput(FileOutput) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should set an output file to write the table to
- setPage(URL) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.BrowserPanel
Sets the current page to the given URL.
- setPassBy(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPassBy(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPassBy(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPassBy(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPassByConsumers(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPassByProducers(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Sets the flag passBy to a new value.
- setPaused() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Called when experiment is paused.
- setPaused() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Called when experiment is paused.
- setPaused() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should set all buttons etc. for a paused experiment
- setPaused(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
(Un)pauses running the assigned experiment by requiring and releasing the
semaphore tested in the experiments proceed loop.
- setPoint(Point, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ZoomMarker
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialEntity
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.MovableSpatialSimProcess
- setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Sets a new Position.
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialObject
It sets the new position for the object
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- setPosition(Length, Length, Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- SetPositionEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This event indicates the setting of a new position for a SpatialObject.
- SetPositionEvent(Object, String, double, double, double, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetPositionEvent
Constructs a new SetPositionEvent.
- setPreferredTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Sets the preferred time zone for printing this time instant.
- setPriorityAttribute(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
sets new value of priority-attribute
- setProcess(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- setProcessingTimeStream(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Processing
Sets the processingTimeStream to a new
number stream.
- setProcessManagement(boolean, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- setProcessNew(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setProzessEntity(int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
set entityId on position index as processed entity
- setProzessEntity(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
set entityId on next free position as processed entity
This method is normally used
- setQueueBased(QueueBased) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Sets the client queue for which the entities are stored.
- setQueueCapacity(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Sets the queue capacity to a new value.
- setQueueImpWarning(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Method switches on warnings issued from the underlying queue implementation if parameter given is
- setQueueingPriority(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Entity
Sets the entity's queuing priority to a given integer value.
- setQueueStrategy(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Sets the sort order of this ProcessQueue to a new value and makes this
ProcessQueue use another
with the specified
queueing discipline.
- setQueueStrategy(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Sets the sort order of this Queue to a new value and makes this
Queue use another
with the specified
queueing discipline.
- setRandomNumberGenerator(Class<? extends UniformRandomGenerator>) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Sets the underlying pseudo random number generator to be used by all
distributions created from now on.
- setRandomNumberGenerator(Class<? extends UniformRandomGenerator>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the underlying pseudo random number generator to be used by all
distributions created from now on.
- setRate(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClock
Sets the speed rate, which influence the clock speed with:
clock speed = system clock speed * speed rate
- setRealTimeConstraint(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Sets the realTime deadline for this event (in nanoseconds).
- setRealTimeConstraint(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Sets the realTime deadline for this SimProcess (in nanoseconds).
- setReferenceUnit(TimeUnit) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the reference time unit specifying what is meant by the simulation
time step of 1 in statements without an explicit declaration of a time
unit like in
new TimeSpan(5)
- setReferenceUnitX(TimeUnit) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Sets the reference time unit specifying what is meant by the simulation
time step of 1 in statements without an explicit declaration of a time
unit like in
new TimeSpan(5)
- setRefused(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Sets the number of entities refused to be enqueued in the queue because
the capacity limit is reached to a new value.
- setRepeating(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Sets whether reading samples from the list is continued from start once
the last sample has been returned.
- setRepeating(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Sets the SimProcess' repeating status to the boolean value given, permitting
the process' lifeCycle to either start again (
) or terminate
) after the current cycle is completed.
- setReportDataListHistogram(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Should a histogram-reporter be used for the DataList?
- setReporter(Class<? extends Reporter>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Reportable
Specifies a Reporter-Class to be used as reporter by this reportable.
- setReportXMLFile(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
set the xml-report currently used
- setReportXSLFile(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
set the xsl style sheet to be used for the reports
- setResource(String, String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setResourceEntity(int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
set entityId on position index as resource entity
- setResourceEntity(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
add resource entity on next free position
- setResourceTotal(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
sets total of resources.
- setResourceType(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.ProcessNew
sets resource type (only for information)
- setRetainLastValueOnReset(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Sets the value of the retainLastValueOnResetFlag.
- setReverse(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Series
Sets the reading direction for the sample list of this series.
- setReviewSpan(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMT
Sets the review period to a new value.
- setReviewSpan(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQT
Sets the review period to a new value.
- setRoute(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
used for model-creation by animation.command.Command.execute()
- setRunning() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Called when experiment is started or resumed.
- setRunning() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Called when experiment is started or resumed.
- setRunning() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should set all buttons etc. for a running experiment
- setRunPhase(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
set Model to run-phase, otherwise its init-phase
- setSafetyStockLevel(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessMS
Sets the safety stock level to a new value.
- setSafetyStockLevel(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.RestockProcessQS
Sets the safety stock level to a new value.
- setSchedulingPriority(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventAbstract
Sets the entity's scheduling priority to a given integer value.
- setSchedulingPriority(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Sets the process' scheduling priority to a given integer value.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.Distribution
Sets the underlying pseudo random number generator's seed to the value
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.DistributionManager
Sets the seed of the SeedGenerator to the given value.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.LinearCongruentialRandomGenerator
Sets the seed for the pseudo random number generator.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Sets the seed for the pseudo random number generator.
- setSeed(long) - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.UniformRandomGenerator
Set the seed to be used by the pseudo random number generating algorithm.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Sets the seed of the underlying queue list's pseudo random number generator.
- setSeed(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListRandom
Sets the seed of this queue list's pseudo random number generator.
- setSeedGenerator(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the seed of the SeedGenerator to the given value.
- setSelected(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Sets the boolean value if the job' been already selected.
- setSeparator(String) - Static method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Sets the entry separator String to the given parameter value.
- setShip(Ship) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the ship this crane is assigned to.
- setShow(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.EntityTypeAnimation
set a combination of show flags from EntityType.SHOW_
- setShow(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
Show is the sum of EntityType.SHOW_ Flags
- setShow(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
Show is the sum of Route.SHOW_ Flags
- setShowProgressBar(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the new value for showing the progress bar for this experiment or
- setShowProgressBarAutoclose(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the new value for automatically dismissing the progress bar
for this experiment after completion.
- setShowTimeSpansInReport(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans
Sets if values should be interpreted and printed as TimeSpans
(subject to the experiment's reference unit) in the Report.
- setSilent(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the new value for displaying basic experiment notifications like
'experiment started', 'experiment stopped' oder 'experiment resumed'
at the system output.
- setSimulationIconDir(URL) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setSimulationSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set simulation-speed-value end update gui
- setSimulationSpeedGUI(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
update of speedField and speedSlider in gui
- setSimulationTime(SimulationTime) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setSimulationTime(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
set simulation-time
- setSimulationZoom(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set simulation-zoom-value without update of zoomField and zoomSlider
- setSimulationZoomCenter(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- setSimulationZoomGUI(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
update of zoomField and zoomSlider in gui
- setSize(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- setSize(IGraphicalObserver, int, int) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should set the given observer's window size
- setSize(int, int) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Sets the observer's main window's size.
- setSize(IGraphicalObserver, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Sets the size of a registered graphical observer's window
- setSlaveWaitQueue(ProcessQueue<? extends SimProcess>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Sets the SimProcess' slaveWaitQueue variable to the ProcessQueue in
which this SimProcess is waiting as a slave to cooperate with a master.
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Sets the speed of this Truck it drives with. to a new value.
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
updates simulation-speed
- setSpeedEmpty(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Sets the empty speed of this InternalTransporter to a new value.
- setSpeedLoad(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.InternalTransporter
Sets the loaded speed of this InternalTransporter to a new value.
- setSQueueCapacity(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Sets the capacity of the given slave queue to a new value.
- setSQueueStrategy(int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Sets the queueing discipline for the underlying slave queue at the given
- setStartPosition(Length[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Sets the start position of this track.
- setStartStopTime(TimeInstant, TimeInstant, TimeZone) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
Defines simulation start- and stop-time.
- setState(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
Set state
- setState(String) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityBasicAnimation
- setState(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
Set State
- setState(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
set new state-value
- setStatistic(String, String, boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setStatusMessage(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set status-message and repaint it
- setStock(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setStopped(String, long, String, String, String[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplet
Called when experiment is stopped.
- setStopped(String, long, String, String, String[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterApplication
Called when experiment is stopped.
- setStopped(String, long, String, String, String[]) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ExperimentStarterGUI
should set all buttons etc. for a stopped experiment
- setSuccessor(Event<? super E>) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions.HasSuccessor
This method is used to set the successor event
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super E>) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions.HasSuccessor
This method is used to set the successor event
- setSuccessor(Event<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Merger
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Merger
- setSuccessor(Event<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.ServiceStation
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.ServiceStation
- setSuccessor(Event<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Source
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Source
- setSuccessor(Event<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
- setSuccessor(Event<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SuccessorAdministration
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super E>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SuccessorAdministration
- setSuccessor(Event<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Transformer
- setSuccessor(HasPredecessor<? super EEx>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Transformer
- setText(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Text of Background Element
- setTextColor(Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Color of Text in Background Element
- setTextPosition(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Position of Text in Background Element
- setTextSize(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Size of Text in Background Element
- setTextStyle(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.BackgroundElementAnimation
Changes Style of Text in Background Element
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIDebugOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIErrorOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIIReportOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITraceOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLDebugOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLErrorOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLReportOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTraceOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.NullOutput
- setTimeFloats(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLOutput
set the time of the current output
- setTimeFlowMode(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
set time-flow-mode, possible values can you find in constant declarations
- setTimeFormatter(TimeFormatter) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Sets the
to be used for output of time strings.
- setTimeFormatter(TimeFormatter, boolean) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Sets the time Formatter.
- setTimePrecision(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
Sets the time precision
- setTimePrecision(int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should set the required precision of time values.
- setTimeRange(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
set date range for timeseries dateaxis.
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
set timeZone for timeseries dateaxis
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- setTimeZone(TimeZone) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
- SettingsPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A GUI panel containing 2 tables for model and experiment parameters.
- SettingsPanel() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.SettingsPanel
Creates a new settings panel.
- setTrace(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Sets the flag, whether the tracks generated from this class should
be traced or not.
- setTraceXMLFile(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
set the xml-trace currently used
- setTraceXSLFile(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ReportStylerPanel
set the xsl style sheet to be used for the traces
- setTrack(Track) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Movement
Sets the track for the movement.
- setTransportation(Transportation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Sets a new
order this SimpleTransporter is
supposed to carry out.
- setTransportStrategy(TransportStrategy) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
Sets the transport strategy of this transporter control to a new value.
- setTransportTimeStream(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transportation
Sets the transportTimeStream to a new
number stream.
- setTS(TransporterSystem) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
Sets the transport system of this transporter control to a new value.
- setTyp(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Sets the typ of this Block to a new value.
- setType(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Job
Sets the type of this job.
- setUnit(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Set an optional unit of reported value.
- setUnloadTimeStream(NumericalDist<?>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Unloading
Sets the unloadTimeStream to a new
random number
- setValid(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
sets a Model to valid or not.
- setValidTimeRange(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Global range of this schedule entry
Default is null
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
sets the parameter's value.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.util.ExperimentParameter
sets the value to o if o is of the correct type
- setValue(Object) - Method in interface desmoj.core.util.MutableAccessPoint
sets the value of the attribute referenced by this access point
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.MutableFieldAccessPoint
sets the current value of the accessed field.
- setValue(Object, Field, Object) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.reflect.ReflectionManager
Sets the value of the given field of the specified object.
- setValue(Object) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.AttribEditor
Sets the cell value diplayed by the component.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.BooleanAttribEditor
Sets value of the combo box to the given object.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.FilenameAttribEditor
Sets the currently edited value.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.StringEditor
Sets contents of editor text field to the given string.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor
Sets the text fields value to the given value.
- setValue(Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TimeUnitAttribEditor
Sets value of the combo box to the given object.
- setValue(Map, String, Object) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.AccessUtil
sets the specified access point to the given value.
- setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
Sets the value at the given index.
- setValues() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AccessPointTableModel
Writes all values from the table model to the access points.
- setValues(Object[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
Each entry has a values array.
- setVelocity(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.EntityAnimation
Set an attribute key as velocity attribute.
- setVelocity(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
Set an attribute key as velocity attribute.
- setVelocityAttribute(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Entity
set new value of velocity-attribute
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- setVisible(IGraphicalObserver, boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should set the given graphical observer (in)visible
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Sets the observer visible withing the context
- setVisible(IGraphicalObserver, boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Sets the given graphical observer (in)visible
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
- setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.space3D.VisibleObject
Sets the visibility of the visual representation of this object.
- SetVisibleEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This event sets the visibility of the visible representation of an
- SetVisibleEvent(Object, String, boolean, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.SetVisibleEvent
- setVisualizationControl(VisualizationControl) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- setVisualizationControl(VisualizationControl) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualModule
Saves the VisualizationControl this module as a local attribute.
- setWaitQueue(String, String[], String[], String[], String[], boolean, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Model
- setWLoadQueue(WaitQueue) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the queue where this crane waits for an internal transpoter to load
it to a new value.
- setWUnloadQueue(WaitQueue) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
Sets the queue where this crane waits for an internal transpoter to
unload it to a new value.
- setX(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- setX_label(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Resets the legend (labeling) for the x axis.
- setY(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityPosition
- setY_label(String) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Resets the legend (labeling) for the y axis.
- setYardStrategy(ChooseBlockYardStrategy) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Sets strategy of this yard for the choosing of a block to a new value.
- setZoomFactor(double, Point, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- setZoomFactor(double, Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- setZoomProperty(Hashtable<String, ModelGrafic.ZoomEntry>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- Ship - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A Ship is an
wich arrives in a container
terminal to deliver and /or pick up some containers (goods).
- Ship(Model, String, long, long, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Ship
Constructs a Ship which arrives at a container terminal to deliver and/or
pick up some containers (goods).
- SHOW_DATE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_DATE_TIME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_DATE_TIME_MILLIS - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_DAY - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_DAY_DATE_TIME_MILLIS_DST - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_DIRECTION - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- SHOW_DST - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_ICON - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- SHOW_LENGTH - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- SHOW_LINE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- SHOW_MILLIS - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_NAME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.EntityType
- SHOW_NAME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- SHOW_NOTHING - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Route
- SHOW_TIME - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_TIME_MILLIS - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- SHOW_TIMEZONE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
- showTrace() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
Gets whether the showInTrace flag will be set at generating a new
- signal() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
signal ()
should be sent every time when a condition has
changed and might be true now.
- SimAbortedException - Exception in desmoj.core.exception
Exception is thrown to indicate that the simulation has been forced to stop
because of an error that occurred.
- SimAbortedException(ErrorMessage) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.SimAbortedException
Creates a new SimAbortedException declaring the reason for the aborted
simulation run in the contents of the error message given as a parameter.
- SimClock - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
The simulation clock shows the actual simulation time.
- SimClock(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.SimClock
Constructs a simulation clock with no parameters given.
- SimClockListener - Interface in desmoj.core.util
A listener to the sim clock of an experiment running in an experiment runner.
- SimFinishedException - Exception in desmoj.core.exception
Exception is thrown to indicate that the simulation has finished properly.
- SimFinishedException(Model, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for exception desmoj.core.exception.SimFinishedException
Constructs a SimFinishedException inserting the given position String and
the given simulation time in the ErrorMessage documenting this exception.
- SimpleLocation - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class represents a simple abstract location.
- SimpleLocation(Model, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleLocation
Creates a SimpleLocation.
- SimpleLocation(Model, String, String, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleLocation
Creates a SimpleLocation with specified position.
- SimpleTimeSeriesViewer(TimeSeries) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter.SimpleTimeSeriesViewer
Opens a frame containing the plot of a TimeSeries.
- SimpleTrack - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
A SimpleTrack contains a start position and a destiny position.
- SimpleTrack(Model, String, Length[], Length[], ArrayList<double[]>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
Constructs a SimpleTreck object with the start-, the destination
position and the way points.
- SimpleTrack(Model, String, String, String, String, String, Length[], Length[], ArrayList<double[]>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SimpleTrack
Constructs a SimpleTrack with the start- and the destination positions.
- SimpleTransporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A SimpleTransporter is a simple transporter (vehicle) associated to a
- SimpleTransporter(Model, String, int, int, Transportation, TransportJunction, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Constructs a SimpleTransporter which will carry around goods in a
manufacturing system, from and to a certain
- SimpleTransporter(Model, String, int, Transportation, TransportJunction, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.SimpleTransporter
Constructs a SimpleTransporter which will carry around goods in a
manufacturing system, from and to a certain
- SimProcess - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
SimProcess represents entities with an own active lifecycle.
- SimProcess(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
The most general constructor of a SimProcess.
- SimProcess(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.SimProcess
Short-cut constructor of a SimProcess whose
is only
executed once.
- SimProcessAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator
Animation of a SimProcess.
- SimProcessAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
constructor with same parameters as in SimProcess
- SimProcessAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.simulator.SimProcessAnimation
constructor with same parameters as in SimProcess
- SimRunEvent - Class in desmoj.core.util
Base class for AWT events occurring while a simulation runs.
- SimRunEvent(Experiment) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.util.SimRunEvent
Creates a new sim run event
- SimRunListener - Interface in desmoj.core.util
An interface for listeners to any SimRunEvent (e.g. sim clock advances).
- SimThread - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
SimThreads are used to mimic coroutine behaviour with the help of native Java
- SimulationException - Exception in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools
This exception is used in animation package and subpackages
- SimulationException(String) - Constructor for exception desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.internalTools.SimulationException
- SimulationRunReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A reporter about a simulation run, including information like
simulation duration, computation duration and last reset.
- SimulationRunReporter(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.SimulationRunReporter
Creates a simulation run reporter for the given model.
- SimulationRunReporter.SimulationRunReporterProvider - Class in desmoj.core.report
An inner class providing the simulation report.
- SimulationRunReporterProvider(Model) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.SimulationRunReporter.SimulationRunReporterProvider
- SimulationThread - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
SimulationThread runs run-part of cmds-file and is started from
Viewer.fileReset() after run init-part of cmds-file.
- SimulationThread(ViewerPanel, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationThread
- SimulationTime - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
The simulationtime is allways computed from real system-time.
- SimulationTime(long, long, double, TimeZone, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
Constructor for SimulationTime
- SingleUnitTimeFormatter - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
- SingleUnitTimeFormatter(TimeUnit, TimeUnit, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.SingleUnitTimeFormatter
Constructs a DecimalTimeFormatter.
- Sink<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The Sink represents the end of a production line and has no successor.
- Sink(int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Sink
This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills
the free service capacity queue.
- sIsEmpty() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns a boolean value indicating if the slave queue is empty or if any
number of SimProcess is currently enqueued in it.
- sIsEmpty(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns a boolean value indicating if the slave queue indicated by the
index is empty or if any SimProcess is currently enqueued in it.
- size() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the current length of the Queue.
- size() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the current length of the Queue.
- size() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Returns the actual size of the QueueList.
- sizeOfContainer() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Container
- skip(Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Skips the transmission of the next tracenote or increases the skipCounter
by one.
- skip(Class<?>, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Skips the transmission of a number of future messages by increasing the
skipCount by the given number.
- skipTraceNote() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Skips the next tracenote.
- skipTraceNote(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Skips the next number of tracenotes.
- sLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the current length of the slave queue.
- sLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the current length of the slave queue indicated by the index.
- SmartReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
The SmartReporter is a helper class for generating reporters based
on user-defined header-value pairs, supporting the modification
of entries.
- SmartReporter(String, int, List<SmartReporter.HeaderValuePair>, Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.SmartReporter
- SmartReporter.HeaderValuePair - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.report
- sMaxLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the maximum length of the slave queue since the last reset.
- sMaxLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the maximum length of the slave queue indicated by the index
since the last reset.
- sMaxLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time with the maximum number of processes
waiting inside the slave queue.
- sMaxLengthAt(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time with the maximum number of
Sim-processes waiting inside the slave queue indicated by the index.
- sMaxWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the maximum duration in simulation time that an process has spent
waiting inside the slave queue.
- sMaxWaitTime(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the maximum duration in simulation time that an process has spent
waiting inside the slave queue indicated by the index.
- sMaxWaitTimeAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time when the process with the maximum
waiting time exited the slave queue.
- sMaxWaitTimeAt(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time when the process with the maximum
waiting time exited the slave queue indicated by the index.
- sMinLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the minimumn length of the slave queue since the last reset.
- sMinLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the minimumn length of the slave queue indicated by the index
since the last reset.
- sMinLengthAt() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the point of simulation time with the minimum number of processes
waiting inside the slave queue.
- sMinLengthAt(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the point of simulation time with the minimum number of processes
waiting inside the slave queue indicated by the index.
- SnapShotDirFilter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
DirectoryFilter for Icon Directories, used in Icons-menu
- SnapShotDirFilter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SnapShotDirFilter
- sort(DataListTally.DataList) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Sorts the given list using a merge-sort algorithm
- SortedMapEventList - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
implementation that is based on a sorted map (TreeMap).
- SortedMapEventList() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.SortedMapEventList
- Source<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The source creates new Entities and send them to the successor.
- Source(int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Source
This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue.
- SpatialData - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The SpatialData contains the spatial and physical attributes.
- SpatialData() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Constructs a SpatialData object without specifying the data.
- SpatialData(double[]) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialData
Constructs a SpatialData object.
- SpatialEntity - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class represents the DESMO-J Entities which should be visualized
but not movable in the 3D space.
- SpatialEntity(Model, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
Constructs a SpatialEntity
- SpatialEntity(Model, String, String, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialEntity
Constructs a SpatialEntity with specific start position.
- SpatialLayoutManager - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class organizes the layout files and Track objects.
- SpatialLayoutManager() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialLayoutManager
- SpatialMovementManager - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
A SpatialMovementManager is (only) associated to every movable descendant of MovableSpatialEntity
and MovableSpatialSimProcess.
- SpatialObject - Interface in desmoj.extensions.space3D
The basic interface of the SpatialObject.
- SpatialProcessQueue<P extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class extends the
with spatial functionalities.
- SpatialProcessQueue(Model, String, String, boolean, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
Constructs a SpatialProcessQueue at the specific position.
- SpatialProcessQueue(Model, String, String, int, int, boolean, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialProcessQueue
Constructs a SpatialProcessQueue at the specific position.
- SpatialQueue<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class extends the
with spatial functionalities.
- SpatialQueue(Model, String, String, boolean, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
Constructs a SpatialQueue at the specific position.
- SpatialQueue(Model, String, String, int, int, boolean, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialQueue
Constructs a SpatialQueue at the specific position.
- SpatialSimProcess - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This class represents the DESMO-J SimProcess which should be visualized
but not movable in the 3D space.
- SpatialSimProcess(Model, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
Constructs a SpatialSimProcess
- SpatialSimProcess(Model, String, String, boolean, Length, Length, Length) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.SpatialSimProcess
Constructs a SpatialSimProcess with specific start position.
- SpatialVis3DModule - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This Module visualize the 3D-spatial objects using Java3D.
- SpatialVis3DModule(String, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
Constructs a SpatialVix3DModule and load the decoration models into the
- SpatialVis3DModule(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.SpatialVis3DModule
- split(String) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Parameter
A String v is splited in to its parameter-value-components
- Splitter<EIn extends Entity,EEx extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The Splitter takes a given Entity and splits it in the parts defined in the List of SplitterOutputs.
- Splitter(List<SplitterOutput<EIn, ? extends EEx>>, int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Splitter
This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue.
- SplitterOutput<EIn extends Entity,EEx extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The SplitterOutput is used in the Splitter context to compose a output config
fpr the splitter construct.
- SplitterOutput(Model, String, int, NumericalDist<?>) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SplitterOutput
Constructor to create a Splitteroutput which can be added to an List
which than can passed to the Splitter
- SpringUtilities - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util
A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for
creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout.
- SpringUtilities() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.SpringUtilities
- sStdDevLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the standard deviation of the slave queue's length.
- sStdDevLength(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the standard deviation of the length of the slave queue indicated
by the index.
- sStdDevWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the standard deviation of the slave queue's processes waiting
- sStdDevWaitTime(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the standard deviation of the slave queue's processes waiting
- StandardFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
Prints the given messages as HTML files to disc.
- StandardFileOut(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.StandardFileOut
Creates a StandardFileOut to print messages sent to this object to a file
to disc enclosing them in a HTML for the given experiment.
- StandardReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
The standard reporter for any reportable object.
- StandardReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.StandardReporter
Constructs a standrad reporter to report about the given reportable.
- start() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Starts the simulation with default start time 0.
- start(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Starts the experiment with the given simulation time as starting time.
- start() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Starts this thread and the contained experiment with start time 0.0
- start() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
starts SimulationTime running by start-time
- start() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- start() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- start(VisualizationClockAlpha, float[], float[], Point3f[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
Sets the movement data and start the interpolator.
- start(VisualizationClockAlpha, float, Transform3D, Transform3D) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.RotationSwitchInterpolator
Sets the rotation data and start the interpolator.
- startCreatingEntities() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Source
The source starts with creating entities if this method is not called previously.
- STARTED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment being started.
- startWithFocusOnTrack(VisualizationClockAlpha, float[], float[], Point3f[], Vector3d) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- StaticObject - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This class contains all elements needed in a scene graph to describe a
static object (i.e. a not movable SpatialObject) in a scene.
- Station<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions
The Station is an abstract super class of all chaining constructs.
- Station(int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.abstractions.Station
This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills the free service capacity queue.
- Station - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
A station is a start- or end-point of a route
- Station(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Station
- STATION_DEFAULT_DIMENSION - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.Grafic
- StationGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of a station, thats a start- or end- point of route.
- StationGrafic(Station, String, Point) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- Statistic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Class to store a time series(typeData = DATA_TimeSeries) or
a observation series (typeData = DATA_Observations).
- Statistic(Model, String, int, int, boolean, long, long, double, double, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
- StatisticGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Class to animate a instance of class Statistic.
- StatisticGrafic(Statistic, String, Point, int, boolean, Dimension, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
Build a StatisticGrafic Instance
- StatisticObject - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is the super class of all
other classes collecting statistical data.
- StatisticObject(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Constructor for a StatisticObject, preliminarily without a unit assigned
- StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is the super class of the
specific data collector classes able to handle TimeSpan
- StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans
Constructor for a StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans, preliminarily without a unit assigned
- STATUS_BG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- STATUS_MSG_COLOR - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- stdDevLength() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the standard deviation of the queue's length.
- stdDevRegCoeff() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Returns the standard deviation of the regression coefficients.
- stdDevWaitTime() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the standard deviation of the queue's objects waiting times.
- Stock - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Stock is the place where a certain kind of product can be stored by producers
and retrieved by consumers.
- Stock(Model, String, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Constructor for a
with a certain capacity and a
certain number of initial units of a product in it.
- Stock(Model, String, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Constructor for a
with a certain capacity and a
certain number of initial units of a product in it.
- Stock - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Stock with capacity
- Stock(Model, String, long, long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- StockAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animation of a Stock
- StockAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, int, int, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Stock
- StockAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Stock
- StockBeanInfo - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
The bean information class for desmoj.Stock.
- StockBeanInfo() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
- StockGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of Stock
- StockGrafic(Stock, String, Point, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
- StockReporter - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- StockReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.StockReporter
Constructor for a new StockReporter.
- stop(ModelCondition) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Specifies a ModelCondition to stop the simulation.
- stop(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Stops the simulation at the given point of simulation time.
- stop() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Stops the simulation at the current simulation time (immediately).
- stop() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.SimulationTime
stops SimulationTime
- stop() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.MovementPathInterpolator
Stops the animation.
- stop() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.RotationSwitchInterpolator
Stops the animation
- stopExperiment() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Stops the experiment running in this experiment runner (forever).
- STOPPED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Status of an Experiment stopped after having run.
- STOPPED - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
Status: Experiment finally stopped
- store(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Bin
Method for producers to put a number of n new products in the Bin.
- store(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Stock
Method for producers to make the Stock store a number of n units.
- store(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Block
Method for producers to make the Block store a number of n TEUs (a
- store(Block, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for producers to make the Yard store a number of n TEUs (a
- store(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.BinAnimation
A Producer wants to store noOfProducts.
- store(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockAnimation
A Producer wants to store noOfProducts.
- store(String, long, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Bin
- store_longMethodDescriptor() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.StockBeanInfo
Gets the store(long) method descriptor.
- storeBegin(String, int, long, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- storeEnd(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Stock
- storeInOverflow(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Method for producers to make the Yard store a number of n TEUs (a
container) in its overflow part.
- storeProduct(SimProcess) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Stores a sim-process as a product in the Entrepot.
- storeProducts(SimProcess[]) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Entrepot
Stores an array of SimProcesses as products in the Entrepot.
- StringEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.StringEditor
- Subject<T,X> - Interface in desmoj.core.observer
Interface which an Subject can implement to notify possible Observers
- SubjectAdministration<T,X> - Class in desmoj.core.observer
Helper class for the subject interface to make the administration code reusable
- SubjectAdministration() - Constructor for class desmoj.core.observer.SubjectAdministration
- subtract(TimeInstant, TimeSpan) - Static method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeOperations
Returns a new Time Instant determined from the instant passed to this
method minus the time span passed to method.
- subtract(Length) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Subtracts 2 length objects.
- succ(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the SimProcess enqueued directly after the given SimProcess in
the process-queue.
- succ(P, Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ProcessQueue
Returns the SimProcess enqueued after the given SimProcess in the
process-queue that also fulfills the condition given.
- succ(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the entity enqueued directly after the given Entity in the queue.
- succ(E, Condition<E>) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Queue
Returns the entity enqueued after the given Entity in the queue that also
fulfills the condition given.
- succ(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return the successor of the given
"e" in the
- succ(E) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns the successor to the given Entity in the QueueList.
- SuccessorAdministration<E extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
Helper class to setup successor behaviour.
- SuccessorAdministration(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.SuccessorAdministration
- switchOff(Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Disables messages of the given type to be sent to the registered
- switchOn(Class<?>) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.MessageDistributor
Enables messages of the given type to be sent to the registered
- sZeroWaits() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Returns the number of processes that have passed through the slave queue
without spending time waiting.
- sZeroWaits(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Returns the number of processes that have passed through the slave queue
indicated by the index without spending time waiting.
- T_Control - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A T_Control represents the control component for the transporters.
- T_Control(Model, String, int, int, int, int, TransportStrategy, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.T_Control
Constructor for a transport control T_Control for the transporters.
- TableFormatter - Interface in desmoj.core.report
An interface representing basic facilites for writing data into tables.
- tableIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
- tableIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Returns the status of the current table that is written to.
- tableIsOpen() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Returns the status of the current table that is written to.
- tableIsOpen() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
- TableOutput - Class in desmoj.core.report
An output for tables containing simulation results.
- TableOutput(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TableOutput
Creates a new TableOutput with the given time precision and
- TableReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
A reporter with an arbitrary number
of rows and columns.
- TableReporter(Reportable, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TableReporter
Creates a new TableReporter for the given Reportable with the given title
- take() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Berth
Provides the length to ships to use it for its berthing.
- takeBack(Resource[]) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
A process is using this method to put resources it has used back in the
Res pool.
- takeBack(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.Res
A process is using this method to put resources it has used back in the
Res pool.
- takeBack(Lane) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.HoldingArea
A process is using this method to put lane it has used back in the
- takeBack(EntityBasicAnimation, int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
proc is in processing and gives resources back.
- takeBack(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.ResourcePoolAnimation
The currentSimProcess give resources back.
- takeBack(String, int, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
removes processEntity from process
- takeProcess(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Resource
move processEntity from waiting queue to process
- Tally - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about one
- Tally(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Constructor for a Tally object that is connected to a
- Tally(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Constructor for a Tally object that has no connection to a
- TallyAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of Tally
Double values will be collected
TypeData: Statistic.ATA_Observations
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Mean_StdDev
- TallyAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TallyAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in Tally
- TallyReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the Tally.
- TallyReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TallyReporter
Constructor for a new TallyReporter.
- TallyRunning - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is extended from
- TallyRunning(Model, String, ValueSupplier, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Constructor for a TallyRunning object that is connected to a
- TallyRunning(Model, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Constructor for a Tally object that has no connection to a
- TestCmd - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Test-Application for command generation.
- TestCmd() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.TestCmd
- TestFrame - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine
Test-Application for viewer testing.
- TestFrame() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.TestFrame
- testInit() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.TestFrame
- testValue(double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.Chart
Tests a new pair of values which appears in the data.
- testValue(double, double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ChartPanel
Tests a new pair of values which appears in the data.
- text() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
When using the Pull-Model or the automatic update function this method
must be overridden by the user in a way that it provides the text (as a
- TEXT_POSITION_BottomLeft - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_BottomMiddle - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_BottomRight - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_Middle - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_MiddleLeft - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_MiddleRight - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_TopLeft - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_TopMiddle - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_POSITION_TopRight - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Size_Big - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Size_Big - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Size_Normal - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Size_Normal - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Size_Small - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Size_Small - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Style_Bold - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Style_Bold - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Style_Italic - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Style_Italic - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TEXT_Style_Plain - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.Comment
- TEXT_Style_Plain - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.BackgroundElement
- TextBasedEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TextBasedEditor
Creates a new TextBasedEditor
- TextHistogram - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is providing a statistic analysis about
text values.
- TextHistogram(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Constructor for a TextHistogram object that will NOT be connected to a
- TextHistogram(Model, String, TextSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Constructor for a TextHistogram object that will be connected to a
- TextHistogramReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
Captures all relevant information about the TextHistogram.
- TextHistogramReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TextHistogramReporter
Constructor for a new TextHistogramReporter.
- TextSupplier - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
Supplies observers with texts of their interest.
- TextSupplier(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Constructs a simple TextSupplier by giving it a name.
- TIME_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of time parameter
- TimeFlowMode_CONTINIUM - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- TimeFlowMode_STEP_FLOW - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- TimeFlowMode_STEP_SINGLE - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
- TimeFormatter - Interface in desmoj.core.simulator
An object that formats TimeInstant and TimeString objects.
- TimeInstant - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Represents points in simulation time.
- TimeInstant(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object with the given time value in the time
unit of the given parameter.
- TimeInstant(long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object with the given time value in the time
unit of the reference time.
- TimeInstant(double, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object with the given time value in the time
unit given as second parameter.
- TimeInstant(double) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object with the given time value in the time
unit of the reference time.
- TimeInstant(Calendar, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object that represents the given instant of time
specified by the Calendar object.
- TimeInstant(Calendar) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object that represents the given instant of time
specified by the Calendar object.
- TimeInstant(Date) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Constructs a TimeInstant object that represents the given instant of time
specified by the Date object.
- TimeOperations - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
TimeOperations is an utility class that provides arithmetic operations for
the time classes TimeInstant and TimeSpan.
- timePrecision() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
- timePrecision() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should return the precision used for time values.
- TimeSeries - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is recording data from a
object and saving it to a file, making data available
to a TimeSeriesPlotter or doing both.
- TimeSeries(Model, String, String, TimeInstant, TimeInstant, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Constructor for a TimeSeries object that has NO connection to a
but will write data to the given file.
- TimeSeries(Model, String, String, ValueSupplier, TimeInstant, TimeInstant, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Constructor for a TimeSeries object that will observe a
and write data to the given file.
- TimeSeries(Model, String, TimeInstant, TimeInstant, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Constructor for a TimeSeries object that has NO connection to a
and will NOT write data into a file.
- TimeSeries(Model, String, ValueSupplier, TimeInstant, TimeInstant, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Constructor for a TimeSeries object that will observe a
but will NOT write data into a file.
- TimeSeries_LineChart - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
- TimeSeries_ScatterPlot - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
- TimeSeries_StepChart - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.Plotter
- TimeSeriesAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic
Animation of TimeSeries
Double values will be collected
TypeData: Statistic.DATA_TimeSeries
TypeIndex: Statistic.INDEX_Mean_StdDev
- TimeSeriesAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, TimeInstant, TimeInstant, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TimeSeriesAnimation
Constructor with the same parameters as in TimeSeries
- TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter - Class in desmoj.extensions.grafic.util
Class to convert DesmoJ timeseries data into jFreeChart format
When in DesmoJ dataset getShowTimeSpansInReport() is set, the data values are interpreted as
a timespan in a appropriate time unit.
- TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter(TimeSeries, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.grafic.util.TimeSeriesDataSetAdapter
convert a DesmoJ timeserie to an JFREE.CHART XYDataset.
- TimeSeriesPlotter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A simple time series plotter that can be displayed in the experiment
- TimeSeriesPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, TimeSeries[], int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Creates a new TimeSeries plotter from the given array of TimeSeries objects.
- TimeSeriesPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, TimeSeries, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Creates a new TimeSeries plotter from the given TimeSeries object.
- TimeSeriesPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, TimeSeries, int, int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Creates a new TimeSeries plotter from the given TimeSeries object.
- TimeSeriesPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, TimeSeries, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Creates a new TimeSeries plotter from the given TimeSeries object.
- TimeSeriesPlotter(String, GraphicalObserverContext, TimeSeries[], int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
Creates a new TimeSeries plotter from the given array of TimeSeries objects.
- TimeSeriesPlotter.SimpleTimeSeriesViewer - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
A simple means of drawing a TimeSeries without requiring the
experimentation GUI by adding a TimeSeriesPlotter to an
otherwise empty Frame.
- TimeSeriesReporter - Class in desmoj.core.report
- TimeSeriesReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TimeSeriesReporter
- TimeSpan - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Represents spans of simulation time.
- TimeSpan(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Constructs a TimeSpan object with the given time value in the time unit
of the given parameter.
- TimeSpan(long) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Constructs a TimeSpan object with the given time value in the time unit
of the reference time.
- TimeSpan(double, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Constructs a TimeSpan object with the given time value in the given
- TimeSpan(double) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Constructs a TimeSpan object with the given time value in the time unit
of the reference time.
- TimeSpan.Builder - Class in desmoj.core.simulator
Use the Builder to create TimeSpans specified as the sum of durations
with different TimeUnits Example (timeSpan with the length of one hour
and 30 minutes): new TimeSpan.Builder().hours(1).minutes(30).build();
- TimeUnitAttribEditor() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.AttributeTableEditor.TimeUnitAttribEditor
- toHtmlString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ResourceDB
Returns a string representation of the resource database with some HTML
formatting tags.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.Message
Overrides the Object's
method to return the
message's description when this object is used as a String.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ComplexSimProcess
Returns a
representation of this ComplexSimProcess,
containing the String
representation of each
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventNote
Returns a string representing the elements bundled in this event-note.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.EventTreeList
Returns a string representing the entries of this tree list in a row.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.NamedObject
Overrides the java.lang.Object's toString method to return the named
object's name when given as parameter to a method that expects a string
to be passed.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter
Returns the parameter as a String
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueList
Should return a string representation of the queue.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueListStandard
Returns a string representation of the QueueList.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Scheduler
Returns a string representation of the current state of the event-list.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.SimClock
Returns the clock's name as string.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the String Representation of this TimeInstant according to the
- toString(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeInstant
Returns the String Representation of this TimeInstant according to the
TimeFormatter, truncating digits after the decimal point if necessary.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the String Representation of this TimeSpan.
- toString(int) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.TimeSpan
Returns the String Representation of this TimeSpan according to the
TimeFormatter, truncating digits after the decimal point if necessary.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList.Element
Returns the Element's value as String.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally.DataList
Creates a String containing all Elements of the list and its length.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextSupplier
Overrides the java.lang.Object's toString method to return the named
object's name when given as parameter to a method that expects a string
to be passed.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Overrides the java.lang.Object's toString method to return the named
object's name when given as parameter to a method that expects a string
to be passed.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.chaining.report.SmartReporter.HeaderValuePair
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Filename
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntityScheduleEntry
- toString(int) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Returns a string representation of the quantity with at most
floats decimals.
- toString() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Length
Returns a string representation of this length
- TraceFileOut - Class in desmoj.core.report
TraceFileOut is used to create a file to write the tracemessages to.
- TraceFileOut(int, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TraceFileOut
Creates a TraceOut to print tracemessages into a HTML page.
- traceIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Returns a boolean indicating whether trace notes are forwarded to the
trace ouput or not.
- traceIsOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Shows if this modelcomponent currently produces trace output.
- TraceNote - Class in desmoj.core.report
Represents a message produced by a simulation run whenever entities and / or
events are scheduled, created, deleted or enqueued.
- TraceNote(Model, String, TimeInstant, Entity, EventAbstract) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TraceNote
Creates a new tracenote with the given parameters as initial values.
- TraceNote(Model, String, TimeInstant, List<Entity>, EventAbstract) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.report.TraceNote
Creates a new tracenote with the given parameters as initial values.
- traceOff(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the trace output off at the given point of simulation time.
- traceOff() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Switches off trace output for this modelcomponent.
- traceOn(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the trace output on at the given point of simulation time.
- traceOn() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.ModelComponent
Switches on trace output for this modelcomponent.
- tracePeriod(TimeInstant, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Switches the trace output on for the given period of simulation time.
- Track - Class in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This is the basic class of the Track.
- Track(Model, String, String, String, String, String, Length[], Length[], boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.space3D.Track
Constructs a Track and initialize the basic attributes.
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
transforms from external to internal coordinate system
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
transforms from external to internal coordinate system
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
transforms middle point to internal coordinates
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
transforms middle point to internal coordinates
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
transforms middle point to internal coordinates
- transform(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
determine internal points for painting route
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
Transforms pointExtern to point Intern
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
transforms middle point to internal coordinates
- transform() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
transforms middle point to internal coordinates
- Transformer<EIn extends Entity,EEx extends Entity> - Class in desmoj.extensions.chaining
The Tranformer takes a given entitiy and transforms it into a new Type of
- Transformer(int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.chaining.Transformer
* This Constructor sets the given times, initializes the queues and fills
the free service capacity queue.
- transformToExtern(String, Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- transformToExtern(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- transformToExtern(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- transformToIntern(String, Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- transformToIntern(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- transformToIntern(Point) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- transport(Transportation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is to be called from a
which wants
to transport goods as a master.
- transport(Transportation, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is to be called from a
who wants
to transport goods which comply to a certain condition.
- transport(Transportation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
This method is to be called from a
which wants
to transport goods.
- transport(Transportation, Condition) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
This method is to be called from a
who wants
to transport goods which comply to a certain condition.
- Transportation - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
Transportation is the object representing the process cooperation between a
process and the goods (products represented by
Sim-processes) he is transporting.
- Transportation(Model, String, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transportation
Constructs a Transportation process where a master (
) is transporting slaves (
es) in a cooperate process.
- Transporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A Transporter represents any kind of vehicle or conveyor belt which carries
goods (products) around in a manufacturing system.
- Transporter(Model, String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Constructs a Transporter which will carry around goods in a manufacturing
- Transporter(Model, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Transporter
Constructs a Transporter which will carry around goods in a manufacturing
- transporterArrival() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.C_Control
This method is used by a transporter (external/internal) to send the
message to this crane control that it arrives and waits on its serving.
- TransporterJob - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A TransporterJob represents a job that must be assigned to internal the
transporter get it done.
- TransporterJob(InternalTransporter, Job) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterJob
Constructs a TransporterJob with the internal transporter and his job.
- TransporterSystem - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A TransporterSystem represents the system of the transporters that manages
the queues of the transporter and jobs, give the statistics about the
transporters and both queues.
- TransporterSystem(Model, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.TransporterSystem
Constructor for a TransporterSystem.
- TransportJunction - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
The TransportJunction is the place where
s pick up
the goods to move them around in a manufacturing system.
- TransportJunction(Model, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Constructor for a TransportJunction.
- TransportJunction(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
Constructor for a TransportJunction.
- TransportReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- TransportReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.TransportReporter
Constructor for a new TransportReporter.
- TransportRouteAnimation<E extends EntityBasicAnimation> - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport
Creates a RouteAnimation for EntityAnimations or SimProcessAnimations
- TransportRouteAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, double, TransportStationAnimation, TransportStationAnimation, Position[], boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportRouteAnimation
creates a route from sourceStation tp sinkStation.
- TransportStationAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport
Creates a station for Animation.
- TransportStationAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, Position, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.transport.TransportStationAnimation
creates a Station for animation
- TransportStrategy - Interface in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A TransportStrategy is an interface and presents the strategy that a
transporter control uses by the assigning of the jobs to transporters.
- TransportTerminal - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A TransportTerminal is a place where a number of transporters (default are
s) are waiting for goods to transport them
- TransportTerminal(Model, String, int, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, int, int, int, int, Transportation, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
Constructor for a simple TransportTerminal where a given number of
s wait for goods to carry them to their
- TransportTerminal(Model, String, int, int, NumericalDist<?>, NumericalDist<?>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
Constructor for a simple TransportTerminal where a given number of
s wait for goods to carry them to their
- Truck - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
A Truck is an
which arrives at a container
terminal to deliver and /or pick up one some containers (goods).
- Truck(Model, String, long, long, double, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Truck
Constructs a Truck which arrives at a container terminal to deliver
and/or pick up some containers (goods).
- TSReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- TSReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.TSReporter
Constructor for a new TSReporter.
- twistNumbers() - Method in class desmoj.core.dist.MersenneTwisterRandomGenerator
Internal procedure to create ("twist") 624 new pseudo random numbers
based on the last 624 pseudo random numbers.
- UNDEFINED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Represents the value returned if for a given statistics no valid value can be returned.
- UNDEFINED - Static variable in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObject
Represents the value returned in case of an error.
- UNDEFINED - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.Run
- UniformRandomGenerator - Interface in desmoj.core.dist
Interface for uniform pseudo random number generators to be used by the
distribution classes to compute their samples.
- unload(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method describes the unloading action of this crane.
- unload(Unloading) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method describes the unloading action of this crane if has to wait
for an internal transporter before unloading it.
- Unloading - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Unloading is the object representing the process cooperation between a
or Crane
process and the
Truck or an Internal Transporter he is unloading.
- Unloading(Model, String, NumericalDist<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Unloading
Constructs an Unloading process where a master (
) or Crane
is unloading
slave (Truck
or InternalTransporter
) in a
cooperate process.
- unsetProzessEntity(int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
remove entity from position index as processed entity
- unsetProzessEntity(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
remove entityId from processed entity
This method is normally used.
- unsetResourceEntity(int, String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
remove entity from position index as resource entity
- unsetResourceEntity(String, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Process
remove resource entity with entityId
- update(T, X) - Method in interface desmoj.core.observer.Observer
This Method is called when a Subject calls his notify Method
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
value of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Updates this
object with the double value given
as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Accumulate
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Increments the value of this
object by the value
given in the parameter n.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Aggregate
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.BoolStatistic
Updates this
object with a boolean double value given as
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Increments the counter of this
object by one.
- update(long) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Increments the counter of this
object by the value
given in the parameter n.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Count
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
value of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Updates this
object with the double value
given as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.DataListTally
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Updates this
object by fetching the actual value
of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Updates this
object with the double value given
as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Histogram
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Updates this
object by fetching the actual value
of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Updates this
object with the double value given
as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.HistogramAccumulate
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
values of the ValueSupplier
s and processing them.
- update(double, double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Updates this
object with the x and y double
values given as parameters.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.StatisticObjectSupportingTimeSpans
Updates this data collector object with a specific
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Updates this
object by fetching the actual value of
the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Updates this
object with the double value given as
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Tally
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Updates this
object by fetching the actual value of
the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Updates this
object with the double value given as
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TallyRunning
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
value of the TextSupplier
and processing it.
- update(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Updates this
object with the String value
given as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TextHistogram
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
value of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Updates this
object with the double value given
as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.TimeSeries
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
- update() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Updates this
object by fetching the actual
value of the ValueSupplier
and processing it.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Updates this
object with the double value
given as parameter.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Implementation of the virtual
update(Observable, Object)
method of the Observer
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserver
- update(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.GraphicalObserverContext
Should update the given graphical observer's display
- update() - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.IGraphicalObserver
Requests an update of the observer's display from the context.
- update(IGraphicalObserver) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.ObserverDesktop
Updates the given graphical observer's display
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
The update method (required by interface 'Observer') will be called, if
the TimeSeries produces new values.
- update(Observable, Object) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.ExperimentRunner
This method is implemented for interface observer.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AccumulateAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.AggregateAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.CountAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.HistogramAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TallyAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(double) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.statistic.TimeSeriesAnimation
Add a value to statistical object.
- update(double, long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.Statistic
add a new point to the time/observation series.
- update(Color, Color) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
Update of GraficGrafic
called by BackgroundElement.setData and
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
update of ResourceGrafic content.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
update of ListGrafic content.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
update of ProcessGrafic content.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
update of ProcessNewGrafic content.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
update of ResourceGrafic content.
- update(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
update entities on route
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
updates the StatisticGrafic Instance.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
update of ResourceGrafic content.
- update() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
update of ResourceGrafic content.
- updateDynamic(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- updateDynamic(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- updateEntityPositions(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteDynamicComponent
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundElementGrafic
called by ViewGrafic.updateInit
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BackgroundLineGrafic
called by ViewGrafic.updateInit
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.BinGrafic
Initialize resource panel
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.EntityGrafic
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ListGrafic
- updateInit(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessGrafic
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ProcessNewGrafic
initialize process- and line-panel
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ResourceGrafic
Initialize resource panel
- updateInit(Model, String, long) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.RouteGrafic
called by ViewGrafic by view or zoom change
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StationGrafic
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StatisticGrafic
Put all StatisticGrafic instances into panel.
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.StockGrafic
Initialize resource panel
- updateInit(long) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- updateInit(Model, String, JComponent) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
Initialize WaitingQueue panel
- updatePlotter() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.TimeSeriesPlotter
This method updates the chart.
- updateSimulationTime(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
repaint SimulationTime
- updateSimulationTimeBounds(boolean) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
repaint SimulationTimeBounds
- URLTreePanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui
Construct a tree with a root that has each experiment as a child.
- URLTreePanel() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.ui.URLTreePanel
Creates a new URLTreePanel
- value(double) - Method in interface desmoj.core.dist.Function
Method to compute the function value out of the given input value.
- value() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
When using the Pull-Model or the automatic update function this method
must be overridden by the user in a way that it provides the value (as a
) desired.
- value() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClockAlpha
- VALUE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
In some parameters the value have some parts (e.g. coordinates).
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.CoroutineModel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter.ParameterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased.QueueAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage.DistributionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.CoroutineModel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.Parameter.ParameterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased.QueueAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum desmoj.extensions.crossbar.CrossbarMessage.DistributionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- ValueStatistics - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
class is the super class for all the
classes providing a statistic analysis about one value (e.g. minimum and
maximum values).
- ValueStatistics(Model, String, ValueSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Constructor for a ValueStatistics object that will be connected to a
- ValueStatistics(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueStatistics
Constructor for a ValueStatistics object that has NO connection to a
- ValueSupplier - Class in desmoj.core.statistic
Supplies observers with values of their interest.
- ValueSupplier(String) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.statistic.ValueSupplier
Constructs a simple valuesupplier by giving it a name.
- VELOCITY_KEY - Static variable in interface desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.Cmd
Name of velocity- parameter and attribute of an entity.
- VerticalLabelUI - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util
package to rotate a label from horizontal to vertical
- VerticalLabelUI(boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.util.VerticalLabelUI
- ViewerApplet - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Applet zum Animieren von Simulationen
siehe auch animation.viewer.ViewerFrame und animation.viewer.ViewerPanel
"cmdsUrl", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of commands file"
"simulationIconDir", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of simulationIconDir"
"locale", "Sprachsteuerung fuer die Anwendung"
- ViewerApplet() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerApplet
- ViewerButtonApplet - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Applet zum Animieren von Simulationen
siehe auch animation.viewer.ViewerFrame und animation.viewer.ViewerPanel
"cmdsUrl", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of commands file"
"simulationIconDir", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of simulationIconDir"
"locale", "Sprachsteuerung fuer die Anwendung"
"title", "Beschriftung des Button"
"buttonColor", "Button-Farbe in red|green|blue Notation"
"viewerRectangle", "ViewerRectangle in x|y|width|height Notation"
- ViewerButtonApplet() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerButtonApplet
- ViewerFrame - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Swing-application to animate a simulation
changed 2014-03-05 by Christian M�ller, TH Wildau; added method: waitOnClose()
- ViewerFrame(URL, URL, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerFrame
starts viewer application
the call must have the form:
v = new ViewerFrame(cmdFile, imagePath);
v.setLocation(0, 0);
v.setSize(800, 500);
v.getViewerPanel().setDefaultPath(PATH_DATA, PATH_DATA);
- ViewerFrame(URL, URL, URL, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerFrame
starts viewer application
the call must have the form:
v = new ViewerFrame(cmdFile, imagePath);
v.setLocation(0, 0);
v.setSize(800, 500);
v.getViewerPanel().setDefaultPath(PATH_DATA, PATH_DATA);
- ViewerPanel - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer
Swing-Panel to animate a simulation.
- ViewerPanel(URL, URL, AppletContext, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
starts viewer application
- ViewerPanel(URL, URL, URL, AppletContext, Locale) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerPanel
starts viewer application
- ViewGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
The Viewer contains TabedPane with different views.
- ViewGrafic(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ViewGrafic
- VisibleObject - Interface in desmoj.extensions.space3D
This interface defines the methods for objects which should be visualized.
- VisualEvent - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This is the basic class for all the events which indicate the changing of the spatial attributes.
- VisualEvent(Object, String, TimeInstant) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEvent
Constructs a VisualEvent.
- VisualEventListener - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This is the basic listener interface for all the VisualEvents
- visualEventReceived(VisualEvent) - Method in interface desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventListener
Invoked when a VisualEvent occurred.
- visualEventReceived(VisualEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
- VisualEventTransmitter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualEvents
This class is responsible for firing the SpatialEvents.
- VisualEventTransmitter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualEvents.VisualEventTransmitter
- VisualizationClock - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
A clock who provides the modified time value for the
VisualModules controlled by the VisualizationControl.
- VisualizationClock() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClock
Constructs a new ViaualizationClock with speed rate of 1.
- VisualizationClockAlpha - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This Alpha uses the VisualizationClock instead of the system clock for
speed control.
- VisualizationClockAlpha(long) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationClockAlpha
Constructs an VisualizationClockAlpha object with specified duration.
- VisualizationControl - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This class provides the central control unit for the spatial visualization.
- VisualizationControl() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization3d.VisualizationControl
Constructs a VisualControl.
- VisualModule - Interface in desmoj.extensions.visualization3d
This is the interface every visualization module should implement.
- waitCancel(P) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Removes the given SimProcess from the Queue.
- waitForMessage() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
Wait for a
on this channel, thereby passivating
the current process.
- waitForMessage(TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
Wait for a
on this channel, thereby passivating
the current process.
- waitForMessage(TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageChannel
Wait for a
on this channel, thereby passivating
the current process.
- waitForMessage(List<MessageChannel<T>>) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Wait for a
on the specified message channels,
thereby passivating the current process.
- waitForMessage(List<MessageChannel<T>>, TimeInstant) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Wait for a
on the specified message channels,
thereby passivating the current process.
- waitForMessage(List<MessageChannel<T>>, TimeSpan) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.crossbar.MessageCrossbar
Wait for a
on the specified message channels,
thereby passivating the current process.
- WaitingQueue - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model
Waiting Queue for master slave cooperation
- WaitingQueue(Model, String) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model.WaitingQueue
- WaitingQueueGrafic - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Grafic of WaitingQueue
- WaitingQueueGrafic(WaitingQueue, String, Point, String, int, boolean, Dimension) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WaitingQueueGrafic
- waitOnClose() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.viewer.ViewerFrame
stops the thread, until ViewerFrame is closed
- waitOnCoop() - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
This method is called from a SimProcess which wants to cooperate as a
- waitOnCoop() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is inherited from the class
and will
be overwritten here to use the more suitable method
- waitOnCoop() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
This method is called from a SimProcessAnimation which wants to
cooperate as a slave.
- waitOnLoading() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method must be used by an internal transporter if he wants to be
loaded by this crane.
- waitOnProcessing() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
This method is called from a sim-process (part or product) which wants to
be processed at this WorkStation as a slave.
- waitOnTransport() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportJunction
This method is called from a sim-process which wants to be transported as
a slave.
- waitOnTransport() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.TransportTerminal
This method is called from a sim-process which wants to be transported as
a slave.
- waitOnUnloading() - Method in class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Crane
This method must be used by an internal transporter if he wants to be
unloaded by this crane.
- WaitQueue<M extends SimProcess,S extends SimProcess> - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures
The WaitQueue is used to synchronize the cooperation of two processes.
- WaitQueue(Model, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Constructor for a WaitQueue.
- WaitQueue(Model, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueue
Constructor for a WaitQueue.
- WaitQueueAnimation - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures
Animation of a WaitQueue
- WaitQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
Constructor with same parameters as WaitQueue
- WaitQueueAnimation(ModelAnimation, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.WaitQueueAnimation
Constructor with same parameters as WaitQueue
- WaitQueueReporter - Class in desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- WaitQueueReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.report.WaitQueueReporter
Constructor for a new WaitQueueReporter.
- waitUntil(Condition<P>) - Method in class desmoj.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueue
Lets the current process wait in the CondQueue until a certain condition,
given as a parameter, has become true.
- waitUntil(Condition, SimProcessAnimation) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.core.advancedModellingFeatures.CondQueueAnimation
e wird in die CondQueue eingefuegt und wieder entfernt wenn cond erfuellt ist.
- weekend - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WindowClosingAdapter
- WindowClosingAdapter - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Adapter to close a Frame
- WindowClosingAdapter(boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WindowClosingAdapter
- WindowClosingAdapter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.WindowClosingAdapter
- Worker - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A Worker represents any kind of human worker who is working at some
and processing parts (products or goods) there.
- Worker(Model, String, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.Worker
A standard constructor for a Worker needs a model he belongs to, a name
and a flag stating if trace messages of this Worker should be displayed
in the trace file.
- workingDays - Static variable in class desmoj.extensions.scheduling.EntitySchedule
- WorkStation - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production
A WorkStation is the place, where products (parts) are processed by a machine
or parts are assembled by a worker or machine.
- WorkStation(Model, String, PartsList, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Constructor for a WorkStation.
- WorkStation(Model, String, PartsList, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.WorkStation
Constructor for a WorkStation.
- WorkStationReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report
Captures all relevant information about the
- WorkStationReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.production.report.WorkStationReporter
Constructor for a new WorkStationReporter.
- write(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Writes the given String to the open file.
- write(Command) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.animation.CmdGeneration
write a command in CommandFrame.writeCmdBuffer.
- write(Command) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.CommandSequence
Write a command on internal writeCmdBuffer
- write(Command) - Method in class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command.WriteCmds
write a command in CommandFrame.writeCmdBuffer.
- WriteBsp0 - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine
Test-Application for writer testing.
- WriteBsp0(URL) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.WriteBsp0
- WriteBspArztPraxis0 - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine
Test-Application for writer testing.
- WriteBspArztPraxis0(URL) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.WriteBspArztPraxis0
- writeCell(String, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes the given string followed by a separator character
- writeCell(String, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Creates a new table cell and writes the given String into that cell.
- writeCell(String, int) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Creates a new table cell and writes the given String into that cell.
- writeCell(String, int) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should write the given string into a new table cell
- WriteCmds - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.command
Basic methods for cmds-file generation
- writeColoredCell(Color) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Creates a new table cell with the specified color.
- writeDrawingScript(Canvas) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.JavaScriptFormatter
- writeHeading(int, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes the given heading enclosed in asterisks followed by a newline
- writeHeading(int, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Creates a newcentered heading row to print a title in.
- writeHeading(int, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Creates a newcentered heading row to print a title in.
- writeHeading(int, String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should write the given heading of size i into a new table cell
- writeHeadingCell(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes a heading cell.
- writeHeadingCell(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Creates a new table cell and writes the given String into that cell as
heading cells in bold letters and with centered text.
- writeHeadingCell(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Creates a new table cell and writes the given String into that cell as
heading cells in bold letters and with centered text.
- writeHeadingCell(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should write the given heading of default size into a new table cell
- writeHorizontalRuler() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.ASCIITableFormatter
Writes a line of asterisks and a newline.
- writeHorizontalRuler() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableChartFormatter
Inserts a reference to the top page and writes the HTML tag for inserting a horizontal ruler into the file.
- writeHorizontalRuler() - Method in class desmoj.core.report.HTMLTableFormatter
Writes the HTML tag for inserting a horizontal ruler into the file.
- writeHorizontalRuler() - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Writes a horizontal ruler
- writeln(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Writes the given String to the open file, adding a line separator to the
end of the String written.
- writeNode(Node, FileOutputStream) - Static method in class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
Writes a DOM node (and all its ancestors) to the given output stream
- writeReport(Model, String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Triggers the reporters of the given model or submodel to write their
report data into the report output registered at the experiment's
- writeReport(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.Experiment
Triggers the reporters to write their data into the report output
registered at the experiment's messagemanager.
- writeSep(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.FileOutput
Writes the given String to the open file, adding a separator to the end
of the String written.
- writeTime(String) - Method in class desmoj.core.report.AbstractTableFormatter
Returns a formatted time string
- writeTime(String) - Method in interface desmoj.core.report.TableFormatter
Should format the given time String and write it into a cell
- xIsConstant() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
when the x-values are constant.
- XMLFilter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
- XMLFilter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XMLFilter
- XMLHelper - Class in desmoj.extensions.xml.util
A utility class providing several static methods to handle DOM documents.
- XMLHelper() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.xml.util.XMLHelper
- XMLOutput - Class in desmoj.extensions.xml.report
Class to receive information from reporters and create an xml file out of it.
- XMLOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLOutput
- XMLReportOutput - Class in desmoj.extensions.xml.report
Class to receive information from reporters and create an xml file out of it.
- XMLReportOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLReportOutput
Create a new XMLReportOutput class *
- XMLTraceOutput - Class in desmoj.extensions.xml.report
Use this class to produce simulation traces in xml-format.
- XMLTraceOutput() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.xml.report.XMLTraceOutput
create a new XMLTraceOutput class *
- XSLFilter - Class in desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util
- XSLFilter() - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.experimentation.util.XSLFilter
- Yard - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour
Yard is the place where containers (or other kind of goods) can be stored by
transpoters or cranes and retrieved by transporters or cranes.
- Yard(Model, String, ChooseBlockYardStrategy, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.Yard
Constructor for a Yard.
- YardReporter - Class in desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report
Captures all relevant information about the Yard.
- YardReporter(Reportable) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.applicationDomains.harbour.report.YardReporter
Constructor for a new YardReporter.
- yIsConstant() - Method in class desmoj.core.statistic.Regression
when the y-values are constant.
- zeroWaits() - Method in class desmoj.core.simulator.QueueBased
Returns the number of objects that have passed through the queue without spending time waiting.
- ZoomEntry(String, boolean, double, Point, Rectangle) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ModelGrafic.ZoomEntry
- ZoomMarker - Class in desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic
Class to paint a marker at zoom center.
- ZoomMarker(Model, String, Point) - Constructor for class desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.modelGrafic.ZoomMarker