See: Description
Class | Description |
AboutEngineDialog |
Generate HelpDialog about SimulationEngine
AboutModelDialog |
Generate HelpDialog about simulation model
ButtonTabComponent |
Component to be used as tabComponent;
Contains a JLabel to show the text and
a JButton to close the tab it belongs to
used in InfoPane
Click |
ActionHandler to open a browser with given URL
CmdsFileFilter |
FileFilter for cmds-fils, used in file-open-menu
CoordinatenListener |
Der Listener wertet MouseMotionEvents aus und schreibt
die Mouseposition in die Statuszeile von viewerPanel.
DesmoJ_Info |
Diese Klasse stellt DesmoJ- Versions und Lizenzdaten bereit.
HelpDialog |
Generate HelpDialog for offline help
HelpDialogTemplate |
Superclass of all HelpDialogs
IconDirFilter |
DirectoryFilter for Icon Directories, used in Icons -menu
InfoPane |
Internal window in viewer application to show attributes of entities
LanguageSupport | |
SimulationThread |
SimulationThread runs run-part of cmds-file and is started from
Viewer.fileReset() after run init-part of cmds-file.
SimulationTime |
The simulationtime is allways computed from real system-time.
SnapShotDirFilter |
DirectoryFilter for Icon Directories, used in Icons-menu
ViewerApplet |
Applet zum Animieren von Simulationen
siehe auch animation.viewer.ViewerFrame und animation.viewer.ViewerPanel Parameter: "cmdsUrl", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of commands file" "simulationIconDir", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of simulationIconDir" "locale", "Sprachsteuerung fuer die Anwendung" |
ViewerButtonApplet |
Applet zum Animieren von Simulationen
siehe auch animation.viewer.ViewerFrame und animation.viewer.ViewerPanel Parameter: "cmdsUrl", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of commands file" "simulationIconDir", "URL", "absolute oder relative URL of simulationIconDir" "locale", "Sprachsteuerung fuer die Anwendung" "title", "Beschriftung des Button" "buttonColor", "Button-Farbe in red|green|blue Notation" "viewerRectangle", "ViewerRectangle in x|y|width|height Notation" |
ViewerFrame |
Swing-application to animate a simulation
changed 2014-03-05 by Christian M�ller, TH Wildau; added method: waitOnClose()
ViewerPanel |
Swing-Panel to animate a simulation.