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Package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model

Properties of Entities, EntityTypes, Lists, Processes, Stations and Routes... required for 2D animation.

See: Description

Package desmoj.extensions.visualization2d.engine.model Description

Properties of Entities, EntityTypes, Lists, Processes, Stations and Routes... required for 2D animation. The classes in this package describes only the logical properties, on example: which entities are in a list, or which attributes has an entity). The graphical properties are stored in the package engine.modelGrafic. All classes except Attribute, Model and ModelException implements the interface animation.orga.ClassBasic. The classes with a graphical representation implements the interface engine.model.Basic, too. The class Model manages all properties of the animated model (simulation-time, ect.) Model has also create- and set-methods for all Entities, Lists, ect. So, engine.command.Command.execute must only work with methods from Model.
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