Processes Step by Step


The Model Trace


We will take a short look at the trace file now, because this file will let you gain a good insight of the model's behaviour. It shows how the processes in our model interact and how they become activated by the DESMO-J scheduler.

The trace file starts with messages showing that recording the trace and debug output is started. Then the two van carriers start their life cycle by inserting themselves into the idle VC queue and then passivating, since there are no trucks waiting yet. After this, it's the turn for the truck generator (named TruckArrival) to activate the first truck. This truck requests the service of Van Carrier#1 (the first in line inside the idleVCQueue) and then passivates itself (remember that trucks are modelled as passive customers whereas the van carriers are the active servers during their joint activity of loading a container). Van Carrier#1 regains control, removes Truck#1 from the queue and then holds for the period of simulation time it takes to service the truck. The next thing happening in our model is the arrival of another truck at simulation time 0.9500. This truck is serviced by the second van carrier until simulation time 7.3875.

In the meantime, the third truck arrives at the terminal (at 1.0507) and the service of the first truck is finished (at 3.1711) which results in Van Carrier#1 moving on to load the newly arrived Truck#3 and Truck#1 terminating (leaving the system).


ProcessesExampleExperiment - Trace

0.0000--------Trace switched on
Debug switched on
activates 'Van Carrier#1' now
activates 'Van Carrier#2' now
Van Carrier#1inserts itself into 'idle VC Queue'
Van Carrier#2inserts itself into 'idle VC Queue'
TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#1' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#1TruckQueuelength: 1
removes Van Carrier#1 from 'idle VC Queue'
activates 'Van Carrier#1' after 'Truck#1'
Van Carrier#1removes Truck#1 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 3.1666 until 3.1666
0.9500 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#2' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#2TruckQueuelength: 1
removes Van Carrier#2 from 'idle VC Queue'
activates 'Van Carrier#2' after 'Truck#2'
Van Carrier#2removes Truck#2 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.4166 until 7.3666
1.0333 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#3' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#3TruckQueuelength: 1
3.1666 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#1' now
removes Truck#3 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 5.3333 until 8.5000
Truck#1Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#1 terminates

Later on, a number of trucks arrive in short succession while both van carriers are busy, resulting in the queue of waiting trucks starting to build up. But as the report has already proven, they are able to decrease the queue again.

13.5666 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#4' now
removes Truck#7 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.2666 until 19.8333
Truck#4Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#4 terminates
13.7166 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#8' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#8TruckQueuelength: 1
15.6166 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#9' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#9TruckQueuelength: 2
15.8666 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#10' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#10TruckQueuelength: 3
17.0666 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#6' now
removes Truck#8 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 4.6333 until 21.7000
Truck#6Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#6 terminates
19.7333 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#11' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#11TruckQueuelength: 3
19.8333 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#7' now
removes Truck#9 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 4.5500 until 24.3833
Truck#7Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#7 terminates
20.1000 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#12' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#12TruckQueuelength: 3
20.6500 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#13' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#13TruckQueuelength: 4
21.7000 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#8' now
removes Truck#10 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 4.4666 until 26.1666
Truck#8Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#8 terminates
21.8000 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#14' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#14TruckQueuelength: 4
22.6333 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#15' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#15TruckQueuelength: 5
24.3833 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#9' now
removes Truck#11 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 3.3333 until 27.7166
Truck#9Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#9 terminates
26.1666 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#10' now
removes Truck#12 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 5.3500 until 31.5166
Truck#10Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#10 terminates
27.6666 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#16' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#16TruckQueuelength: 4
27.7166 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#11' now
removes Truck#13 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 4.6666 until 32.3833
Truck#11Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#11 terminates
31.5166 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#12' now
removes Truck#14 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.4333 until 37.9500
TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#17' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#17TruckQueuelength: 3
Truck#12Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#12 terminates
32.2833 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#18' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#18TruckQueuelength: 4
32.3833 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#13' now
removes Truck#15 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 3.0000 until 35.3833
Truck#13Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#13 terminates
35.2666 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#19' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#19TruckQueuelength: 4
35.3833 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#15' now
removes Truck#16 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.4166 until 41.8000
Truck#15Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#15 terminates
37.9500 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#14' now
removes Truck#17 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.9000 until 44.8500
Truck#14Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#14 terminates
41.8000 Van Carrier#2activates 'Truck#16' now
removes Truck#18 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.0666 until 47.8666
Truck#16Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#16 terminates
44.8500 Van Carrier#1activates 'Truck#17' now
removes Truck#19 from 'Truck Queue'
holds for 6.6833 until 51.5333
Truck#17Truck was serviced and leaves system.
Truck#17 terminates
46.7000 TruckArrival#1activates 'Truck#20' after 'TruckArrival#1'
Truck#20TruckQueuelength: 1