Processes Step by Step

Model Design

Identification of Relevant Entities (Dynamic Model Components)


A process-based model design takes an object-oriented perspective, identifying the relevant entities, their properties and behaviours. All activities "owned" by an entity are grouped into a process, which can then be viewed as that entity's "life cycle". Model time passes during such active entities' active phases; i.e. whenever a time delay is encountered.

Lifecyles are described from the modelled entities' own perspectives. This includes all relevant activities, the sequence in which they occur, and their relationship to other entities in the model. We recommend using UML activity diagrams to specify life cycles.

  The first step in designing our model of the truck loading zone of a container terminal is to identify the relevant entities. So now it's your turn: Try to find out which types of active entities there are and write them down. You may revisit the model description to do this, if you need.