Events Step by Step




Congratulations! You have completed your first event-oriented simulation with DESMO-J.

There are many more aspects to DESMO-J like using statistical data collectors or advanced model components, or applying other modelling styles. These are covered in other sections of this tutorial. But with completing this section, you've learned which necessary steps to take to get a (event-oriented) DESMO-J model up and running.

Let us briefly summarise what we've done in this section of the tutorial:

  1. We've started with designing a conceptual model of a system found in the "real" world and identified the relevant entities and events.
  2. Then we've implemented our model class. Starting with the static model components (queues, distributions...) we've worked our way through the constructor, the description(), init() and the doInitialSchedules() methods. Last but not least, we've implemented a main() method to be able to run our model.
  3. We've then implemented the entities and events, which includes defining the model's behaviour in the eventRoutine() methods.
  4. Finally, we've run the model and taken a look at the results. We've also changed our model slightly (varied a model parameter) in order to optimise the queueing system's throughput.